Para leer este boletín en otro idioma, haga clic en "Abrir este correo electrónico en un navegador" en la parte superior del correo electrónico, o en la palabra traducir, y elija su idioma en el menú desplegable.
Mark your calendars for these important dates!
- 10/14 Columbus Day - No school
- 10/23 Early Release Day at 1pm
- 11/25 & 11/26 Parent Teacher Conferences (See below for times)
Picture retakes are tomorrow
If you ordered a picture packet and want your student to get a retake, please return the ENTIRE packet to school with your student tomorrow so it can be turned in to the photographer.
Note from the office:
If your student forgets their chromebook at home no worries they will be able to borrow one from the tech dept. for the day. Also if they have forgotten gym clothes they are able to borrow a nice clean set from the PE dept. No need for you to drop off these items.
If you do have an item to drop off for your child, please use the box in the entry way and please be sure to write name & grade on a post-it note provided in the box. We will do our best to get it to your child.
As we enter the Fall season, there are many tasty drinks to enjoy. Please enjoy these drinks outside of school hours as water is the only drink allowed within our classrooms. If students bring in other beverages, they will be asked to throw them away.
Halloween Costumes Reminders:
Students are allowed to dress up in costumes on Thursday, 10/31 for Halloween.
Please note: Students who come to school in costumes that are violent in nature, inappropriately revealing, or culturally offensive will be asked to change into regular clothing. Students may not wear masks or paint their entire face. NO WEAPONS of any kind, even if they are plastic and no inflatable costumes will be allowed. The Lundahl Middle School administration reserves the right to ask students to change if a costume is deemed inappropriate for the school environment. Please check with an administrator if you have any questions.
Note from the Nurse:
Now that the school year is in full swing I would like to remind families of the importance of parent and emergency contact information. Accidents, injuries and illness happen, and it is imperative that we have correct parent phone numbers and that the voicemail is able to accept messages. In addition, please check your student’s emergency contacts in ParentVue (Student Info tab) and verify that these individuals are available during the school day to help out if necessary. It is ideal to have at least 1 person other than parents listed for us to contact if needed. After reviewing your student’s information, if you need to change or add anything please reach out to the main office at 815-788-5450 and we can assist you. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences for all grade levels will be held in person during November on the following dates:
Monday, November 25, 2024 8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday, November 26, 2024 8:00 am - 11:00 am
Please be on the lookout for a communication from your child’s school/teacher with more information.
7th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip Enrollment Information
7th Graders, are you interested in going to Washington, D.C. in October 2025?
We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. There is an enrollment meeting on October 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the Lower Gym. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity: https://rsvp.efexploreamerica.com/ncmnfs9
If you have any questions, please e-mail Jeni Preski at jlpreski@d47.org
A BIG Thank You for your support!
All of our awesome LMS families helped to fundraise close to $395 for Portillo’s and Guzman y Gomez dine out nights! This is a quick and easy way to help our school raise money for the PTO so we can continue to provide our students and staff with things they need throughout the school year!
Also thank you to all who purchased MUMS, we were able to raise close to $500!
**Save the Date - Lundahl PTO Dine & Share**
On Wednesday, October 9th the delicious and generous Lou Malnati's Pizzeria (8515 Redtail Dr.) is donating back 20% of Dine-In, Takeout & Delivery orders to support a great cause -- Lundahl Parent Teacher Organization!
We ask that you RSVP here: https://grouprai.se/e287467 (even if you’re not completely sure) so Lou Malnati's Pizzeria knows roughly how many orders to expect & so you have access to all the event details. We hope you can make it, and please feel free to forward this invitation to your friends and family. Thanks in advance for your support!
Our First PTO Activity Night is coming!
October 18th from 6 to 8pm. This is a drop off only event. $3 at the door and $1 to join the tournaments. Snacks and drinks will be available for purchase. We need at minimum 10 volunteers. Please sign up below! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D4FA5A922A7FE3-51848121-oct18th
Like Us, Follow Us, Join Us
Want to stay in the know? Be sure to follow us on:
- Facebook: Lundahl Middle School PTO Page
- Join the PTO Remind group to stay up to date with events and volunteer opportunities. Text @lmspto23 to 81010 or search for class lmspto23 in the Remind app to join our group.
For any questions please email us at lmspto@d47.org
Some of the things that PTO helps to support throughout the school year are: whole grade field trips for each grade, sport uniforms, teacher appreciation week and meals during conferences, teacher pop ups, whole school musical field trips and field trips for our clubs, honor night awards, LMS musical supplies and props and more!
As new clubs begin, they will be added to our Clubs & Activities page on our website. We encourage parents and students to also check our Daily Announcements, which are posted on our website each day, to see what clubs are starting up soon.
We love having spectators to cheer on our teams and invite our students to stay for the games after school hours. Please talk with your children about the following expectations if they are attending any after-school events/game:
They are expected to stay in the building and gym for the entire duration of the event until their ride is there to pick them up
They are expected to follow school expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible.
They are expected to show appropriate spectator behaviors: cheering at appropriate times, paying attention to the event, and showing respect to both teams at the event
If these expectations are not followed, they will be asked to leave the event and may have additional consequences or impact their ability to attend future events.
Fox Valley Conference Volleyball Tournament
This Saturday LMS is hosting the Fox Valley Conference Volleyball Tournament for 7th grade. We are looking for help running the concession stand. Select this link to sign up for any time slots you may be available. We appreciate your help!
City-League Basketball
This Thursday, 10/10 there is an informational meeting for 7th and 8th grade boys at 2:30pm in Mr. Bressett's room. City-league basketball has practice twice a week and Saturday morning games. This is a no-cut sport.
Click here to find out what will be on the breakfast or lunch menu for your middle school.
Peachjar E-Flyers
To view your school's Peachjar E-Flyers, click here. For more information about Peachjar or to learn about community events and activities, visit our website.
Download the D47 App!
Easily access district and school calendars, menus, and receive important notifications by downloading the District 47 app on your phone.
Elevate Award
Middle School Connections Support Group For ages 11 to 14
Tackle the challenges of everyday life and mental health. This support group is co-led by a licensed clinical psychologist from Ascension and a NAMI Recovery Support Specialist. Every Fourth Monday Monthly - 4:30-6:00pm. Address 620 Dakota St. Crystal Lake Il 60012. RSVP to email help@namimch.org. Questions: 815-421-9459
Family Assistance 2024-2025
Does your family need assistance with things like school supplies, clothing or information regarding community services? If so, please complete the form below:
Nominate an outstanding D47 Educator for an ISBE Teacher of the Year Award
Take five minutes to join the Illinois State Board of Education in recognizing the incredible people involved in Illinois schools -- from teachers, to principals, to coaches, to counselors, to paraprofessionals, to school board members, and many more. ISBE will use submissions for the Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year Awards, RISE Awards, and other educator recognition opportunities. Click here for the nomination form. Deadline is Oct 15.