Lockeford Email Template
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Principal's Message
This Week
September 24th-27th: Minimum Day for Elementary only
September 24th-27th: Parent teacher conferences
September 27th: Spirit Day 49ers vs. Raiders
Have a great 2 week break!
Lockeford Community
This week has been a difficult one for our nation, schools, ,and students. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and district in keeping our students safe and learning. Our campus remains safe, however I think it is important to have conversations with our kids about safe practices on phones and social media. We will continue to be vigilant and fully investigate anything we hear about. Please reach out if your student needs any extra support during this time.
September Suicide Prevention Month
Suicide Awareness (K-12)
(K-12 Principals, please include the information below in your next site weekly bulletin.)
September is #SuicidePreventionMonth. Help us support suicide prevention by learning the warning signs and risk factors for suicide. If you, or someone you know needs support, call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org. Additional resources can be found on our website.
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (English):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (English):
Septiembre es el #MesdelaPrevencióndelSuicidio. Ayúdenos a apoyar la prevención del suicidio conociendo las señales de advertencia y los factores de riesgo del suicidio. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita ayuda, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatee con 988lifeline.org. Puede encontrar recursos adicionales en nuestro sitio: bit.ly/LodiUSDMentalHealthResources
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for adults (Spanish):
Click on the link below for the suicide warning signs for youth (Spanish):
Picking Students Up
Safety is everyone's responsibility!
-Please make sure that handicapped parking is reserved for persons displaying a handicapped placard in the windshield or on the license plates.
-We understand that some parking spots may be convenient to park in to collect little ones, but parking in handicap spots without appropriate identification is against the law.
-Please do not leave your car in the drop off and pick up line other cars can not move around you.
-Please be patient and kind with school staff they want to make sure all kids get home safe.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Hello Lockeford Family's,
This is just a friendly reminder that if your student is absent from school, you must report it daily. Here are some ways you can do that:
- Calling the school / Leaving a voicemail
- Emailing Sierra Marion at Smarion@lodiusd.net
- Class Dojo message to teacher
- Handwritten note to either teacher or the office