Greetings From The Grove
HGE Family Newsletter- November 1, 2024
October 31st-November 13th- Major Saver Fundraiser
Monday, Nov. 4th- Individual Picture Retakes
Tuesday, Nov. 5th- No School ~ Election Day
Wednesday, Nov. 13th- All Major Saver Packets Turned In ~ PTA Red Robin Restaurant Night!
Thursday, Nov. 14th- PTA Paint Night @ HGE (See Below for More Details)
Thurs, Nov. 21st- Tues, Nov. 26th- HGE Library Book Fair
Monday, Nov. 25th AND Tues., Nov. 26th- Grandparent/Special Friend Breakfast (Sign Up Below!)
Wed, Nov. 27th-Friday, Nov. 29th- No School ~ Thanksgiving Break
*Complete HGE and District calendars are linked near the end of the newsletter.
Picture Retake Information
Individual Picture Retakes will happen on Monday, November 4th. This opportunity is for any student that was absent, started at HGE after our first picture day, or anyone that would just like to have their picture retaken. If you ordered pictures and you are wanting to participate in retakes, please send in your original picture packet. Please contact Deb Jenkins in the front office if you have any questions (816-986-3310).
Big Smiles is returning to Hazel Grove on 12/06/2024. They offer dental care right here at school. Having your child seen by the in-school dentist saves you valuable time. Top quality care is provided by local, licensed dentists right in the familiar surroundings of your child’s school. Dental care includes a complete exam, x-rays, cleaning, fluoride and sealants, when needed. Restorative care, such as fillings, may also be provided. In most cases there is no cost to you, if your child is insured with Medicaid or CHIP. Private insurance and affordable self-pay options are also available. Nurse Kipper will be sending home consent forms with students next week but if you would like to go ahead and sign up your student, please see the online link below that is specifically for our Hazel Grove students. Feel free to reach out to our school nurse, Tracy Kipper, at 816-986-3312 or email at Tracy.Kipper@LSR7.net if you have any questions. Here is the link to sign up online: https://www.myschooldentist.com/HGLSMO_schsrm
HGE Book Fair
Set-up & Preview Nov. 20
Nov. 21 & 22 + 25 & 26
Please sign-up at the link below:
HGE Book Fair Volunteer Sign-Up 2024
All LSR7 volunteers need to be approved each school year by following the directions shown at the link below:
We have some NEW reading challenges from the library for students in 1st – 5th grades. See the details in the images below.
Our last restaurant night of the year is coming up! Join us on November 13th at Red Robin…YUMMM!
Paint Night is back, and we are having it in the fall this year! Join the PTA and Mrs. Leeper for a night of art and family fun!!
It is $5 per artist (students are not free). Click the image below to get to the Sign Up Genius and choose the time slot that works best for your family.
Grab your grandparent or special friend in your life, and join us for a Chris Cakes Pancake Breakfast!
Use the Sign Up Genius to prepay for shorter lines.
If you would like to volunteer to help at the breakfast, please check out this Sign Up.
Important Message from the Office
We ask that you notify the office prior to 3:00 with any transportation changes for students that day. It is important that the front office is notified and not just the classroom teacher. If we do not hear from a parent about transportation changes, the student will go home by their normal mode of transportation (documented in PowerSchool and given to the teacher during Back to School Night).
Front office staff:
Email: mandy.trotter@lsr7.net and debraa.jenkins@lsr7.net
Phone: (816) 986-3310
Calling before 3:00 allows us to communicate these changes to the teacher, while also supporting the daily routines and processes that occur during this busy part of the day.
Student End of Day Checkout:
If there is a need to check students out early for an appointment, please call the school and arrive by 3:45 to call them out of class. If you arrive after 3:45 you will need to join the car rider line.
Thank you for partnering with us to ensure the safety for all HGE Hawks during dismissal.
First day for lunch visitors this year is Tuesday, September 3rd. If you want to have lunch with your child please make sure to bring a state issued photo ID with you. No siblings are allowed to join and all lunches will be enjoyed in the hallway by the office. Parents have the option to purchase a school lunch in the cafeteria, if they wish. Please remember we do not accept any type of deliveries for students.
The USDA requires that we notify all parents of our meal charging policy which you can view by clicking on the link at the end of this section.
You may add money to your child's lunch account by sending cash/check to school or depositing money on line through My School Bucks app.
If it would be a benefit to your family, you're welcome to fill out a free and reduced lunch form by clicking HERE.
Students are also allowed to buy extras, which can drain a child's account VERY quickly!! You are welcome to put restrictions on you child's account such as "Only allowed one snack" or "Extras only on Fridays" or however often you allow. You may do this by contacting our cafeteria manager, Beth Kuiper via email @ beth.kuiper@lsr7.net. Please also include your child's teacher in this communication. *Students with a negative lunch account balance will not be allowed to charge snacks*
If your child runs out of lunch money you will receive an automated call from the district with a reminder. If the balance continues to grow Mrs. Kuiper will reach out, as will Mrs. Westacott or Mr. Prickett.
If you want to know your child's balance or what they are purchasing, you can view that on the My School Bucks app. I encourage you to register and keep track of purchases and balances.
HERE is the LSR7 Nutrition Services website.
HERE is the LSR7 Charging Policy
Hazel Grove Elementary
School Hours: 9:10 am – 4:10 pm
Office Phone: (816) 986-3310
Attendance Phone: (816) 986-3313
Principal: Mrs. Amy Westacott
Assistant Principal: Mr. Jed Prickett
Email: amy.westacott@lsr7.net
Website: hge.lsr7.org
Location: 2001 Northwest Blue Parkway, Lee's Summit, MO, USA
Phone: 816 986 3310