CUBS Chronicle
August 16, 2024
Mr. Smith's Scoop 🍦
Happy Friday.
It has been a busy and wonderful week here at Camelview. I was able to visit all classrooms several times this week and I was impressed with all the deep thinking and learning our students were engaged in.
If you have any available time, we could use volunteer support in our Health Room. We need help putting together little first aid kits for classrooms, as well as extra adult help during our highest volume times - lunch recess (10:50-12:50).
We are also doing our fall screenings for reading and math next week. While test proctors and teachers test students one-on-one, extra help is needed in supervising other students while they wait their turn to be tested. If you have a few hours next week, please consider helping us out. You can sign-up using the link below:
Tonight is our PTO’s Family Movie Night at the Madison Center for the Arts. The movie is free. Doors open at 5:30 and the movie begins at 6:00. Our PTO will have beverages and snacks available for purchase.
Next Tuesday is our PTO’s first Peter Piper Night of the year. Mark your calendars and join.
Have a wonderful weekend.
CJ Smith
Proud Principal of Madison Camelview
Keeping Our Students Safe
Arrival and Dismissal
Thank you for being patient as families learn our procedure. WIth over 50% of our families choosing to attend Camelview from outside of our district boundaries, our parking lot is quite busy.
A few reminders:
Drop off in the morning should be in the curb lane. Please do not drop off in our main parking lot. You are welcome to park and walk your student up to the school though.
Please be a good neighbor by not parking in surrounding parking lots. There is plenty of street parking south of your Campbell crosswalk.
Please do not use the staff parking area next to the Cafeteria doors for drop off or pick up.
Students will not be dismissed in the last half hour of the school day, additionally, if you have any changes to your child's pick up procedure it is necessary to contact the front office before 2:00.
Birthday Celebrations! 🎂
Got a Birthday Coming Up? Purchase a Birthday Box!
Our cafeteria can provide birthday boxes at a very low cost. This reduces the impact on classroom learning time (every minute counts), reduces the likelihood of ants in classrooms and creates a fun celebration during lunch times.
If you have any questions please contact Valerie, our kitchen manager at vmartinez@madisoned
Bullying and Harassment
Providing a Safe Learning Environment for All - Bullying & Harassment
As a reminder, we are a uniform school. Our uniforms consist of a navy blue, white or light blue polo shirt and navy or khaki bottoms. Cubs "spirit" wear is an acceptable alternative to the uniform shirt.
📅 Mark your Calendar - Upcoming Events
Tuesday: Site Council 4:00-4:30; Peter Piper Pizza Welcome Back Party 5:00-7:00
Wednesday: TCT 1:00 Dismissal
Thursday: PTO Coffee Chat 7:45-8:15
Friday: Dollar Dress Down
Friday Dress PTO Down Fundraiser
On Fridays, students may pay $1.00 to not wear their school uniform. All funds go to our PTO to support our school & teachers. The link below will allow you to pay the $1.00 on-line:
Get in the Know with the PTO
Tonight is the night! Movie Night! Join us at the Madison Center for the Arts for MOVIE NIGHT on August 16th. The doors open at 5:30 and the film starts at 6PM! We will be showing The Super Mario Bros. and will have snacks and refreshments available for purchase. This is a FREE EVENT, but if you would like to donate, we will be taking donations at the door. We will have our new CUBS t-shirts for sale as well!
Our first Coffee Chat of the year will be on August 22 at 7:45 in the library. Join us after you drop off your Cubs for coffee, bagels, and a quick chat! We can't wait to see you there!
Every month we like to show our teacher's some appreciation by hosting a breakfast for them. A different grade level is responsible for donating the themed items each month. This month, 4th grade, you're up! Sign up to bring something here!
Our annual Peter Piper Pizza back-to-school celebration is coming up! Join us on August 20th 5PM-7:30PM for pizza and fun. Peter Piper will donate part of the sales back to us!
Our first Coffee Chat of the year will be on August 22 at 7:45 in the library. Join us after you drop off your Cubs for coffee, bagels, and a quick chat! We can't wait to see you there!
Make sure to follow us on our social media platforms! We post calendars, fun videos and pictures of events and more! Use the QR code on the flyer below (or your handy fridge magnet) to stay in the know! We've corralled everything you need in one spot! Thank you, Jamie!
Use our Linktree to pay for Dollar Dress Down each week or for the whole school year!
Our Nurse could use some help! There are two volunteer opportunities (see flyers) to help out! Please email us at to sign up or get on our master volunteer list!
If we all volunteer once we can make a PAWSitively powerful difference for our CUBS!
From Nurse Suzanne
We are in need of student uniforms! If your kids have outgrown any of their uniforms from first semester and they are still in good used condition, please consider donating to us! You can leave them in the front office. Thank you!
Rights of Homeless Students
McKinney-Vento - Rights for Student Experiencing Homelessness
English Version:
Spanish Version:
If you have any questions please contact our main office and ask to speak to one of our Social Workers.