Secondary English Newsletter-10
Volume Six, Issue Ten/Summer 2024
Secondary English Curriculum Coordinator Position Eliminated
Starting in SY24-25, there will no longer be a Secondary English Curriculum Coordinator in the CCS Curriculum Department. The CCS Literacy Department will be taking over the duties currently under my purview as the curriculum coordinator. There will be two literacy specialists working with the secondary curricular items: Dr. Sidney Jones, Jr. and Linai Booker. Know that they are ready to support you in any way needed. It has been my fondest pleasure to have served the CCS 6-12 English teachers during my tenure as the CCS Secondary English Curriculum Coordinator.
With Gratitude,
-Carla Mae Phillips
Some Changes in Platforms
Launchpad (used for Honors/AP English courses) will be replaced with Achieve for SY24-25. The interface for Achieve is almost identical to Launchpad, so there should be very little learning curve.
Clever will be replaced with ClassLink for SY24-25. It works just like Clever and will be the place to access your adopted resources' apps.
Curriculum for Secondary English Courses
Curriculum Maps & Folders
Every District English course has a Curriculum Map with a Scope and Sequence detailing a pathway through the course using adopted resources, and each course has a Course Folder with standard, novel, language, and strategy resources. You can find the Curriculum Maps and Course Folders in the places listed below.
1-Linked in these Google Docs:
2-On the English 6-12 Webpage: Use the Curriculum/Instructional Resources Quick Links on the ELA 6-12 Webpage for easy navigation to English Curriculum Maps and Folders.
NOTE: The ELA 6-12 Webpage Quick Links offer much more than the Google Doc with Links for your curriculum needs. They offer teaching strategies, guiding docs, and help with standards, testing, and more. To access many curricular and district items, you must be logged into Google using your CCS credentials and not a personal account.
Overview Video
- This ENGLISH 6-12 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW VIDEO (22-23 Recording with 23-24 Updated Slides) gives you an overview for Secondary English Curriculum.
Adopted, Intervention, and Supplemental Resources for Secondary English Courses
Course Descriptions and Adopted Curriculum Resources Lists
- Course Resource Spreadsheet with Visuals
- CCS Adopted, Supplemental, and Intervention Resources List
- Course Descriptions Quick Link
- NOTE: Clever will be replaced with ClassLink for SY24-25. It works just like Clever and will be the place to access your adopted resources apps.
Adopted and Intervention Resources
The TIER 1 Instructional Resources
StudySync: English 6-12, Alternate English courses, and some Electives
- StudySync Info Page (access, tutorials, trainings, and more)
- StudySync Webinars (register for live Webinars)
Bedford Texts/Launchpad: Honors and AP English
- Bedford/Achieve Info Page (access, tutorials, trainings, and more)
- Starting SY24-25 Launchpad (the online platform for Bedford) will change to Achieve
- Some Elective Courses will have single resource adoptions.
The TIER II/Tier III Intervention Resources and Courses
- iReady Pathways (6-8) These are below grade level and based upon BOY and MOY. They should not be used for Core instruction. iReady StudySync Crosswalk; iReady Dyslexia Crosswalk
- Progress to Success (9-12) You can request copies by emailing Carla Mae Phillips.
- Achieve3000 (9-11) Achieve3000 Quick Link
- Core Enrichment (6-8) This course can be used for Tiers II/III Intervention.
- College/Career Ready Literacy (6-12) This course can be used for Tiers II/III Intervention.
- OST Test Prep-English (9-12) This course uses Springboard's Reading and Writing Workshop books. You can request copies by emailingSidney Jones, Jr. or Linai Booker.
Supplemental Resource
TeachingBooks is the site where the lists of novels available for teacher use from the warehouse, the literacy department, in StudySync, and in Course Folders, are found.
- TeachingBooks Info Page (access, tutorials, trainings, and more)
- TeachingBooks Webinars (one each month for 20 minutes)
- Accessing Novels (Digital and Hard Copy)
LitCharts A+ is a site that has analysis guides for over 3000 pieces of literature, poetry, literary terms, and Shakespeare's plays. It includes modern translation of every Shakespeare work. If you are a new teacher and do not have a subscription to this site, reach out to Sidney Jones, Jr. or Linai Booker.
