Varnum Brook Weekly Update
January 17, 2025
Dear Families and Caregivers,
A busy week at VBES! Two siblings kicked off our week leading the School Wide Meeting; spreading kindness - see photo below.
We focused this week on 'What We Would Like To See More Of - and Less Of in 2025" at VBES. Our staff completed this reflective excersise as well as students. Student voice matters to us! See samples below.
Students completed Mid Year diagnostics - Family reports K-3 were sent home today with students. Diagnostics are one piece to a student learning profile.
Families with an incoming Kindergartener - Mark your calendars: Incoming Kindergarten Information Night - March 6
We go outside most regulary throughout the winter for recess; the criteria for staying indoors is a "real feel" of 22 degrees. Please have your student prepared each day. Labeling gear and clothing is encouraged. In order to play "in the snow" students must have snow gear on.
I happen to have a birthday next week - the above photo happens to have "50" balloons that every student signed and surprised me with. I am forever touched and humbled. Your beautiful children give me such meaning and purpose each day and I am forever grateful!
Title: Stay Connected: Title I Family Engagement Newsletter + Family Engagement Survey
Dear Families,
We’re excited to share the latest edition of the Title I Family Engagement Newsletter! Inside, you’ll find valuable tips, upcoming events, and resources to support your child’s education. We’ve also included a Family Engagement Survey to hear your thoughts on how we can improve our partnership with families. Please take a moment to fill it out and help us make a difference in your child's learning journey.
Click here to read the full newsletter and access the survey!
Thank you for being a valued part of our school community!
Lisa Comeau
Director of Title I & Early Literacy
Upcoming dates
January 31 - Kindergarten Report Cards
February 14 - First Grade In house field trip - Animal Adventures
February 17-21 - February Vacation
March 3 & 4 - Nashua River Watershed Association - Grade 3
March 5 - 2 1/2 hour late start PD
March 12-13 Early Release for Parent Conferences dismissal 11:30