Greensview News
August 19, 2024

Welcome back, Greensview families!
We've just wrapped up our first week of school, and what a fantastic start! Seeing our students' smiling faces as they eagerly return to the classroom, ready to start another year of learning and growth, has been a joy. Our teachers and staff worked hard to ensure a smooth transition back to school.
Whether reconnecting with old friends, meeting new classmates, or getting into new subjects, the children have been great. We're proud to see how our students are already engaging and welcoming new students to our school. As we continue to build on this momentum, I’m confident that this will be a year of significant achievements, not only academically but also socially and emotionally. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to make this school year successful.
Greensview Webpage NEW Link:
UA Schools Link for families (Lunch Information, SPS Ezpay, Transportation, PowerSchool, etc.)
Principal Wulf
Arrival time for students - Supervision provided at 8:00am
As a safety reminder, we do not have staff on duty for supervision until 8:00am each morning. Students dropped off prior to 8:00 will be unsupervised. Please consider arriving between 8:00-8:15 when we will have staff outside to support the children.
Calendar Events
Thursday, August 22: Parent Information Night Information
The evening will begin with classroom visits for our 4th and 5th-grade parents from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade parents may choose (optional) to visit the Special Areas from 6:30 to 7:15 p.m. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade parents only need to arrive at 7:30 if they prefer.
At 7:30 pm, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade parents will visit their classroom teachers, and the 4th and 5th parents may choose to visit with the special area teachers, or they are free to leave for the evening.
Please remember that Parent Information Night is for parents only. The evening will conclude promptly at 8:15 p.m.
Friday, August 23: Picture Day (More information to come)
Friday, August 23: UAHS Band Event 4:00 pm - Langston Dr.
Sunday, September 1: Golden Bear Bash (Upper Arlington Education Foundation)
Monday, September 2: NO School - Labor Day
PTO Updates
Welcome or welcome back to another exciting year at Greensview. As your Co-PTO Presidents, we wanted to bring a few things to your attention as the school year starts.
- To receive PTO newsletters please click here to join the directory. If you signed up through PowerSchool, please note we don't get those lists for a good amount of time, and we have a lot of news and events happening before then.
- Afterschool Adventure's sign-up begins on September 4th. Our ASA team has done a fabulous job of lining up an incredible slate of activities.
Walking Club Starts Soon - Mondays beginning Sept. 9 - Students: come walk or run with us during recess! This year the Walking Club will focus on laps. There will be prizes along the way for different lap milestones. Completion of 200 laps earns a medal and an ultra challenge of 400 laps earns a trophy! Parents and caregivers: We need your help to make this a success! Look out for volunteer sign-ups after the start of the school year.
Fall Family Fun Night — Please join us on September 20th for Greensview's FUN-raiser, Fall Family Fun Night. Free activities include games, prizes, inflatables, a photo booth, DJ and much more! Food will be available for purchase from food trucks on site and our infamous basket raffle keeps this event Free for the entire family.
Last but not least, we can not do the amazing things we do without your support, both in time and money. If you have not yet joined as a PTO partner, please do. Your $20 per family donation allows us to buy supplies for teachers, host school assemblies and events, and make capital improvements like the soon-to-be-completed soundproofing of the gymnasium. Also, be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
We thank you again for your participation and support and look forward to the upcoming year,
J-D Boyle
Mandy Dunn
PTO Co-Presidents 2024-26
Volunteers Needed: The PTO would like to establish 1-2 parent volunteers per classroom to be a LEAD ROOM PARENT. Some of the room parent responsibilities include:
Coordination of the class basket for Fall Family Fun Night (collecting donations and putting the basket together- coming up September 20th!)
Request and organize volunteers for 2 class parties through sign up genius and sending reminders as needed.
Coordination of a class art project for the Mane Event.
The LEAD ROOM PARENT role is a great way to support the teachers and communicate with other parents in your students' classroom. You will have support from us and the Greensview parent community!
Click HERE to sign up, or feel free to reach out to Leah Pickering or Tracy Kabealo (emails below) and we can get you slotted in!
Thank you so much for your support of the amazing work happening at Greensview!
