The Tiger Times
Lewistown Elementary School Newsletter, June 3rd Edition
Here Comes Summer Break....
Hello Lewistown Families,
It's hard to believe we are winding down the 23-24 school year this week with our students' LAST DAY of school being Friday, June 7th. Please note: Students will dismiss 2 hours early on Friday. Encourage your students to visit our Lost and Found for one final check before the close of the school year.
We are so proud of the many ways that our students have grown this year as they have achieved significant academic feats, worked cooperatively with one another, and developed essential social and emotional skills for positive peer relationships. As we send them off on summer break this year, know that we are already planning for a successful start to the coming school year and will look forward to welcoming our Tigers back in August.
Each of our students will be bringing home an LES Summer Learning Bookmark with optional summer learning opportunities/activities . It's linked here for your reference: LES Summer Learning Bookmark
Stay tuned later in the summer for a mailing to include Back to School information.
In the meantime, you can reach us during our summer office hours (Monday through Thursday generally between 7:30 and 3:30).
Open House at LES will be on Monday, August 19th
First day of school for the 24-24 SY is August 21st
Wishing you a safe and fun-filled summer of adventures and meaningful time together. Thank you for your support of our school community this year. We appreciate our amazing families at LES!
Warm Regards,
Melissa Burton - Principal
From our Health Room Staff
If your child has medication in the LES health room it must be picked up by Friday, June 7th. Please reference link below for the coming school year.
Summer Athletic Camp in Catoctin Feeder
Field Day Fun at LES
We want to extend a HUGE thank you to all of the volunteers and staff who helped to make Field Day 2024 a tremendous success. Mr. Swope planned a fantastic day for our student body and it was a day of great exercise, cooperative play, excellent sportsmanship, and so much fun.
Bell Time Changes
Just a reminder as you are planning for the coming school year!
In recent years, Frederick County Public Schools has been the fastest growing school district by student population in the state. More families are choosing Frederick County as the place to raise their families, and we have taken great pride in welcoming new students.
We have also taken great pride in being able to safely transport students to and from school every day through the efforts of our FCPS Transportation team, which is committed to getting students to school and home, every day, on time.
During the 2024-25 school year, the FCPS Transportation team needs to make adjustments in order to continue the reliable service families have relied on for generations. This will result in bell times changing at Lewistown Elementary during the 2024-25 school year.
Next year, the school day will begin at 9:15 a.m. and conclude at 3:45 p.m. Arrival time in the morning will be between 8:45 and 9:15 and dismissal will begin at 3:45 daily. This represents a 30-minute change from our current schedule and we acknowledge this will be an adjustment for families, for staff, and for our school community.
This change is necessary to support the growth of our community, provide more reliable arrival and dismissal times, and utilize our bus fleet most effectively to support routes in our area of the county.
We hope that by providing as much notice as possible, it will provide our families with the time to plan for this upcoming change that will take effect in the 24-25 school year.
Spring Showcase - Thank you Ms. Korrell and Mr. Shippee
FCPS Phone Number Changes
Beginning on July 1, 2024, Lewistown Elementary’s phone number will be changing as all of FCPS transitions to a new telecommunications system.
The phone number change is necessary for two primary reasons: (1) The current telecommunications system is being modernized to allow more system functionality and reduce maintenance and service costs; and (2) the phone number change allows for the standardization of FCPS phone numbers with a common area code and initial three digits for all schools.
Lewistown Elementary’s new phone number for the main office will be (227)-203-1620.
School based staff can be reached by calling the school’s main number and choosing the appropriate option from the call menu or by dialing a staff member’s extension at any time:
Front Office
Counseling Office
Health Room
Lewistown Elementary has been preparing for this change by ensuring that we are updating all contact information on the school website, school messaging and other school documents. We are committed to making this transition with a minimal impact on school communications.
1 de mayo - Anuncio a la comunidad escolar: cambios de números de teléfono
A partir del 1 de julio de 2024, el número de teléfono de Lewistown Elementary cambiará como parte de la transición a un sistema nuevo de comunicaciones a través de todo FCPS.
El cambio de números de teléfono es necesario por dos razones principales: (1) El sistema actual de comunicaciones se está modernizando para permitir una mejor funcionalidad del sistema y reducir los costos de mantenimiento y servicio; y (2) el cambio de los números de teléfono permitirá la uniformar los números de teléfono de FCPS con un código de área común y tres dígitos iniciales para todas las escuelas.
El nuevo número de teléfono de la oficina principal de Lewistown Elementary’s será (227)-203-1620.
Puede contactar al personal de la escuela llamando al número principal de la escuela y eligiendo la opción apropiada del menú de llamadas o marcando la extensión de un miembro del personal en cualquier momento:
Oficina Principal
Oficina de Asistencia
Oficina de Consejería
Sala de Salud
Lewistown Elementary se ha estado preparando para este cambio asegurándose de actualizar toda la información de contacto en el sitio web de la escuela, los mensajes escolares y otros documentos escolares. Estamos comprometidos a realizar esta transición con un impacto mínimo en las comunicaciones escolares.
🗓 Important Dates
June 7th - Last Day of school for students - 2 hour early dismissal.
First Day of School for Students for the 24-25 SY - August 21st
FCPS News - Pre K Applications
FCPS is Now Accepting Pre-K Applications!
Applications for all residents of Frederick County are now open for students who will be 3, or 4 years old by September 1, 2024. For information about income eligibility criteria and programs offered, please visit our website at https://www.fcps.org/ece/pre-k-application
Families may apply online via the enrollment portal. Click here for English or click here for Spanish. Those unable to complete an online application may download an official FCPS enrollment form and return via PreKEnrollment@fcps.org. Enrollment Form Template: English | Spanish.
Please ensure all applications contain proof of residency, proof of birth, and proof of Total Household Income.
¡FCPS ya está aceptando solicitudes para el pre-jardín (pre-kínder)! Las solicitudes para todos los residentes del condado de Frederick ya están abiertas para los estudiantes que tengan 3 o 4 años de edad antes del 1ro de septiembre de 2024. Para obtener información sobre los criterios de elegibilidad de ingresos y los programas ofrecidos, visite nuestro sitio web en https://www.fcps.org/ece/pre-k-application Las familias pueden presentar su solicitud en línea a través del portal de inscripción. Haga clic aquí para inglés o haga clic aquí para español. Aquellos que no puedan completar una solicitud en línea pueden descargar el formulario oficial de inscripción de FCPS y enviarlo por correo electrónico a PreKEnrollment@fcps.org. Formulario de inscripción: English | Spanish. Asegúrese de que todas las solicitudes contengan comprobante de residencia, comprobante de nacimiento y comprobante de ingresos totales del hogar.
Lewistown Elementary School Vision
The Lewistown Elementary School Learning Community will strive to promote academic success in order to reach our full potential and strengthen our future. Everyone’s unique qualities will be celebrated and valued, and together we will Learn, Excel, and Succeed.
Lewistown Elementary School
Website: https://edu.fcps.org/les/home
Phone: 240 236 3750
Principal- Melissa Burton
Spec. Ed Coordinator- Hannah Zebroski
Secretary- Megan Doll
Counselor- Joan Musselman
Families send all attendance notes: LEW.Attendance@fcps.org