Canvas Integration
If you teach English 6-12 or an alternate English credit-bearing course (e.g. Humanities English 9 or 10, Humanities Language Arts 7 or 8, Major British Writers Seminar, African American Literature, Women's Literature, Shakespeare's Literature, etc.), you will need to pair your Canvas courses with your StudySync courses. This will give you access to the Curriculum Map divided into Modules and allow for StudySync to sync assignments and grades. Use the orientation video and document below to learn how to integrate Canvas and StudySync.
Secondary Literacy Plan
- The CCS Secondary Literacy Plan provides teaching strategies/PD (how to teach) that can be used with the texts/lessons from your adopted resources (what to teach) to address these components of the plan: Academic Language, Reading Comprehension, Writing Competency, and Classroom Discussion. It is rooted in Ohio’s Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement and guided by the Adolescent Simple View of Reading. The plan spans from intermediate literacy that crosses curricular areas to disciplinary literacy that reflects the demands of specific disciplines while allowing for individualized intensive interventions, as needed. Inherent in the plan is that students are reading, writing, and discussing every day in classrooms.
- CCS Secondary Literacy Plan Info Page
OST Report
The CCS 2023 OST Report with Recommended Actions is available on the English 6-12 Webpage at the Standardized Testing Quick Link. Take a look at it to see how the district is performing on the ELA 6-8 & 10 Tests. Here are a few overall data points.
- When comparing the 2023 data to pre-pandemic numbers, it should be noted that students taking the ELA 7 & 8 tests matched or exceeded the 2018-19 proficiency results (7th-36%; 8th-30%) with the ELA 8 scores being the highest recorded on the OST at that grade level, and the students taking the ELA 10 test were only 1% behind the scores in 2018-19. This growth is exciting, but still does not mean our students are college and career ready. The writing scores for both the argument and information essays are bleak. Out of a possible 10 points on the essays, our students are averaging 3.45 points on both their Argument and Informational compositions.
- While the state scores in Grades 6-8 & 10 average at 59% proficiency, CCS averages at 30% (up slightly from 28% in 2022). This means that an average of 70% of our students at all grade levels (6th-75%, 7th-64%, 8th-70%, 10th-71%) are scoring at the Limited & Basic levels and only 9-13% of students (6th-13%, 7th-18%, 8th-10%, 10th-9%) are scoring Advanced or Accelerated.
- The percentage scored on single Reading questions on the OST ranged from 13% to 73% and averaged 46% for Literary Text and 40% for Informational Text on Released Questions.
- The weakest area in the writing section of the 2023 OST for all grade levels was EVIDENCE/ ELABORATION (worth 4 points on both the Argument and Informational Essay Rubrics).
Adopted Resources PD
Monday June 3, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Summer Learning: Solutions for Summer Register Now
Tuesday June 4, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM How Administrators Can Best Utilize StudySync Register Now
Wednesday June 5, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: How to Navigate Your New StudySync Account Register Now
Thursday June 6, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Backwards Planning with Close Reading Register Now
Monday June 10, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Stretch Goals: Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Students Register Now
Wednesday June 12, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: The Reading Routine - Reading & Rigor in StudySync Register Now
Thursday June 13, 2024
- 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Writing: From Tweets to Tomes - How Students Write in StudySync Register Now
Tuesday June 18, 2024
- 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Explore the StudySync Library Register Now
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: Create and Grade Assignments Register Now
Wednesday June 19, 2024
- 4:00PM - 5:00PM East & Central Region Webinar: Basic Training Register Here
Thursday June 20, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM The Coaching Cycle Tools: Pathways to StudySync Success Register Now
Monday June 24, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM SyncStart Your Engines! Register Now
Tuesday June 25, 2024
- 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Customizing Assignments for Personalized Learning Register Now
Monday July 1, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: How to Navigate Your New StudySync Account Register Now
Monday July 8, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Lesson Planning with StudySync Register Now
Wednesday July 10, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: The Reading Routine - Reading & Rigor in StudySync Register Now
Thursday July 11, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM How Administrators Can Best Utilize StudySync Register Now
Monday July 15, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM SyncStart Your Engines! Register Now
Wednesday July 17, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: Create and Grade Assignments Register Now
Thursday July 18, 2024
- 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Customizing Assignments for Personalized Learning Register Now
Tuesday July 23, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Keep Calm & Observe On: Supporting Classroom Evaluation for Administrators Register Now
Wednesday July 24, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: How to Navigate Your New StudySync Account Register Now
