HPE Weekly Update 1/5/2025
Harris Park's Shared Mission and Vision
Happy lifelong learners. Passionate and positive in every way!
A Message from Mrs. Mills (Richey)
Happy Sunday and Happy 2025, Harris Park Families!
We hope you had a wonderful winter break and are excited to welcome our students back to Harris Park on Tuesday, January 7th. Please note that there is no school tomorrow, Monday, January 6th.
Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year
Enrollment plays a crucial role in determining staffing and class sizes for the upcoming school year. To help us plan effectively, we encourage you to enroll now using the link provided in your emailed weekly update. If you need assistance or need to reset your Infinite Campus password, please contact our office at 303-428-1721.
As you complete enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year, we kindly ask you to review and update the following in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal:
- Family Information
- Address Information
- Emergency Contacts
Keeping your information up-to-date is vital for clear and effective communication. Accurate details help us provide timely updates, announcements, and essential information regarding your child’s education and school activities.
If you have questions or need help accessing your Parent Portal, don’t hesitate to reach out to our main office at 303-428-1721.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday!
With love,
Mrs. Mills (Richey)
For the 2025-2026 school year, enrollment opens on December 11, 2024.
Families who live in-district
Click here to view the in-district enrollment page.
Who should register for In-District enrollment?
Families who live in our district boundaries and want to continue at their same WPS school for the next academic year.
Families who live in our district boundaries and need to choose a new WPS school because their student has reached the highest grade level at their current school. (Example- 8th graders who need to choose a high school or 5th graders who need to choose a middle school or PK-8).
Families who live in our district boundaries and want to switch their student from one WPS school to another.
Families who live in our district boundaries and want to enroll their student(s) for the first time in a WPS school.
Families who live out-of-district
Click here to view the out-of-district enrollment page.
Application Process
Each year, Westminster Public Schools accepts School Choice applications during two separate open enrollment windows. At the end of each enrollment window, WPS will complete a review of the student’s education records to determine the student’s enrollment eligibility, including residency, appropriate grade level placement, and programmatic enrollment criteria. This review will also help the District determine whether the choice school(s) can meet the student’s educational needs.
General Information
- Approval of School Choice enrollment is based on available space, programming, and staffing at the requested school. When the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available, students will be selected by a random selection lottery. Each School Choice window will have its own capacity limits by school.
- When an in-district resident student has been enrolled in any school under the School Choice program, that school becomes the “school of attendance” through the highest grade offered at the school.
- Out-of-district resident students must apply for a School Choice space on an annual basis.
- Students enrolled in a school rather than their district-designated neighborhood school are responsible for their own transportation. If space is available on an existing transportation route, parents/guardians may apply for the district’s ridership program.
- In addition to space and program availability at the selected school, enrollment may be denied based on attendance/truancy and/or behavior.
- Applicants for School Choice enrollment are initially accepted without regard to educational disability. However, if an accepted student has an IEP or Section 504 plan, the District will request a copy during the registration process, which occurs after acceptance but before enrollment. The District will use the IEP or Section 504 plan to determine whether the requested school can meet the requirements of the current IEP or 504 plan with existing staff and program elements. If not, an IEP or Section 504 team will be convened to determine whether the student can receive a free, appropriate, public education (“FAPE”) in the requested school notwithstanding the limitations at that school. If the IEP or Section 504 team determines the student cannot be provided FAPE in the requested school, then enrollment will be denied.
- Denial decisions about School Choice enrollment may not be appealed.
What does a late start mean for Harris Park?
Westminster Public Schools (WPS) has a two-hour delayed start as an option on days when snowy weather conditions make for a dangerous morning commute.
Harris Park Information
- If your child rides the bus, add two hours to when the bus usually picks up
- Students may enter the building beginning at 9:30am
- The school day begins at 9:35am
- The school day ends at 2:50pm
- There will be no after school activities on days when we have a late start
How will I be notified of a delayed start?
- The decision to close schools or to open with a delayed start will be communicated as early as possible, but no later than 5:30 a.m.
- If the decision is made for a two-hour delayed start, but worsening weather requires the closure of schools, an announcement will be made by 8 a.m.
- As in the past, parents and employees will receive a phone call in the early morning, and information will also be shared with local TV stations and posted on the WPS and all school social media pages.
Update Your Contact Information
- It is important for schools to have accurate contact information for all families and employees. If your phone number or email address changes, please share that information with your school's main office as soon as possible.
