Community Resources
This page will be updated on a regular basis. Check back often for the latest community resource opportunities.
To review our policy on distributing non-school materials please click here.
If you would like to post information to this page, please complete the ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM. Upon submission, your request will be reviewed by the PISD Communications department for approval. If approved, it will be posted on this page.
The information below has been submitted to and approved by the Communications Department. Listings in this community resources folder do not constitute an endorsement by Prosper ISD of any agency, group, organization or business. Prosper ISD does not assume any responsibility for any of the resources or programs listed.
Counseling and Play Therapy for Children, Teens, Adults, Couples, and Families
Prosper Counseling is a private group practice of 18 exceptional counselors with master or doctoral degrees in mental health counseling with a wide range of specialties and advanced certifications. Collectively, we have more than 140 years of experience!
Prosper Counseling has been serving the surrounding communities for over a decade.
For more information email Prosper Counseling or call 972-292-0007
Neighbors Nourishing Neighbors
We accept food donations Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am – 5pm., to support and make a monetary donation click here. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
La despensa de alimentos Neighbors Nourishing Neighbors (N3) permanece abierta y lista para servir a los necesitados durante todo el año. Servimos a quienes viven en los condados de Collin y Grayson, además de a quienes viven en los códigos postales 75009, 75033, 75034, 75035, 75036, 75068, 75078 y 76227 del condado de Denton.
Estamos ubicados en 474 N Hays Rd. Ste E1, Prosper. Visite nuestro sitio web en N3foodpantry.org para obtener información sobre nuestros horarios de distribución. Para obtener más información sobre cómo solicitar servicios, haga clic en el enlace a continuación para el Paso 1 https://www.n3foodpantry.org/step-1.html
Aceptamos donaciones de alimentos los lunes, miércoles y viernes de 9 a. m. a 5 p. m. Para apoyar y hacer una donación monetaria, haga clic aquí.
Grace Bridge Food Bank
Grace Bridge will continue a drive-thru style food pick up to families within Collin, Grayson, and Denton counties by appointment only. If you reside in one of these counties and need food assistant, please complete and submit the registration form to reserve your food pick-up appointment.
Forms can be found at http://www.gracebridge.us/i-need-assistance
For additional information. Email: info@gracebridge.us or call 214-425-9423.
Click this link for more information on getting assistance.
Lovepacs of Prosper*Celina*Gunter
LovePACS offers food for children on free and reduced lunches during holidays from school. Google Forms are sent out before each school holiday.
For donations and additional information, please visit our website.
Questions? 214-763-4447 | prosper@lovepacs.org
Relationship Counseling
For assistance, contact 972-689-9115 or Info@cornerstonenct.org or go to our website www.cornerstonenct.org and click on request assistance. Fill out the form and Cornerstone will be in touch.
Cornerstone ReSale
We are a 2nd hand retail shop across the street from Reynolds MS. The items you will see in store are in very good condition, if not new, and inventory is constantly changing. It's a great resource for clothing, shoes, spirit wear & household items.
T-Mobile Project 10Million Options for Families
With Project 10Million, we’re offering free hotspots with 200GBs of mobile data each year for five years, plus access to at-cost laptops and tablets, to 10 million eligible K-12 students.
For more information and to apply, visit The T-Mobile website!
Hotlines and Links to Mental/Behavioral Health Supports in Texas
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or 800-273-8255 (800-273-TALK)
- Mental Health Resources for School-Aged Children – Find Your Local Community Mental Health Center
- MentalHealthTX.Org – About Mental Health Coordination in Texas and State Resources
School-Based Telebehavioral Health
As more cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are reported in North Texas, we are committed to continuing to provide health care to our students and community. Students with existing School-Based TeleBehavioral Health appointments can continue their visits through our Virtual Visit App.
To conduct a virtual visit with your regular care manager, please use the directions below:
Care Managers will call families directly to schedule an appointment or work directly with your school counselor remotely to schedule.
Students can continue to have their regular appointments from the comfort of home.
Visit childrens.com/telebehavioral for more information on the program
Additional resources are also available through Virtual Visit including Urgent Care, Behavioral Health and COVID-19 screenings. These are available to the entire family. Visit https://www.childrens.com/specialties-services/virtual-care/virtual-visit for more information.
If you would like more information about School-Based Telebehavioral Health, please email your child’s school counselor.
Connections Wellness Group
For more information about our services and current locations including Frisco, visit our website.
Replenish School Supplies
All year long: School supplies for entire year - 12 months (supplies also provided in summer). If your child is in need of school supplies, please send an email to replenishschoolsupplies@gmail.com.
Address: P.O. Box 625, Prosper, TX 75078
Phone: 214-715-7010