Thursday July 25, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM The Coaching Cycle Tools: Pathways to StudySync Success Register Now
Tuesday July 30, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Differentiate for All Learners: EL/ELL Development Resources Register Now
Wednesday July 31, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: The Reading Routine - Reading & Rigor in StudySync Register Now
Thursday August 1, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Differentiate for All Learners: Supporting Students with IEPs Register Now
Tuesday August 6, 2024
- 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Stretch Goals: Differentiated Instruction for Advanced Students Register Now
Wednesday August 7, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: Create and Grade Assignments Register Now
Thursday August 8, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM SyncStart Your Engines! Register Now
Tuesday August 13, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Assessment 101: Back to School Assessments Register Now
Wednesday August 14, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: How to Navigate Your New StudySync Account Register Now
Friday August 16, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Unit Creator: Create a Custom Unit Register Now
Monday August 19, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Blasts: Teaching a Blast Lesson - A Beginner’s Guide Register Now
Thursday August 22, 2024
- 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM Thrill of the Skill Register Now
Friday August 23, 2024
- 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM Basic Training: The Reading Routine - Reading & Rigor in StudySync Register Now
Monday August 26, 2024
- 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM The Coaching Cycle Tools: Pathways to StudySync Success Register Now
Tuesday August 27, 2024
- 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Engagement: Increasing Student Engagement and Autonomy Register Now
Wednesday August 28, 2024
- 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Basic Training: Create and Grade Assignments Register Now
Thursday August 29, 2024
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Lesson Planning with StudySync Register Now
Educators are the ultimate innovators. Despite never-ending challenges in and beyond the classroom, you manage to capture students’ attention, empower them to master important concepts and skills, and even spark transformational, joyful learning moments. You merge your own personal creativity with educational research to develop learning experiences that are effective and deeply impactful. Our Teach and Tell contest invites you to share how you do it. What unique teaching strategies, activities, or experiences have you developed that spark joy in your students? Describe your best teaching strategy in the medium of your choice for a chance to win $500 in school supplies! More Info Here.
Some Summer & SY 24-25 20-Minute Webinars SEE ALL
TeachingBooks is the site where the lists of novels available for teacher use from the warehouse, the literacy department, in StudySync, and in Course Folders, are found. It also offers both author and novel resources along with crowd-sourced text complexity information.
Summer Literacy PD
The annual ReadOhio Literacy Academy will take place June 10 and June 11 in Columbus. The seventh annual Literacy Academy will provide professional learning to support the use of evidence-based language and literacy practices Birth-Grade 12. This event is intended for Ohio district, school and early childhood education professionals working toward raising literacy achievement. There are no registration fees to attend. Registration is open, and additional information, including a draft program for the event is available on the Literacy Academy website.
Direct questions to ReadOhio@education.ohio.gov
Literacy Academy on Demand from the Ohio Department of Education offers easily accessible professional learning about literacy for grades K-12. In each short course, educators will find:
- A short video from a nationally recognized expert on literacy instruction;
- Resources and tools to use in the classroom, coaching sessions or team meetings;
- Reflection questions to help review current practices and implement new learning; and
- Additional resource recommendations to expand educator learning.
Courses should take 30-60 minutes to complete. Users can take one or two courses to learn about a specific topic or multiple courses to get a more comprehensive understanding of literacy instruction and concepts.
Grades 6-12 Courses: All educators in middle and high school, including content area teachers, can play a significant role in improving students' reading, writing and communication. These courses can benefit teachers, coaches, directors and administrators who support classroom instruction, and any educator who wants to learn more about adolescent literacy.
Achievement for Every Student, Resources for Every Educator
The Science of Literacy Hub, McGraw Hill’s exciting new literacy resource, is filled with the latest information about the Science of Reading, the Science of Writing, and Knowledge Building, all in one convenient location. At the Science of Literacy Hub, you’ll discover valuable professional resources designed to support you in your classroom and help all your students achieve today and succeed every day.
The Science of Literacy Hub will be continuously updated to bring you the latest information about the Science of Reading, the Science of Writing, and Knowledge Building. Read insightful articles, watch thought-provoking videos, and learn from helpful blogs, all available for free and on-demand!
