Principal's Update
HMS NTOUCH (5/22-5/25)
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, May 21st - 8th grade girls - interested in trying out for Girls’ soccer at Hedgesville High next year there will be a parent/player meeting on May 21 @8pm in the Big gym. Questions contact coach Allison Janney at
Sunday, May 21st - 8th grade boys - interested in trying out the Boys soccer at Hedgesville High next year there will be a parent/player meeting on May 21 @6pm at the HHS Track. Questions contact Coach Coleman -
Monday, May 22nd - Graduation Walk - we will celebrate with the HHS Class of 2023 graduating seniors/Wear blue and gold!
Tuesday, May 23rd - HMS Relay for Life/Wear Relay for Life shirt of your favorite team's jersey!
Wednesday, May 24th - Get A Life program for HMS 8th graders. This will take place in the morning/Wear crazy crocs and socks!
Thursday, May 25th - Hersheypark trip for 8th grade - if your student is NOT riding back from Hersheypark on the bus - I need a signed note from the parent advising how the student will get home. The note is due to Mrs. Adams by Tuesday, May 23rd.
Thursday, May 25th - Pink Out - Dress in Pink!
Friday, May 26th - Last Day of School for Students and Early Dismissal at 12:30 p.m.
Summer Color Wars - 8th grade wear GOLD, 7th grade wear PINK, 6th grade wear ORANGE!
Upcoming 6th - 8th grade Girls interested in playing basketball at HMS:
The HMS Lady Eagles will have practice during our 3 Week Period Monday-Friday 8-10AM.
Week 1: June 12-16; Week 2: June 19-23; Week 3: June 26-30; 8-9:30AM will be on court work.
9:30-10:00AM will be off court instruction in the classroom. Enter through the gym/cafeteria doors.
Upcoming 6th - 8th grade Boy interested in playing basketball at HMS:
For the Summer 2023 3-week period, I am excited to announce that we will be holding practices and conditioning four times a week Monday-Tuesday 10-1130 and Thursday-Friday 10-1130. As always, all upcoming 6th-8th graders interested in trying out for either the HMS JV or Varsity Boys Basketball in the fall are welcome to attend. Practices will incorporate a variety of activities including play running, fundamentals, and conditioning drills. While attending the 3-week period is not mandatory it is highly recommended to be attended to introduce yourself and your skills. It should be noted that attending practices during the 3-week period does not secure, nor insure you a spot on the basketball team in the fall but will provide an introduction into Hedgesville Basketball philosophy. To stay in the loop for cancellations, time changes, or announcements please download the SportsYou App, create an account, and join the group using the code 5BSYBNKQ. You can also message me on the SportsYou app with any questions.
Also, from June 5th-June 8th the Hedgesville High School Varsity basketball team will be holding their 26th Annual Hedgesville Basketball Academy which I highly recommend players to attend. All information for the camp can be found at
I am looking forward to seeing all that are interested this summer. Come ready to work hard! Coach Matthew