2nd Annual BH365 Conference Recap
A "Vaccine" for the Education Gap in America
2024 BH365 Conference Family Photo
Keynote and General Sessions
Dr. Walter Milton, Jr., BH365 Founder and CEO
Dr. Michele Hancock, BH365 National Trainer
The Day 2 General Session delivered by Dr. Hancock reminded us of the Power of Words and encouraged the group to change words in their organizations that abase to those that uplift and empower.
2024 BH365 Leadership and Impact Awards
At BH365, we recognize that ensuring students have access to resources that provide an inclusive account of American history requires leadership. Our Leadership and Impact Awards ceremony honored extraordinary leadership. This year's recipients embody the spirit of excellence and commitment to the students entrusted to their care.
Equity and Access Ambassador of the Year
Brandi Siddiqui
Social Studies Content Lead
Minneapolis Public Schools
Champion for Change of the Year
Brian Knowles, Manager
Palm Beach School District
African, African American, Latino, Holocaust Social Studies
Innovation Trailblazer of the Year
Regina Armstrong
Hempstead School District
Fearless Advocate of the Year
Dr. Ainsley Rudolfo, Director
Programs and Partnerships
NYC Department of Education
Shining Star
Dr. Renee Peart, Superintendent
Bronx High Schools
Districts 7, 9 and 12
Outstanding Stewardship Awards
Board members are critical to ensuring students have access to resources that allow them to see themselves. These individuals have provided outstanding stewardship for their districts and the school communities they represent.
Lynee Costic
Peoria Public Schools
District 150
Martha Ross
Peoria Public Schools
District 150
Vera Harrison
Saginaw Public Schools
Mattie Thompson
Saginaw Public Schools
Belinda Monroe
Roosevelt Union Free
School District
Charlena Crouch
Roosevelt Union Free
School District
2024 BH365 Catalyst for Change
BH365 is honored to recognize legends in the African American life and history community. These individuals utilize their expertise in African American history to ensure everyone in their midst has access to an inclusive account of American history.
This year's recipient embodies the commitment to taking a synergistic approach to changing the discourse about African Americans' contributions to America.
Dr. W. Marvin Dulaney
President ASALH
Conference Session Feedback
Twenty-four breakout sessions were offered during this year's conference, two of which were developed on Day 1 to meet the needs of second-year participants who registered the week of the conference. We promised a differentiated learning experience and delivered. Here's what participants had to say about the sessions.
"Very in depth engaging passionate learning experiences, relevant to our daily experiences and the work we are charged with doing each day in our schools."
"Love the active participation around music combined with history."
"Awesome presentation! I learned so.many strategies that I will implement."
"This was so impactful...definitely made you think outside the box to reach the students you touch."
"When we collaborate, considering others point of view without judgement, we allow ourselves to grow intellectually exponentially."
"Those maps are so informative. I am now more curious about the slave trade. Thank you."
"Marvelous breakout session. Instant value added."
Good discussion and tools to implement.
"Implementation of the BH 365 is key. The idea to introduce it or pair it with critical love of every student is a great philosophy and approach."
"Excited to take this back to my campus. Thank you for giving me the language for what I couldn’t fully articulate prior to this session. Asset-based thinking. Strength based thinking."
"Very awesome dialogue in this session around slavery from different perspectives. Keep the conversation going to change our world!"
"Great idea making this a 2-part (before and after lunch) session. It actually gave us time to digest the information before implementing it. I’ve done Socratic seminar before but this gave me a fresh lens."
"Aligns with student engagement and collaboration."
"Great pre activation of knowledge strategies to get students thinking and being curious about the material."
"You are provided with practical strategies that can be used tomorrow with most subjects."
BH365 Conference Learning in Action
The two artifacts below are from the Save the Last Word for Me session. In this session, participants read The Enslaved Had No Protection Under the Law from the BH365 8th grade textbook and used the One Pager activity from the Teacher Resource Guide. The task required participants to create a graphic representation of the reading. Here's how two groups expressed their thinking.
Lessons from the Field
This year, Janice Ross, Superintendent of Brooklyn North High Schools, delivered our first Lessons from the Field session, Leadership Matters: The Brooklyn North High Schools Implementation Journey. Thus far, we have commitments for a Leadership Matters session from Indiana and an AP with BH365 session from a teacher in Detroit for next year's conference.
We know great things are happening with BH365 around the country. Consequently, we encourage you to share your work and the impact on students and the school community. Rest assured that we will support you with your deck and resources.
If you're interested in conducting a session next year, please email me at ldeveaux@blackhistory365education.com. The BH365 community is looking forward to learning from you!
Check Out the Conference Photo Booth Gallery
2025 BH365 Conference
Early-bird Registration - January 1, 2025 - March 1, 2025 - $600 per person
General Registration - $675 per person
Group Registration (3 or more) - $525 per person
Registration includes access to 5 Star rated sessions, continental breakfast, lunch buffets, rooftop mixer, reception dining, cookie breaks, unlimited coffee, water, and soft drinks.
The conference rate for lodging is $274.65 (including taxes). The conference ends at 5:00 pm on July 25, 2025. Consequently, three nights will be required.
Mark your calendars!
Thursday, Jul 24, 2025, 08:00 AM
400 West Las Colinas Boulevard, Irving, TX, USA
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