Under Section 265.330(A)(2) of House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly, districts and schools shall require all teachers and administrators to complete a course provided by the Department not later than June 30, 2025, except that any teacher or administrator who has previously completed similar training, as determined by the Department, shall not be required to complete the course.
MESSAGE FROM CCS LITERACY DEPARTMENT: CCS Secondary teachers and those that have not participated in LETRS, the Division of Literacy will be sending out communication prior to July 1, 2024 with HB33 details and plans for completion. Stipends will be boarded and paid during the 2024-2025 school year. Summer completion is NOT mandatory. If you want to complete trainings over the summer, please wait until after July 1st. Please watch for more information in June and send any questions to literacy@columbus.k12.oh.us.
-The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has made available multiple professional development courses to meet the requirements in state law. Multiple course pathways, based on educators’ primary role, grade band served, and previously completed trainings, have been designed to fit individual educator needs.There are two pathways for Secondary English teachers and one for Secondary Content teachers currently open.
- Pathway C: Ohio’s Introduction to the Science of Reading, Grades 6-12 Course (Ready NOW)
- Pathway D: Ohio’s Introduction to the Science of Reading Course, Grades 6-12 [Abbreviated version for teachers who completed prior coursework (e.g. Dyslexia Modules)]
- Pathway E: Ohio’s Introduction to the Science of Reading Course, Grades 6-12 Content Areas Course
-Under state law, stipends are available for the coursework. ODEW aims to provide additional information on the distribution of available funds to districts and schools in the next few months.
- $1,200 for each of the following:
- An English language arts teacher of grades six through twelve;
- An intervention specialist, English learner teacher, reading specialist, or instructional coach who serves any of grades pre-kindergarten through twelve.
- $400 for each teacher who teaches a subject area other than English language arts in grades six through twelve.
-A guidance document for the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce’s science of reading professional development requirements under House Bill 33 is available now.
-An FAQ document is available and a designated ODEW Webpage can keep you abreast of the latest information on this requirement from the state.
Ohio's Introduction to Dyslexia, Grade 4-12 Course is now available through the Learning Management System. (Instructions for Accessing the Introduction to Dyslexia Course, Grade 4-12)
Literacy lovers unite at our 2024 Summer Literacy Institute!
Join the ESC of Central Ohio as educational stakeholders unite for joyful conversation and learning on June 11th, 2024 at Grandview Heights Middle and High School. National experts and keynote speakers Zaretta Hammond and American Cartoonist Jamar Nicholas lead our collaborative learning on Cultivating a Love of Learning. Register here.
The Bureau of Education & Research has On-Demand Online PD courses just for Secondary E/LA educators, each led by a veteran instructor. BER has a variety of courses including vocabulary, writing, and more! Here is their newest one:
- Dyslexia: Best Strategies to Increase Student Success (Grades 6-12) View Course
For a limited time, pick from any of their over 100 courses and receive a special discount for each additional course you buy. Use the special discount codes below at check-out to receive the discount. BER Online PD Courses are video-based, on-demand & offer CEUs.
2 Courses MY2HD2 $10 off each course
3 Courses MY3HD3 $15 off each course
4 Courses MY4HD4 $20 off each course
5 Courses MY5HD5 $25 off each course
Varied Professional Development
SUMMER PD: Learn about ESC summer offerings here
Keynote: Punished for Dreaming with Dr. Bettina Love June 12
In her groundbreaking new book, award-winning educator Dr. Bettina Love serves up a blistering account of four decades of educational reform through the lens of people who lived it. In Punished for Dreaming (2023), Dr. Love examines the legacy of educational inequity ushered in by decades-old discriminatory policy-making. She explores how specific policies have exacerbated various forms of structural oppression that disproportionately harm Black children, and create the conditions for contemporary book bans and opposition to diversity, equity & inclusion work. Join K-12 educators interested in understanding how this historical context shapes the current educational landscape in this keynote address.
Registration open for 2024 Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit
Educators are invited to attend the 2024 Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit to participate in professional learning on the innovative work to develop teacher leaders. The summit takes place in Columbus on June 5. Summit attendees will share successes, lessons learned, and strategies for overcoming challenges around teacher leadership implementation. It offers an opportunity for participants to become engaged in a statewide network of teacher leaders and administrators to promote and strengthen teacher leadership.
Registration is free, and attendees will receive contact hour certificates.
Register using this form.
