St. Paul Chong Hasang Bulletin
Sunday, December 22, 2024
4th Sunday of Advent
The readings for the 4th Sunday of Advent Year C highlight themes of hospitality, history, and family. The readings reveal that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, emphasize the importance of doing God’s will, and depict the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, who recognizes the anointed one in Mary’s womb. Key themes include welcome and hospitality, recognizing Jesus, family bonds, and the significance of small events in a larger context.
- First Reading – Micah 5:1-4A : God promises a ruler from Bethlehem, whose origins are ancient. He will shepherd Israel, bring peace, and his greatness will reach the ends of the earth.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 80 : We ask God to show His power, care for His people, and give us new life. We seek His presence and salvation.
- Second Reading – Hebrews 10:5-10 : Christ’s arrival meant replacing old sacrifices with his own body, fulfilling God’s will. His sacrifice made us holy once and for all.
- Gospel – Luke 1:39-45 : Mary visited Elizabeth, whose baby leaped for joy upon hearing Mary. Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, blessed Mary for her faith and for bearing the Lord.
Pastoral Direction for 2025
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?
(1 Corinthians 3:16)
YG Christmas Party
On December 15th, the YG held a Christmas party that brought together about 30 students. It wasn’t just the students who had fun—YG moms also joined in, enjoying a wonderful time catching up with one another. A heartfelt thanks to the YG PTO for the beautiful decorations and delicious snacks, and a special thank you to Father Michael for the surprise Raising Cane's chicken—it was a huge hit!
Photos provided by the YG PTO
CCD & YG Opportunity to Perform in the Christmas Eve Mass
Reach out to Su Lam (near piano) for more information/ details after Mass
YG Winter Retreat
Dates: December 26 & December 28
Location: La Salle Manor, 12480 Galena Rd., Plano, IL 60545
Year-End Banquet
Join us for a warm gathering as we close out the year!
Date & Time: Sunday, December 29th, @ 12 PM
Location: Church Gym
RSVP: Church entrance lobby / Via the Google Form
Ticket: $10 per person (free for Children, CCD, and YG students)
There will be exciting grand prizes! We hope you can join us!
Seating Reminder for Mass
To keep things running smoothly during Mass, please try to sit toward the inside of the pews. This will make it easier for latecomers to find their seats. We really appreciate your help!
<CCD & YG> Important Dates to Remember
<CCD&YG> Christmas Kids Choir Practice
Dates: Sunday, December 22 @ 9 AM ~ 9:45 AM / 7th Grade Room
<CCD&YG> Take a Picture With Santa!
Date: Sunday, December 25, following 11 AM Mass.
<CCD & YG> Winter Break
Date: December 22 & 29
Classes will resume on January 5.
<YG> Winter Retreat
Dates: December 26 & December 28
Location: La Salle Manor, 12480 Galena Rd., Plano, IL 60545
<CCD> Confirmation Sponsor Seminar
Date: Sunday, January 26
Time: 11:45 AM ~ 12:45PM
Where: Room is TBD
Volunteer Sign-Up Link
Reading Volunteer Sign-Up
Annual Confession Helper
Parish Announcements
Mass Schedule
- Christmas Vigil Mass
Tuesday, December 24th @ 8 PM (No 10 AM weekday Mass) - Christmas Day Mass
Wednesday, December 25th @ 11 AM - New Year’s Eve Mass
Tuesday, December 31st @ 8 PM (No 10 AM weekday Mass) - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Mass
Wednesday, January 1st @ 11 AM
Office Christmas Hours
Tuesday, December 24: 8 AM – 12 PM
Wednesday, December 25: 10 AM – 1 PM
In-Home Advent Confession
For parishioners who are unable to come to church due to mobility issues, our parish priest will visit homes to provide Advent Confessions. If you would like to receive the sacrament at home, please contact the parish office to schedule a visit.
Christmas Carol Concert
We warmly invite you to join us for a concert celebrating the joy of Christmas before the Christmas Vigil Mass. We hope to see you all there!
Date & Time: Tuesday, December 24th, at 7 PM
Year-End Banquet
Join us for a warm gathering as we close out the year!
Date & Time: Sunday, December 29th, @ 12 PM
Location: Church Gym
RSVP: Church entrance lobby
Ticket: $10 per person (Children: Free)
Infant Baptism
An Infant Baptism Ceremony will be held on Saturday, December 21st, at 3PM. Parents with children under 7 years old who haven’t been baptized yet are encouraged to register at the parish office. Please select a godparent and a baptismal name in advance. If the parents aren’t Catholic or aren’t registered with the parish, a meeting with Father Michael will be required.
Date: Saturday, December 21 @ 3PM
Gym Unavailable for Use
Due to parish events, the gym will be unavailable until December 29.
Thank you for your understanding.
2024 Church Contribution Tax Deduction Statement
Tax deduction statements have been sent to families who contributed to the church this year.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Father Michael's Retreat
Father Michael will be on retreat from Tuesday, January 7 to Friday, January 10, so there will be no weekday Mass during this time.
January Holy Hour Schedule
Date: Friday, January 3, after Mass
Devotion Mass
Every month, on the first Saturday, the Devotion Mass will be held at 10 AM. The January Mass will be on January 4 at 10 AM.
Communion for the Sick
Date: Wednesday, January 15, after Mass
To register, please contact the Sisters or the church office.
Classroom Clean-Up and Room Usage Reminder
Please ensure the classroom is returned to its original setup after your meeting and kindly adhere to the designated room usage times.
Self-Serve Kimbap and Cup Noodle
Self-serve kimbap and cup noodles are now available in the cafeteria.
- Kimbap: $5
- Cup Noodles: $2
Please drop your cash or check in the sales box.
Thank you for your support!
2025 Spring Semester Registration for Ha-Sang Korean School
Full-Day Classes: Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Grades
Course: Korean language, culture, and history
Duration: 16 weeks (January 18, 2025 ~ May 10, 2025)
Class Time: Saturdays, 9:30AM ~ 12:30PM
For the full annual schedule and more information, please visit our website:
*If you are a high school student and interested in helping as a Korean School Teacher Assistant, please contact the Korean School.
Rev. Sungjae Hwang
Sr. Insook Han and Sr. Migyeong Kim