Newt Happenings
1/5/25 - Student and Family Edition
Diving into 2025 - Happy New Year!
Reese and I were standing on the ledge of the bridge looking at the water more than 100 feet below. Fear was all over her face. Those of you who are parents or caretakers or teachers of middle school students probably struggle the same way that I do. We want to encourage our kids to take positive risks in order to learn and grow. They need to step out of their comfort bubbles and we need to provide and support the environments for them to do this. At the same time, we need to temper any unhealthy risk-taking that causes harm and has negative outcomes.
I remember my dad sharing with me his approach to parenting my siblings and I. He is a parent who will guide, support, offer advice, but ultimately prefers to leave the decisions to us. His philosophy was that we will learn what risks are worth it or not on our own.
The week prior, Reese jumped out of a plane. I knew she could bungee and she would love it if she lets herself fall. But her flight instincts were in full force. At the first 54321 countdown, we stayed put on the ledge. After some negotiating, I knew she wasn't going on her own. Most times, I try to take the same approach as my dad as parent and as an educator, but sometimes our students need a little nudge. I knew the guide who was supporting our jump was going to countdown again. And when he did, I was falling, Reese was attached to me, and therefore, going with me.
"54321." The fast countdown happened and off the ledge we went. Exhilaration. Laughter. Shouts of joy. Appreciation for the assistance to get the feet off the ledge.
When those anxious moments come for our students, we've got many options. How much do we encourage, support, nudge, or jump with them? What do each of them need to take those steps out of their comfort zones? They are all different. We are all different as parents and educators. And there isn't just one right way. I suppose the most important things are 1. Knowing our students and 2. Having as many tools in our toolkit as possible.
In what ways do you want to see your students taking positive risks in 2025? How will you support these growing steps?
Mulligan Morning Bus Route Change
Beginning Monday January 6th:
7:08 - Rice Rd
7:18 - Orange Rind
7:26 - Maple Street
7:27 - School Street
7:28 - E Haven Post Office
7:32 - Dirt Church
7:34 - East Hill
7:36 - Rivers Farm
7:39 - Duford
7:45 - NSS
Winter Activities Final Preparations
This Friday is our first winter activity day. Students will need to bring all of their gear to school in the morning. Gear should be leaned against the side of the building and will be transported by staff and a parent volunteer to the mountain. Please note that lesson times are at 11am. On full days, we will plan to get to the mountain just before the lessons begin. Students will ski in groups with chaperones after the lesson for the remainder of the day. Middle school students can buddy ski (groups of 3 or more) with permission from caretakers. Students in grades 5-8 can sign themselves out and continue to ski/board until the mountain closes with signed permission from caretakers.
Burke Mountain Student and Chaperone Waiver
If you plan to chaperone and have not completed the Burke Mountain waiver that is specific to the school Burke Mountain program (not the same as season pass waiver), please complete the waiver with this link. 1waiverKioskv2/?a= aHR0cHM6Ly9teS4xcmlzay5uZXQvYn Vya2VhcGl8NTllZGI2MDY0NGM4NGUx MjhmOTVmZWQzODhhZTgwZmJ8YTliN2 Q2M2ItYWEzZS00OGI1LWI1NzMtMjY2 YWUzM2Q3Mjc5fEludmFsaWQgZGF0ZX xJbnZhbGlkIGRhdGU=
Burke Mountain Agreements
Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Ready to Learn
Burke Mountain Agreements
NSS Schoolwide Agreements apply - This is a school function and you are representing the school
Follow all school rules on the bus, at Burke Mountain, and on the trails at the school
Follow all directions given by Burke Mountain staff members, school staff, and chaperones
Notify an adult when going into the lodge to use the restroom.
We are encouraging students not to consume food from concessions. Students will not be allowed to purchase candy, soda, and caffeinated drinks from the lodge. If concessions become an issue and students are not adhering to food and drink agreements that are in line with the KESD Wellness Policy, then we may decide to have concessions be off limits completely. We will have healthy food and drinks available for students who sign up for school lunch.
Know where your equipment is at all times, whether at school or mountain
Use the racks
Do not leave equipment or clothing in the walkways of others
Wear your helmet whenever you are on the slopes
Dress appropriately for the weather. Often, we will require face coverings to ride the lifts, especially for upper mountain.
Be on time for your lesson; mountain lessons start at 11:00 a.m.
Stay with your assigned group for the entire lesson
Follow the instructor’s directions
Stay with your chaperone unless you are a middle school student with buddy ski permission
If a problem arises, immediately notify a chaperone
End of day
Return to the base lodge at 2:45 p.m. on full days.
Before leaving with your ride, you must be given the okay by a school staff member.
Do not just leave without a verbal sign-out (this includes 5th-8th grade students who are signing themselves out)
I understand that if I do not follow these agreements, privileges may be taken away.
6th-8th Grade Buddy Ski Agreements and Permission Form
Ski/Ride with Buddy Rules (Middle School Students Only)
Free ski/board time will be from 9-11am. Students in grades K-5 will be taking a break from skiing/riding to eat at 10:30am in Sherburne Lodge. We also ask that middle school students take a break to eat lunch prior to ski lessons which begin at 11:00am.
You must be on time for lessons at 11am.
ONLY the Sherburne Lodge and Mid-Burke Lodge (not the hotel) should be used for restroom breaks and warming up. Sherburne Lodge is the place for snacks/lunch. The hotel is out of bounds.
All buddy groups must have 3 middle school students who have signed parent permission.
You must always be with your buddies and have a group of 3+ skiers/riders!