Tracy Kabealo- Tracy.kabealo@gmail.com
Dropping off items at school (in the office) for your children
We strive to support our students in every way possible, but delivering items to students during the day can present challenges. Our teachers are focused on instruction and may not frequently check their emails, and calling into the classroom disrupts the flow of lessons. While essential items like lunches and backpacks will always be prioritized, other items such as water bottles, snacks, or iPads (unless specifically requested by the teacher) are not considered urgent. To help foster responsibility, we encourage you to keep these items at home until the next day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
For the safety of all students - PLEASE READ and FOLLOW the information in the links below.
“Stop-Drop and Go” Map, Information, procedures (Please read)
Do not park anywhere on the North Side of Langston Drive; this is a moving line of cars, and parking here will cause congestion and safety issues.
Please talk with your children before school and have a “PLAN” for daily pick-up and drop-off. Teachers do not consistently check email during the day, and changing pick-up plans is very stressful for our children. To the best of your ability, create plans and be as consistent as possible.
A Message from the Greensview Library
Hello Greensview Families,
The Greensview Library LOVES to give books to your child! When students return their library books, they can check out new books. If they forget their books, they can’t get new books - they have to bring books, to get new books. We teach students that we “borrow” books from the library and it’s important to return books.
We recommend keeping library books in your child’s backpack. Take them out to read, but put them back into the backpack so they don’t get lost and then they’re always at school for library days.
It’s a pleasure to work with your child and watch them grow as readers.
Jill Merkle
Library Media Specialist
Julia Swartzel
Library Media Clerk
District Calendar: You can subscribe to the calendar and get automatic updates!
With the new USB-C iPads, traditional headphone jacks do not work, but USB-C headphones on the market might be a good option. Here is one example: https://a.co/d/0fUkocjn
Upper Arlington Schools ATTENDANCE POLICY regarding 10 Occurrences:
A medically excused absence occurs any time a student is out of school due to an illness or medical visit/appointment (physician, dentist, or therapy). A medical excuse for personal illness will be accepted in the form of a doctor’s note within five (5) school days of the absence or parent e-mail (or phone call) on the day of the absence due to illness or doctor’s visit.
A student may have up to ten (10) medically excused absences WITHOUT a doctor’s note, as long as we receive an e-mail or phone call from a parent or guardian. After 10 occurrences, a doctor’s note is required to be marked as an excused absence.
Student Fees for New and Returning Students (Grades K-12)
Families of new and returning students can log in to SPS EZpay to pay any fees associated with their students. At this time, the fees available for payment include:
Instructional fees for elementary students (K-5);
Middle school optional community building / social fees; and
The optional Technology Protection Plan fee ($25) for students in grades K-12.
Families wishing to purchase the optional Technology Protection Plan must complete the technology forms in PowerSchool AND pay the $25 fee in SPS EZpay before the first day of the 2024-2025 school year (August 14, 2024). If the $25 fee is not paid by the first day of school, the plan is void.
If paying these school fees will cause a hardship for your family, please contact your child’s principal or school counselor.
For instructions on how to create an SPS EZpay account or add a new student to an account, please visit www.uaschools.org/backtoschool. If you have any questions about student fees, please contact fees@uaschools.org. If you have difficulty accessing your account, please call 1-866-MYEZPAY.
School Nurse
We are looking forward to the start of a safe and healthy new school year! If your child has allergies, asthma, or any other health concern, please complete and return your forms and their medication to be kept at school during the Meet the Teacher on August 13 from 4-5:30 pm. We need new forms and new medication dropped off at the start of each school year. Some students received forms at the end of last school year to return, or you can find them online under the Health Office page if needed. Please reach out with any questions to greensviewhealthclinic@uaschools.org
School Counselor
School Counselor
"Please take a look at August's Counselor Corner newsletter. In it, you will find the following:
A little bit about me!
A little bit about how a school counselor can help your child
Information about adjusting to the new school year and emotional regulation changes you might notice
I would love to connect with you to discuss your hopes for your child this school year and how your child is doing socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. Please review the available time slots on the sign-up genius and click on the button to sign up. Upon booking a meeting with me, please be sure to indicate whether you prefer an in-person or Zoom meeting. I will email you a Zoom link if that is the meeting option you select.
I look forward to working with you to make this a great year for your child!
Thank you!
Laura Kunkle
School Counselor
Greensview Elementary School
Student iPad Distribution Information
Each student will return their old iPad and receive a new 10th-generation iPad as the 2024-25 school year begins. These new devices include a keyboard case plus increased storage, processor speed, and a USB-C charging cable and power adapter.
