Mission Elementary
Riding the Wave of Excellence!
December 3, 2023
Dear Mission Families,
Exciting News! Our goal is always to achieve 100% student attendance, and we're thrilled to share that, over the past three months, we've consistently surpassed the 90% mark. Your commitment to bringing students to school every day and ensuring arriving on time has significantly contributed to this success. We understand that December can be a busy month with family traditions and celebrations, and we appreciate your continued support in maintaining strong attendance. To make it even more fun, we've organized an Attendance Spirit Week with dress-up days. Check out the details in the Community Connections section of this newsletter, starting with Monday's "Backwards Day"! Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and dedication to your child's education.
This week marks the start of the iReady Assessments for our students. Attendance is crucial, so we urge students to be present every day and to bring their charged devices along with the charger. We want to emphasize the importance of giving their best effort during the iReady Reading and Math assessments. Encourage them to approach each question thoughtfully, as this will undoubtedly showcase their true capabilities. Thank you for your support in ensuring a successful assessment period for our students.
Exciting December Events! Join us for our annual gatherings: The 4th and 5th Grade Music Concert is set for Monday, December 18, from 9:00-9:45 am. Additionally, the First Grade Reindeer Chorus will perform on Tuesday, December 19, from 5:30-6:30 pm. Join us if you have children in these grade levels. We look forward to celebrating the festive season with you!
A heartfelt thank you to the parents who accompanied our third-grade classes to the Oceanside Museum of Art this past week. Your time and support are truly invaluable!
Join us for our PTO meeting this Tuesday, December 5, at 5:00 pm. We'll be discussing exciting upcoming events. All parents are invited to attend—your participation makes a significant impact in fostering family engagement.
Parents of Multilingual Learners are all invited to attend our ELAC meeting this Wednesday, December 6 at 6:00pm.
Our Winter Recess is scheduled from Thursday, December 21-Friday January 5. Classes will resume on Monday, January 8th.
Ms. Martinez and Ms. Akao
PTO News
Everyone is invited to attend PTO meetings. Join us in helping us plan fun and engaging activities for our Mission Students!
When? Tuesday, December 5
Time: 5:00pm
Where? Room 24
Free Books for Our School and Community
Please help our school and community receive free books by completing this survey. We value your opinion and appreciate your support!
We'd Love You to be a Part of Mission's Staff
Noon Duty Supervisors are needed to support our students during lunch and recess. If you are interested or know someone who loves working with kids, please apply through Edjoin before November 30. We'd love to have a you join our staff. Click here to apply through Edjoin.
Community Connections
Connecting the 4 Pillars of Community Schools
Oceanside Theater Company
Fall semester will be for 4th & 5th Grade with 6 sessions
Spring semester will be for 1st-3rd Grades for 9-12 weeks/ A start date is TBA
Wednesdays 12:35 p.m.-2:05 p.m.
Will be held in the MPR and Room 13 on rainy days
Attendance Matters: Mission Elementary Spirit Week
Dec. 4th-8th are celebrating Mission Attendance with a spirit week!
The class with the highest average attendance throughout the week be be rewarded with a special prize! Class winner will be announced through the MMA intercom on Monday, December 11th and the special prize will be given on Friday, December 15th.
Monday, Dec 4th: Backwards Day
Tuesday, Dec 5th: Bright/ Neon Day
Wednesday, Dec 6th: Crazy Hair Day
Thursday, Dec 7th: Dress or Wear a shirt of your favorite animal
Friday, Dec 8th: Mission Gear or Colors
Did you know that research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence. (attendanceworks.org). Connect with our Community School Coordinator, Chantel Rothenburger to see how Mission can support your student's attendance.
Counselor's Corner
Hello Mission Families!
My name is Mr. Sandoval (Mr. S) and I am the new School Counselor here at Mission Elementary!
Contact Info:
(760) 966-8777
Counselor's Newsletter
Lost and Found
Please stop by to check if your student has left their belongings behind. We will be donating any items left behind on December 20.
THRIVE Before and After School Programs
Before School (Daily)
After School
M/T/Th/Fri: 2:55pm-6:00pm
Wed/Minimum Days: 12:25-6:00pm
Contact Information
- Email: Mission@AsapOside.com
- Call/Text: (760) 916-5223
- www.AsapOside.com
School Calendar
12/4 -12/20 iReady Window 2
12/5 PTO meeting (5:00pm)
12/6 TriCity Pantry (9am)
12/6 ATP Food Pantry (12:15-1pm)
12/6 ELAC Parent Mtng (6:00pm)
12/11 Ms. Casey to New Children's Museum (9:00-2:30)
12/13 ATP Food Pantry (12:15-1pm)
12/14 Ms. Bush to New Children's Museum (9:00-2:30)
12/15 SOM Assembly (7:45am)
12/18 Music concert in MPR 4th/5th grade (9:00-9:45)
12/19 Reinder Chorus Performance for Families in MPR (5:30-6:30pm)
12/20 ATP Food Pantry (12:15-1pm)
12/21-1/5 Winter Recess
1/8 Return from Winter Recess
Responsible Use of Technology
We want to emphasize the importance of monitoring and limiting your child's screen time and social media usage. While technology and social media can offer valuable educational and social opportunities, they also have the potential to become a significant distraction and, if not managed carefully, can have negative effects on your child's development. Below are 2 tips of more to come.
TIP Number 1
Set Time Limits: Establish daily or weekly screen time limits based on your child's age and needs. Ensure they have enough time for other activities like homework, physical exercise, and social interactions.
TIP Number 2
Monitor Content: Regularly check the content your child is interacting with, whether it's through apps, games, or social media platforms. Ensure it's age-appropriate and safe.
Important Resources
Email: attendance.mis@oside.us
Phone: (760) 966-8701
Nutrition Services
Parent/Caregiver & Student Handbook
Please review our Parent/Caregiver & Student Handbook for important information, practices, and procedures at Mission Elementary.
Interested in Volunteering?
Technology Corner
Device Insurance
OUSD has an app! Stay connected and informed by downloading OUSD's free app on your phone.
If you need any assistance in downloading the app, please visit our office. We'll be happy to help!
Mission Newsletter
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- Using a desktop computer click on the "Translate" button at the top of the newsletter
- Select the language you want the newsletter translated
- On a cell phone look for the icon and click to select language to translate
Would you like to access past issues of our Newsletter?
You may access the Great Schools website HERE.
No Dogs on Campus
Mission Elementary School
Website: oside.us/mission
Location: Mission Elementary School, Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 966-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068793876953