Ski/ride the same trail in your buddy group. If someone falls behind, wait for them. Do not get back on the lift until your entire group is back together.
School cell phone rules apply. On full days, students will leave phones in the rack at the school. On half days, phones, bags and other personal items will stay in the lodge.
You must stay on the lift that you are in during your lesson (or below), for example; if you are in the Sherburne Green lesson you cannot go up top during free ski/ride, you need to stay on Sherburne Green Chair or the J-Bar.
Everyone wears a helmet at all times. While there may be nice days, we require all students to wear a jacket and mitts/gloves to every lesson.
You still have a chaperone to check in with, so say “hi” once in while ☺
ALWAYS have fun, be safe and in control. If your buddy gets hurt, stop an adult and ask for help. If there isn’t an adult around, one buddy will wait with the injured person and the other buddy will safely ski down to look for a chaperone to help.
Vaping or any other substance abuse will result in loss of buddy privilege for the remainder of the season. Other major or critical incidents will result in consideration for this consequence as well.
Follow all mountain/resort etiquette - put the bar down on the lift. Throwing ski poles, cutting lines, cutting people off on the trails, spitting/snowballs/shoving are not allowed. Stay on open trails and be respectful in the lesson line-up, lesson and helpful and courteous to instructors. Represent Newark Newts!
Anyone who does not follow these rules may lose “Buddy Privilege” so BE SAFE, SHOW CARE, and HAVE FUN☺!
Use the button below to sign off on this agreement if you choose.
5th-8th Student Sign-Out Permission Form
I give my student permission to stay at Burke Mountain at the conclusion of the winter activity school day at Burke Mountain for the 2025 Season. I understand that students are dismissed at 12:00 on half days and 3:00 on full days. I understand that I am responsible for my student from 12:00pm on and agree to pick them up before the mountain closes at 4:00pm.
Use the button below to sign off on this agreement if you choose.
Full Day Schedule
Half Day Schedule
Newark Street School Online Auction
Thank you to all who supported the Newark Street School Online Auction! This year FONSS made $4500 to support students and programming at the school!
The Month Ahead...
Friday Jan 10
- Full Day Students
- Winter Activities - Dismissal from Mountain at 3pm - Bus available
Friday Jan 17th
- Half Day Students - Dismissal from Mountain 12pm
- Bus and KEAP Available
Monday Jan 20th
- No School - MLK Day
Friday Jan 24th
- Full Day Students
- Winter Activities - Dismissal from Mountain at 3pm - Bus available
- Middle School Dance
Tuesday Jan 28th
- 6pm - FONSS Meeting
Friday Jan 31st
- Half Day Students - Dismissal from Mountain 12pm
- Bus and KEAP Available
Goal: Students are supported to be socially, emotionally, and physically healthy
Power Hour!
Keep those heart rates up!! Colder weather is here. Dress for chilly mornings!
Friday Exploratory Program
Winter activities begin on Friday and will go through the end of March (conditions permitting). All students and staff will be going to the mountain.
SEL, Health, Wellness, and Gratitude
Ask your students what they are learning in Health and 2nd Step. Application and transfer of learning supports our community!
Goal: Each child will have at least a year’s growth in math and literacy.
Over the next few weeks, students will be completing the winter iReady Assessment. This will be the 2nd time students take the assessment this year. They will take it once more in May. Please encourage students to put forth their best effort! The assessments are for Math and Reading. Please know that the assessments are adaptive. What this means is the questions will adjust to become harder or easier based on the answers to questions. This also means that the test is designed for students to get about 50% of the questions correct. And if students put in their best effort, it will give us a clear picture of precisely where they are as learners and we can tailor lessons to meet them right where they are. So talk to your students about the assessment and encourage best efforts! Thank you!
Effective School-Family Partnership
Student Led Conferences
Thank you to all of you who participated in your student's student led conference!
If interested in joining and supporting students and the Newark Learning Community in any capacity... Contact Info -
Mission, Vision, Goals
KESD Annual Continuous Improvement Goals
- Students are supported to be socially, emotionally, and physically healthy.
- Each child will have at least a year’s growth in math and literacy during the year. The focus is on understanding where students are at and what their next move is to learn.
Newark Street School Statements
The following mission, vision, and goals statements were created in collaboration with community stakeholders in 2017-18. Since then, they have been refined through our work around Education for Sustainability and Equity. We will revisit these statements once again at our first Education for Sustainability meeting this school year.
Newark Street School Mission
We believe Newark Street School is a global model of how rural, small school educates for sustainability.
Newark Street School Vision
We have merged all members of the learning community to work side-by side as learning partners who become increasingly prepared to explore the world and take responsible action for Environmental Integrity, Social Equity, and Economic Prosperity.
Newark Street School Goals
1. We communicate clearly and effectively.
2. We are self-directed leaders and learners.
3. We are creative and practical problem-solvers.
4. We are responsible and engaged citizens.
5. We are informed and integrative thinkers.
Tools for Supporting Our School Goals from Home
KEAP and Athletics
Calendars and Events
2024-2025 KESD Calendar
Upcoming Events
Friday November 22nd - Community Wide Meeting / Celebration and Lunch - Families Invited
Saturday November 23rd - Sunday December 1st - November Break
Monday December 16th - 6pm - Winter Concert
Friday December 20th - Community Wide Meeting / Celebration and Lunch - Families Invited
2024-2025 Community Events
Contact Info
Newark Street School
Location: 1448 Newark Street, West Burke, VT, USA
Phone: 802-467-3401