Join Echoes & Reflections for a free two-day seminar hosted by Congregation Beth Tikvah and Jewish Columbus to support your classroom instruction on the Holocaust. Earn a certificate for 1.2 CEUs, come away with ready made lesson plans and resource materials for use in classrooms, and network with fellow teachers. Lunch is provided. REGISTER/LEARN MORE HERE.
June 4th, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | Foundations of Holocaust Education: Focus on PreWar Jewish life
June 4th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Women in Resistance
June 5th, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | It Starts with Words: Teaching the Holocaust to combat Hate.
June 5th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | Antisemitism: Understanding and Countering Hatred today
There will be a FREE one-day seminar for school district leaders, school administrators, school counselors, and DEI professionals focused on Understanding and Responding to Antisemitism on Thursday, June 6th from 9:30am-3:30pm. The seminar is sponsored by Congregation Beth Tikvah, Jewish Columbus, and the Jewish Community Relations Council and will take place at Congregation Beth Tikvah at 6121 Olentangy River Road in Worthington. The seminar will focus on identifying signs of antisemitism, hear local stories of bias, and learn best practices to respond. Free lunch and CEU's available. Register Here: https://bit.ly/rdytorespnd. See flyer here.
Check out professional learning options from INFOhio. This year, INFOhio has selected recorded webinars and self-paced classes that will equip educators for the upcoming school year. Explore these professional learning opportunities and choose your path for professional development this summer.
In addition to self-paced classes and recorded webinars, there will also be a live webinar option. Register and mark your calendars for June 18 to attend a live webinar featuring the News Literacy Project. Watch all webinars and complete all classes to earn 12.5 contact hours. Contact INFOhio at support.infohio.org with any questions or for additional support.
Ohio Writing Project Hybrid Summer Institute
June 17-July 12, 2024
Two Location Options:
Westerville North High School
VOALC in West Chester, OH
WordBridge Now!
Live Author & Educator Expert Talks
June 20th, July 11th, & beyond
Attend online!
Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar
July 12-13
University of Pittsburgh
Conference Registration for $30
Summer Institute for Authentic Learning & Leadership
July 23-24
Upper Arlington High School
OEA Grad Credits Partnership
9 Credits for $200 to be completed in 6 months
Summer & Fall
Spring & Summer
Educators will leave Standards Institute with:
- A shared understanding and language for fostering grade-level, engaging, affirming, and meaningful — GLEAM™ — instruction.
- The mindsets, planning, skills, tools, and actions to deliver GLEAM instruction.
- A personalized action plan with context-specific opportunities to ensure GLEAM instruction.
- A national community of equity champions committed to growth and change.
Register for Standards Institute today!
Standards Institute, Denver, CO June 10–13, 2024 LEARN MORE AND REGISTER
Standards Institute, Washington, DC July 15–18, 2024 LEARN MORE AND REGISTER
Catching Up English/Language Arts Students Who Have Fallen Behind: Strategies that Work! (Grades 6-12) Presented by Rebecca Gault July 24 – 10 AM OR July 31 – 9 AM (Live Online)
Specifically Designed for Middle and High School English/Language Arts (ELA) Teachers, Interventionists, Reading Specialists, Title I Staff, Special Education Staff, Instructional Aides, and Administrators
- The best, most current strategies to strengthen the learning of your students who have fallen behind in English/Language Arts
- Proven approaches designed to catch up your struggling middle and high school readers and writers
- Receive an extensive digital resource handbook packed with instructional tools and resources you can use right away to increase the ELA growth of your most struggling students
Learn More. View Brochure PDF. Can't Attend? Order the recorded version and take this seminar online at your convenience.
Strengthening Students’ Writing Skills While Significantly Decreasing Grading Time (Grades 6-12)
Presented by Joel Clements Live Online Event
July 11 – 9 AM Learn More
Early Bird Registration Ends May 1! Don't miss your opportunity to save $100 when registering for the AMLE Institute for Middle Level Leadership. For more than 20 years, the Institute for Middle Level Leadership has served as the marquee event for aspiring and current middle grades leaders and teams. Attend as a team or individually and join us for a one-of-a-kind, personalized, and engaging learning retreat that will leave you ready and energized to transform your school. Two Options: San Diego June 23-26 & New Orleans July 7-10. Register Online; Registration Form; View Schedule; Book Hotel Room