Friday Highlights
February 14, 2025
Mark your Calendar:
February 17 - February Break - No School for Staff/Students
February 18 - February Break - No School for Staff/Students
March 5 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal, 11:00 a.m. (12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.)
March 6 - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Early Dismissal, 11:00 a.m. (6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)
Next Week's Schedule at OHS:
Tuesday: February Break - No School for Staff/Students
Wednesday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
Thursday: Periods 1 - 4, A Day
Friday: Periods 1 - 4, B Day
OHS Athletics:
Beginning this winter, all pay to watch sporting events will need to have tickets purchased online through GoFan:
$5.00 for adults / $3.00 for students & seniors.
FREE admission with Middle School basketball or Oxford Rec basketball uniforms
Tickets can only be purchased through the GoFan platform: https://gofan.co/app/school/CT67705
To view the list of athletic schedules, go to the OHS Website and select the tab for Athletics. Use the drop-down arrow and you will find schedules for each sport that is offered.
Spring Sports: A reminder that OHS spring sports begins March 22nd! In order to try-out, students must be registered on Final Forms, all parent forms and athlete forms must be completed and an updated physical (within 13 months) must be on file with our school nurse. Spring sport registration will close on March 14th to allow our athletic department enough time to medically clear athletes prior to the first day of try-outs. Please use the following link to register if you haven't already done so: https://oxford-ct.finalforms.com/
Jersey Mike’s Players of the Week: Congratulations to the following athletes for being selected as players of the week for their sport:
Week of February 10th:
Cheer: Gianna Teixeira
Dance: Chloe Armstrong
Gymnastics: Maddy Scioscia
OHS Health Office
As a reminder from Nurse Dani, students are NOT allowed to carry medication with them. Please fill out forms on PowerSchool if you would like your student to have Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen or Tums in school. When you log on to PowerSchool, go to forms and check off the boxes if you would like your child to receive any of these medications when in need.
Please be aware that these medications may only be administered if the forms are completed on PowerSchool. Verbal permission is not accepted.
CT State law requires that all students in 10th grade have a physical assessment. This assessment serves to document adequate immunizations and any health issues that may impact your child while they attend school. The physical exam must be dated after January 01, 2024. The front of the HAR form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. The second page must have all *asterisks areas completed.
As a friendly reminder your child must be fever free (without medication) and has not vomited within 24 hours before returning to school.
Does your child need to leave school early?
If your child needs to be dismissed early, please send them to school with a handwritten note. Upon arrival, your child should bring the note to the office to receive a dismissal pass.
Please note we cannot accept emails or phone calls for early dismissals.
If a note is not provided, parents or guardians must come to the school in person with a valid driver’s license to sign their child out.
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring a smooth and secure dismissal process.
School Counseling
Course Registration Process for the 2025-2026 School Year: Students started to select their courses on Wednesday, February 5th, during Advisory. The Scheduling Portal in PowerSchool will remain open until Friday, February 21st.
Parents must digitally approve their child’s course requests by Friday, February 21st. This can be done through the Parent PowerSchool Portal by completing the Parent Request Approval Form, located in the Forms section.
FLEX Period: The School Counselors will be offering open office hours during the FLEX period in the LMC to address general questions related to course selection/college and scholarship applications ect.
Junior Parents:
Junior Parent College Information Evening: Thank you to everyone who joined us live for our virtual presentation on Wednesday! For those who were unable to attend, a recorded video and presentation will be available on the OHS School Counseling website.
Individual Student/Family Post-High School Planning Meetings: Meetings are being held virtually or in person. Students should schedule their appointments now through our calendar links during their free period. The appointment link is titled Post Secondary Planning Conference, which is a 40 minute time slot. *Students are required to complete the OHS Brag Sheet (posted in the Class of 2026 GoogleClassroom) prior to their meeting. This is the revised letter of recommendation packet that will be used by counselors and teachers.
Scholarships: All scholarships received by the OHS Counseling Department will be listed in Naviance. Students should check their Naviance accounts weekly throughout the winter for new opportunities.
The following scholarships are active now:
The Connecticut Building Congress Scholarship - Deadline Date: March 1, 2025
** $3,000 - $8,000 renewable for 5 years
The Benevolent Order of the Elks Derby Lodge Scholarship - Deadline Date: March 14, 2025
** Two $1,000 Scholarships
Milton Fisher Scholarship for Innovation and Creativity - Deadline Date: March 15, 2025
** $1,000 - $5,000 renewable for 4 years
The Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers Scholarship - Deadline Date: March 15, 2025
** Minimum scholarship amount will be $500
The American Savings Foundation Scholarship - Deadline Date: March 31, 2025
** $1,500 renewable up to 5 years
Glenn Moon Scholarship - Deadline Date: March 31, 2025
** Multiple $2,000 Scholarships
David S. Miles Post 174 American Legion Scholarship - Deadline Date: March 31, 2025
** $1,000 Scholarship
Vicki Soto Memorial Scholarship - Deadline Date: April 1, 2025
** 4-year renewable award totaling $12,000
The Joseph Lieberman Connecticut Scholarship - Deadline Date: April 2, 2025 at 3:00 p.m., CST
** $1,500 renewable
The Rowland R. Strong and Edith H. Strong Memorial Scholarship - Deadline Date: April 4, 2025
** Award amount is approximately $8,000 renewable for 4 years pending verification the recipient continues to meet eligibility criteria. Students must demonstrate financial need and have a minimum 2.5 GPA. This scholarship application is available now on the OHS website.
