Cyber Center Connections
Blythewood High School Library Cyber Center
2023-24 Highlights😊
This school year has been one of great accomplishment for our library program and for impacting our students and teachers in positive ways. Some of the highlights include:
- For the first time, we hosted a Winter Break Reading Challenge with 72 participants including students, parents and faculty. Some entire families participated!
- We had six excellent student helpers, four of which were also members of our book club.
- We provided new ways for students to provide feedback on our services, request books to purchase, and submit book reviews.
- We received a $1500 Education Foundation grant for purchasing bilingual books to serve our increasing ESOL student population.
- Our school librarians presented TWO concurrent sessions at this year's SC Association of School Librarians conference (one on high school library programming and one on National Board certification).
- We conducted an extensive weeding of our fiction collection based on copyright age and last circulation date. This allowed us to have room for more dynamic shelving of books with more book covers facing outward. The end result is that students can find books easier when browsing because they can see more book covers and featured titles. We improved our fiction collection average age by TWO years and improved our rating on the SC School Library Collection Standard for Fiction Collection Age to Distinguished!
- We again supervised two graduate interns from the University of South Carolina's School of Library & Information Science (one during fall semester & one during spring semester).
By The Numbers📚
Library Statistics
- Total Print Circulations - 5,085 (3.3% increase from 22-23)
- Holds placed on materials - 65
- Book loan period renewals - 670
- Inter-library loans to other schools - 61
- Total eBook & Audiobook Usage - 2,010
- Sora/Overdrive Usage - 785
- Infobase eBook Usage - 352
- Salem Press eBook Usage - 435
- World Book Advanced Usage - 426
- Follett Digital Usage - 12
- Other Library Statistics
- NoodleTools Usage - 3,766 logins; 1,515 projects (MLA, APA & Chicago citation styles)
- Catalog & Database Searches - 3,475
- Number of Print Books in Collection - 14,191
- Average Age of Print Collection - 2010 (improved by one year since 22-23)
- Average Age of Fiction Collection - 2013 (improved by two years since 2022-23)
- Print Books Added to Collection - 393
- Print Books Weeded from Collection - 1,093
Patron Usage
- Indivdual Patron Sign-Ins (Academic time, before school, during lunch) = 44,476 ~ 248 per day
- Average Patrons Entering Library (includes all entering library - students, faculty, staff, parents, etc.) ~ 543 per day
- Classes using the Library - 455
- Meetings/Events - 179
- Classes w/o subs covered in the library - 94
- Paid IDs at time of ID printing - 484
- Charged IDs (includes LCC & main office) - 11,875
- Charged IDs (that have been paid) - 4,067
- Charged IDs (not paid) - 7,808
- Who came to the library most? (Based on student sign-ins)
- Sophomores
- Seniors
- Juniors
- Freshmen
- Who checked out the most books? (Based on circulation data)
- Freshmen
- Sophomores
- Seniors
- Juniors
Before Weeding
Crowded shelves, no room for featuring books or turning covers to face out
After Weeding
More Accessible
Our ever popular "Would You Rather..." Question of the Month
Providing Options & Readers Advisory
If a print book is checked out, we can often offer an alternative in an eBook or audiobook through Sora/Overdrive. We also offer QR code links from TeachingBooks to book trailer videos & audiobook excerpts to help students preview a book.
Pumpkin Crafts
One of several Teentober events featuring our fall graduate intern from the University of South Carolina's School of Library & Information Science
DeStress Fest
Winter Break Bengal Reading Challenge
Light Up Paper Circuit Valentines
Mr. Simpson's science classes learned about circuits and made a valentine for someone special!
Teacher & Librarian Collaborations
- Research Lessons (Resources & NoodleTools)
- WeVideo & Green Screen Instruction
- Library Orientation
- Digitial Literacy Lessons
- Planning Assistance for Research Papers/Projects
- Book Tastings / Book Recommendations
- Paper Circuits
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- Research Lessons & Research Support Sessions (AP Seminar & AP African American History)
$1500 Education Foundation Grant
Recognizing our Support Staff
During School Library Month
Book Display
Basketball interest during March Madness
Goals for 2024-25
- Increased budget for book purchases (minimum $15 per student) for all Richland Two school libraries
- Much work was done in telling our library budget stories to district personnel in May. Our goal is to receive district level funding for the 2024-25 school year. The state average library budget is $13/student. Neighboring districts receive $15/student or more.
- Collection development geared toward achieving Distinguished status based on South Carolina School Library Resource Collection Standards. This would include weeding outdated books as well as purchasing new books. Our focus will be on non-fiction books.
- Remote blinds for the windows (current blinds are original from 2005 opening of school)
- Glass focus rooms - to allow supervision while also allowing for reduced noise for recording and study
Contact Us
Danielle Hucks, Library Media Secretary -, ext 28045 (circ desk) or 28048
Crystal Smith, Library Media Specialist -, extension 28046
Amy Whitfield, Lead Library Media Specialist -, extension 28047