Stickers on the new iPads
Please do not apply stickers or write on the iPad keyboard cases, as devices may be reassigned to other students throughout the year. Reassignment occurs when students graduate, transfer, or when devices need repair. The new keyboard cases are district property and durable assets intended to last for several years, not consumable items.
Stylus Information for New iPads
We have received some questions about what stylus, or specifically Apple Pencil, would work with the new iPads that students are receiving for this school year. The answer is that, like the headphones, any USB-C stylus, including the Apple Pencil USB-C, will connect with the new 10th generation iPads. Students can also continue to use any non-USB-C stylus, such as the Apple Pencil 1st generation, but will need to purchase a USB-C adapter to connect the stylus to their new iPad. It is important to note that specifically the Apple Pencil Pro along with the Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) will NOT work with the student iPads.
Elementary Students:
Elementary Student devices will be automatically configured and ready for use when they are delivered to classrooms prior to the first day of school.
Elementary progress reports update
Because the elementary school years are so critical to a student’s academic and personal growth, our teachers will be increasing the amount of communication regarding each student’s achievement this year.
In previous years, elementary students have received progress reports three times a year at the end of each trimester. There have also been conference opportunities for families in the fall and the spring.
Beginning this school year, teachers will provide progress reports in January and June. In the fall and the spring, they will provide interim reports for each student. Teachers will go over each student’s fall interim report with families during conferences in October. While spring conferences are optional for families, all students will receive another interim report at that time.
Our goal is to increase meaningful conversations between teachers and families regarding each student’s individual achievement, growth, and learning needs. We are excited to launch this expanded reporting system this year and look forward to collaborating with you!
Lunch and Reccess
Each year schools review their schedules and make changes such as this one for a variety of reasons, including improving the flow of the day, increasing or improving the quality of instructional time, or allowing our staff to better support student needs through team planning or classroom management techniques.
With this in mind, we are changing our lunch/recess block from one hour to 45 minutes, giving students about 20-25 minutes for each activity. As we move through the first days and weeks of school, we will be monitoring lunchroom processes to ensure every student is able to eat their meal at a comfortable pace.
We understand the importance of break times for students and will continue to prioritize time for students to play and recharge throughout the day.
Birthday Treats (food) and allergies
Our top priority is creating a safe and welcoming learning environment for all of our students at Greensview. For many of our students with food allergies, something as simple as a snack can have severe or even life-threatening health implications.
Please understand that this does not mean we are eliminating the recognition of students' birthdays. We will continue to honor and celebrate these milestones in our students' lives. If families wish, they may bring in non-food treats for the class. If you have other ideas for non-food celebrations, please feel free to discuss these with your child's teacher. If a food item is brought into the office or in a child's backpack to hand out to the class, we will need to send it home with the child or with the adult bringing it into the office. Please know we are not trying to be unfriendly or unkind, we simply want to keep all of our students safe.
We will continue to allow for food during seasonal celebrations and classroom parties. Teachers and room parents will work together to coordinate the menus for these events, ensuring all students can enjoy these special snacks and refreshments safely. Thank you for your support!
RESCHEDULED - PowerSchool Outage - Now on August 17th, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
RESCHEDULED - PowerSchool Outage - Now on August 17th, 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.
META Columbus, our PowerSchool host, has planned maintenance that requires everything to be powered down on August 17th. During the 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. maintenance window, you will not be able to access any of our PowerSchool portals.
Dogs on School Property
While we love seeing our students' furry friends, we also want to remind families that dogs are prohibited on school property for everyone's safety. If you choose to walk your dog to pick-up/drop-off, please wait for your student off the school grounds (perimeter sidewalks), and they can meet you there.
New UA Schools App
Get ready for school by downloading the new Upper Arlington Schools app! The launch of our new district app coincides with our new website, launched in June. The app gives families access to important information like school year calendars, school day schedules, and information to report a student absence — all in the palm of their hands. You can download the app in the App Store or Google Play.
Greensview is on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter
Instagram: greensview_elem
Twitter: @greensview_elem
Facebook: Greensview Elementary School
We will be trying to do a better job of getting out information and updates on our social media pages. Take a minute to follow Greensview!
Flyer reminders
Flyer Connection is our online “bulletin board” of opportunities for students and families in our schools from nonprofit organizations in our area.
To Report an Absence
Please send an email to the attendance email listed below to report a student absent
If you know you will be taking your child from school, you can complete a Planned Absence Form and send that to the attendance email.
Greensview News
We are looking forward to an amazing year!