OBJH Family Newsletter
Week of Monday, June 10 - June 14
Message from your Administrative Team at OBJH
Dear Families of the Bay,
As we approach the end of the 23/24 school year, we want to extend our heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for your unwavering support and partnership in your student’s education journey.
This final week is a time for us to come together as a school community and celebrate the resilience, growth, and achievements of our students. Whether it’s attending scheduled activities and events, sharing stories, or simply spending quality time together, let’s embrace the opportunity to cherish these final moments of the school year.
Thank you for being such valued members of our school community. We look forward to continuing to build family partnerships to support our students' success in the 24/25 school year.
Mrs. Marshall and Ms. G
Important Dates to Remember
Spirit Week June 10 - 14th
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Clash of the Grades
Wednesday - Twin Day
Bus Rider Confirmation
As we begin to plan for next year's bus routes, we want to ensure our families receive bus service that is efficient and meets the needs of the community.
To assist us in our review of bus routes, we would like you to confirm your student's spot on the bus for the 2024/25 school year by completing the survey form below no later than Wednesday, July 17, 2024, for each student needing bus transportation with the Shelton School District.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Transportation Department at (360) 426-3182.
- Bus Rider Confirmation Form (English): https://forms.gle/GjHydo6Ade5UM7ZTA
- Formulario de Confirmación de Pasajero de Autobús (Español): https://forms.gle/4woMpZmLC6YTUCGP8
OBJH Band Shines at Forest Festival Parade
We are thrilled to share that the OBJH band delivered a fantastic performance at the Forest Festival Parade on June 1! Despite the rain pouring down just as they began marching, our talented musicians showcased their dedication and spirit, impressing everyone with their outstanding performance. Kudos to the band and their director for making us proud even under challenging weather conditions!
Welcome Our New Dean of Students!
We are thrilled to welcome David Sanford as our new Dean of Students starting next school year. He brings with him a wealth of experience and a passion for education that will be invaluable to our community.
Having served as the Dean of Students at Nisqually Middle School in Lacey, WA since September 2022, David has a proven track record of excellence. He has coordinated the school attendance intervention team, facilitated the school safety team, and played a crucial role in advisory planning. Additionally, he has been instrumental in implementing restorative practices, conducting staff training, and participating in key administrative and leadership teams.
David visited our school on June 3rd to get to know our students and staff. He will be back on Tuesday, June 11th, to spend another day with us. With his extensive background and dedication to fostering a supportive and effective educational environment, we are confident that David will be a fantastic addition to our school community. Please join us in giving him a warm welcome!
Peek at Next Week's School Menu! 🌟
3R Ticket Drawing Winners for this Week!
Tyson Cage
Marvin Pablo Jeronimo
Cezar Solano Ruiz & Leah Simeral / Not pictured - Santos Jacinto Ramirez
SUN Bucks (aka Summer EBT) is a new DSHS program that will provide qualified students with $120 to use to buy groceries while school is out for summer break. Students qualify for the program based on family income or if they already receive certain state benefits.
DSHS will be mailing cards to eligible families. Please make sure the district has a current address before June 14th.
Families who have not already filled out a Family Income Survey can do so through June 14th to show income-based qualification for SUN Bucks. Completed forms should be sent to your child’s school.
Please call the SUN Bucks Call Center with questions 1-833-543-3230, starting June 1st. More information can be found on the SUN Bucks webpage.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact the Food Services Department at (360) 426-2533.
All Stars Trip
We are excited to announce the details of our upcoming All Star Trip on June 10th! This special event is designed to reward students who have demonstrated exemplary behavior and punctuality throughout the school year.
All-Stars are students who went the entire school year without even one infraction meaning they consistently followed all school expectations for the entire year. It is a way to honor and recognize in a big way the students who sometimes go unnoticed.
Invitations will be delivered for eligible students along with a permission slip.
Students with zero discipline records
Students with 5 or fewer tardies on record
Date: Monday June 10th
Location: Shelton Cinemas
Activity: Special showing of "Garfield"
Post-Event: Pizza social upon return to the school
8th Grade Moving On Ceremony
Please mark your calendars for the 2023-2024 8th Grade Moving On Ceremony on Thursday, June 13th at 1:00.
This is an opportunity to celebrate 8th grade students moving on to their high school endeavors with friends, families, and teachers. The ceremony is a time for students to reflect on their time at OBJH and look toward the future. Celebrate the happy memories and give our 8th grade class a positive, encouraging send-off to high school.
We are on the lookout for folding chairs for the 8th Grade Moving On Ceremony (June 13th). We are wondering if anyone has connections to a local church or organization that would let us borrow approximately 200 chairs for the day.
Please contact Stacey Adams sadams@sheltonschools.org
TRI 3 Recognition Assembly + Last Day of School 7:55-9:25am
Student & Family Resource Center
Are you in need of something? We can probably help! Our resource center has a clothing bank with clothing for all ages. All of the clothing is either new or laundered before entering the bank. A household item bank may also have what you need: bedding, small kitchen appliances, and more! The newest addition to the SFRC is the food bank and hygiene bank. If you are looking for a community connection, the SFRC can help you connect with the right resource.
Schedule and appointment to visit our resource center by contacting our schools family liaison: Isabel Castaneda | (360) 426-7991 ext. 15008 | cell (360) 545-2189
Looking to donate to the SFRC?
It is the SFRC's goal to help every family find the information and resources available to ensure the most successful outcome from their educational experience in their respective schools. Please consider partnering with us this year, and thank you in advance for your contribution.
If you would like to help keep our food bank and clothing bank stocked, the following are our 'high-need' items: maseca, rice, beans, individually packed snack items, baby clothing, elementary-school-age sized clothing, new underwear, and black leggings in all sizes.
If you would like to donate your time to help sort clothing or make a monetary donation, please contact the director of the SFRC: Betty Uriostegui or the McKinney-Vento/Foster Care Liaison: Amanda Gonzales; (360) 463-4061.