Important Upcoming Dates - Mark Your Calendars
Monday, December 23 through Monday, January 6
- No School, Winter Holiday
Tuesday, January 7
- Students return from Winter Holiday
Monday, January 13
- 3:15-4:15 Preschool and Kindergarten Open House
Tuesday, January 14
- 4:00-4:45 BAAC / PTA Meeting, Library
Monday, January 20
- No School, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tuesday, January 21
- 3:15-5:15 PK-5 Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences
- 4:45-5:15 PK & K tours (no conferences during these times)
Wednesday, January 22
- 3:15-5:15 PK-5 Student Led Parent Teacher Conferences
- 4:45-5:15 PK & K tours (no conferences during these times)
Monday, January 27
- 4:30-5:00 Music Program, Sasquatch
Monday, February 3
- 7:35-1:40 Early Release Day, student pick up at 1:40 PM
Friday, February 7
- Preschool - No School
Tuesday, February 11
- 4:00-4:45 BAAC / PTA Meeting, Library
Friday, February 14
- No School
Monday, February 17
- No School
Monday, February 24
- 4:30-5:00 Music Program, Ms. Potts
Tuesday, February 25
- Class Pictures, Picture Day
Monday, March 3
- 7:35-1:40 Early Release Day, student pick up at 1:40 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, March 4, 5, and 6
- 3:15-5:15 Scholastic Book Fair
Monday through Friday, March 3-7
- Dr Seuss - Spirit Days!
- Monday - The Cat in the Hat - students may wear hats
- Tuesday - Green Eggs and Ham - Wear Green
- Wednesday - Wacky Wednesday - wear many colors
- Thursday - Fox in Socks - wear silly or mismatched socks
- Friday - The Sleep Book - wear school appropriate PJs
Monday, March 10
- 4:30-5:00 Music Program, Phoenix and Yeti
Tuesday, March 11
- 4:00-4:45 BAAC / PTA Meeting, Library
Monday, March 17
- 7:35-1:40 Early Release Day, student pick up at 1:40 PM
Monday, March 24 through Friday, March 28
- No School, Spring Break
Wednesday, April 2
- Wear Blue for Autism Awareness
Monday, April 7
- 7:35-1:40 Early Release Day, student pick up at 1:40 PM
Tuesday, April 8
- 4:00-4:45 BAAC / PTA Meeting, Library
Monday, April 14
- 4:30-5:00 Music Program, Ms. Myers & Mr. Giffen
Monday, April 21
- 7:35-1:40 Early Release Day, student pick up at 1:40 PM
Monday, April 28
- 4:30-5:00 Music Program, Ms. Nelson & Ms. Myah
Monday, May 5
- No School
Tuesday, May 13
- 4:00-4:45 BAAC / PTA Meeting, Library
Monday, May 19
- 12:00 - 1:15 Field Day
- 7:35-1:40 Early Release Day, student pick up at 1:40 PM
Thursday, May 22
- 1:45-2:30 Reading Partners Celebration
Friday, May 23
- Final Day of School for 2024-2025
- 1:00-2:30 5th Grade Continuation and Music Performance, gym
2024-2025 Westminster Public Schools Calendar
Family, Community, School Connection & Resources
Moved? New Phone Number? Keep the Harris Park Team Updated!
Please be sure that we have current phone numbers and email addresses for you. The best way to update your contact information is through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus. If you need assistance with your Parent Portal, please call 303-428-1721. We can provide you with your user name and reset your password for you.
For the most up-to-date information about everything that is going on at the Dan Vallez center, please visit their website here.
Empower Learning System
Helpful Links
We do our BEST at Harris Park!
B: Brain & Body Posture: Focus and think. Sit up nice and straight.
E: Eye Contact: Eyes on the action. Track the speaker.
S: Speech: Know when to talk and when to listen.
T: Tone: Be Respectful and speak clearly.
We celebrate STAR* behaviors!
Safety: Personal safety and safety for others.
Teamwork: Leadership of self, in small groups, & with peers.
Attitude: Positive scholastic and can-do-it attitudes.
Respect: Of your space, classroom, school, yourself & others.
★Responsibility: Personal, academic, and for the school.
Where You Can Find Us
Email: nmills@wps.org
Website: https://harrispark.wps.org/
Location: 4300 West 75th Ave, Westminster, CO 80030
Phone: 303-428-1721
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HarrisParkElm/
Twitter: @WPSNewsNow
Harris Park's Shared Vision
Happy lifelong learners. Passionate and positive in every way!