Mary Hogan Family Newsletter
Update from Principal Jen Kravitz
Dear Mary Hogan Families,
Happy Summer! It is hard to believe that school is done and we are out on summer vacation. This week has been so busy that I will be dropping photos and videos over the next weeks to share with you. This newsletter is longer and has more photos than normal but still it doesn't include all of the fun and awesomeness of the week!
I told students at our last All School Meeting that it is gratitude that brings people joy. And when you regularly practice gratitude that literally re-wires your brain.
We have so much to be grateful for at Mary Hogan! Thank you for sharing your children with us each day. They bring their very best each morning and fill up our classrooms and hearts with joy. Thank you for being a part of your children's learning. Your engagement and involvement shows your children how important learning is. Thank you to MESA who is such an amazing parent organization. They have created so many opportunities for our students that they wouldn't otherwise have. Thank you to the dedicated core of MESA leaders. And thank you, if you have leant a hand or made a donation to help MESA this year. And, a huge THANK YOU to our amazing teachers and staff at Mary Hogan. They come each day ready and with open arms to help and support your children and each other. I have never worked with a more dedicated and amazing bunch of people!
Have a wonderful summer and be sure to read!
💙, Jen
This Week at Mary Hogan
3rd graders finished their models of bridges this week.
Shelburne Museum
Too late for last week, we got photos from the 5th grade trip to Shelburne Museum.
Band & Chorus Concert
We were treated to a band and chorus concert on Wednesday.
Pool Party!
Kindergarteners and 5th graders had their last buddy visits.
Hawks Gonna Help
3rd graders volunteered to help clean up the chairs from promotion. And did it in record time!
Read In
We loved reading with friends just one more time this week.
C Wing Dance Party
The last day wouldn't be complete without a C Wing Dance Party!
5th Grade Promotion
Promotion was fabulous this year as we celebrated the accomplishments of the 5th grade students. You can read my welcome message HERE.
Below are some photos and videos from the ceremony. We are collecting photos, so if you have some, please send them to me -
Kindergarteners Cheered!
Celebrating the 5th Grade
Celebrating After!
5th Graders Shared Advice & Memories
Watch the 5th Grade Promotion Below
Group Hug with Nurse Becky
Rising 6th Graders' Breakfast
One Last Parade!
Library News!
The Mary Hogan library was super busy this year helping so many amazing readers! Our students and staff have borrowed over 20,600 books since September! Now, it is time for everyone to return the items they borrowed. Please search your homes, cars, and backpacks for library materials and return them as soon as possible! Thank you for your cooperation!
Every kindergarten student has worked all year on an ABC book of projects during library time! They were sent home today and we hope that families take time to look at their child's work and see the titles of the books we have been reading during library class.
This week, all students were given free books to take home and keep! A special thanks to Bonnie's Book Foundation and Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) for providing our students with these brand new books! We hope that everyone continues reading during the summer months!
Family Resources & Opportunities
A Book Filled Summer
Happy summer! The warmer months are here, and Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) wants to make sure that your students’ break is book-filled and better than ever. As you know, it is critical to make sure that kids keep up their reading stamina when school is out to avoid falling victim to the summer slide. RIF is thrilled to announce our summer reading initiative, Action-Packed Pages, which we encourage you to share with your class's families to ensure that reading motivation stays high all summer long!
We invite children to soar into summer with RIF and with the help of thematic titles, children can enjoy time under the stars, fun in the kitchen, energizing and exercising, and much more! Check out RIF’s many free booklists, read-aloud videos, printable activities, and other summer-related resources designed to engage young readers. Head to to explore the array of reading possibilities tailored to inspire children to lean into reading joy.
Tiger Football Youth Skills Clinic
Sponsored by – Friends of Middlebury Football (FOMF) and Middlebury Union High
School (MUHS) Athletics
Date & Time: Tuesday - Friday, June 18 - 21, 8:30 AM - Noon
Ages: Grades 4 - 8 (for the 2024-25 school year)
Location: Doc Collins Field - MUHS
Cost: $20.00 ($40.00 max for immediate family) *Scholarships available upon request: contact John Nuceder - 802-989-8642 or
MUHS Assistant Varsity football coach, John Nuceder, other High School and Flag Football coaches, and former Tigers will instructor clinic participants. The emphasis is for young athletes to have fun, be active, and learn skills for each position, offense and defense. Each clinic session will be station based learning organized by age. No equipment is needed. Please wear comfortable footwear for a lot of movement, as well as weather appropriate clothing. No previous experience necessary.
Free Food for Kids This Summer
Fun in the MiddSummer!
For Incoming Mary Hogan Kindergarten Students!
4th Grader & Families - Explore National Parks for Free!
Every Fourth Grader can get a free pass for themselves and their families to all the national parks/lands in the US. Here's a link if you'd like to share with your students.
Want to help out at Mary Hogan? - Sign up to be a volunteer!
Want to know more about the Volunteer Process? Check out more information HERE.
Photos of the Week
For more awesome photos, check out the Instagram account, below!
Connect on Social Media!
STUDENT ABSENCES: 802-382-1401
STAFF ABSENCES: 802-382-1498
TELEPHONE: 802-388-4421
FAX: 802-382-1405