Oxford Greens Scholarship - Deadline Date: April, 12, 2025
** Multiple Scholarships ranging from $1000 - $4000
Counseling Caseloads
Grade 9: A - C
Grade 10: A - C
Grade 11: A - C
Grade 12: A - C
Grade 9: D - L
Grade 10: D - M
Grade 11: D - M
Grade 12: D - L
Grade 9: M - Z
Grade 10: N - Z
Grade 11: N - Z
Grade 12 M - Z
Mancinone - https://appt.link/mancinonea
Angeley - https://appt.link/sarah-angeley
McRae - https://appt.link/mcraea
Social Work Spotlight:
Black History Month begins on February 1st every year and is a nationally and federally recognized observance that occurs every February. Black Americans have made significant contributions to the mental health field. Dr. Inez Beverly Prosser was the first Black woman to receive a Phd in psychology in 1933. Dr. Prosser advocated for the educational and psychological advancements of all Black students. Dr. Joseph L. White is often credited as “the godfather of black psychology”, writing the first ever strengths based article on behavior and culture. As we reflect on Black History month, one highlighted area is mental health within the community. Specifically due to the pandemic and recent events, more research is being conducted regarding the mental health of Black youth. According to the CDC, Black youth have the fastest growing rate of suicide compared to their peers of other racial and ethnic groups. This is an alarming statistic and signifies that there is a need to address mental health needs within the youth community. In order to better understand these needs, please find the link to an article through the Anxiety & Depression Association of America written in 2022 by Tiara Johnson as well as an infographic to help support thoughtful conversations and how to provide support..
Performing Arts:
Want to stay in the loop about upcoming performances, events, auditions and more? Bookmark our 2024-2025 Performing Arts Calendar for live updates on all things performing arts! (choir, band, and drama) Please direct any questions to marquardte@oxfordpublicschools.org and crooksj@oxfordpublicschools.org.
Yearbook Information:
Yearbooks: Yearbooks are on sale and can be purchased by using the link listed below:
** Please be aware that the deadline to order the yearbook is Friday, February 28th. The price of the yearbook is $80.
If you have any questions, please contact our yearbook advisors; Ms. Aldrich or Mrs. Campbell. Their email address is listed below:
Booster Club
The Booster Club is excited to welcome everyone back for another fantastic school year. Whether you are returning or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our amazing community.
Who We Are: The Booster Club is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the experiences of our students, teachers and school programs through a variety of initiatives, events and fundraising efforts. Our mission is to support Oxford High School’s activities, arts and athletic programs that directly benefit the students. We are focused on enriching the school environment and building a strong sense of community among OHS families.
Upcoming Meeting Dates: We invite you to join us at our upcoming Booster Club meetings, where you will have the opportunity to share ideas, get involved and stay informed about what is happening at OHS. Listed below are the meeting dates for this semester:
- Wednesday, March 5, 7:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, April 8, 7:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, May 7, 7:00 p.m.
All meetings will be held in the OHS cafeteria. We encourage all parents, guardians and staff to attend.
Get Involved: We are always looking for volunteers and new ideas to help make our school even better. If you are interested in getting involved, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Your participation, no matter how big or small, makes a huge difference. Our next meeting is Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Let’s work together to make this school year the best one yet! Sign up to be a member today at: https://bit.ly/2024OHSBCMembership
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Booster Club Fundraiser: Here is an easy fundraiser to help support the Booster Club and it will not cost you any money. The Ion Bank Foundation Community Awards Program gives away up to $100,000 to local non-profit organizations with each Ion Bank customer eligible to vote for their favorite non-profit organization. Voting has begun so please help us earn money! We will receive a $25 donation from the Ion Bank Foundation for every vote we receive. Every vote counts! If you are an Ion Bank customer, please visit https://cap.ionbank.com/CAP/ to vote until March 3, 2025. Voting is open to all Ion Bank customers. The Booster Club is located under Education. Thank you!
Senior Planning Meeting: The Booster Club is having a Senior Activities Planning Meeting on Wednesday, March 5th at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at the high school. All are invited to attend to discuss senior activities that include information on graduation signs, a picnic, collages and much more, including the Senior Lock-In. Contact Lisa Suttile (203-217-0500) for more details.
Spring Bingo - Thursday, April 24: Come join the excitement on April 24th at Riverside Firehouse located at 151 Coppermine Road in Oxford for a fun-filled evening with 10 rounds of bingo. Doors open at 6:15 p.m. and bingo games start at 7:00 p.m. Bring your favorite beverages (both non-alcoholic and alcoholic) and snacks, and enjoy the convenience of our available ice machine. Enjoy a night of great raffle baskets and exciting door prizes while supporting our Senior Lock-In. The cost is $40 per person and includes 10 rounds of bingo and a dauber. Let's make it a memorable night of games and good times!
This event is sponsored by the OHS Booster Club. If you have any questions, contact Lisa Suttile at 203-217-0500 or send an email to lisasuttile@gmail.com Please use the following link to register: https://bit.ly/OHSBCBINGO
Booster Club Scholarships: The Booster Club is awarding one (1) $1,000 scholarship and six (6) $500 scholarships to eligible OHS seniors! The theme is “Community Service – Improving Lives of Others.”
- Deadline Date: Applications must be postmarked by April 4, 2025 or turned into the OHS main office (Attn: Scholarship Committee).
Full details and application: Visit www.oxfordhighschoolboosterclubct.com
From the Principal's Office:
On Monday, March 3, show your support for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society by wearing RED! This fundraiser is organized by Oxford High School junior Emily Fitzpatrick, a 2025 candidate for LLS’s Student Visionaries of the Year Campaign.
To participate, donate $3 using the QR code on the flyer linked below. Students and staff can also contribute in person during flex period on Friday, February 28, and Monday, March 3, when Emily and her Skaters for Strength team will visit advisory classrooms.
Your donation can help make a difference in the fight against blood cancers. Wear red and join us in supporting this important cause!
Enjoy the weekend, Wolverines,