Onekawa School Newsletter
Week 3, Term 1, Friday 18 February
principal's message
Kia ora Parents and Caregivers
We've had another fun and exciting week at Onekawa School!
I hope you've had a chance to get on Seesaw and check out some of your child's learning. If you have any issues with connecting, feel free to contact your child's teacher.
Our staff have been preparing for any potential disruption due to Covid 19. Children in Years 4-6 will have access to school chrome books should they have to stay at home at any stage. The platform for home learning for them will be delivered through 'Google Classroom'. For children in Years 1-3, we will continue to use See Saw as the learning platform.
A reminder that the school app is our one stop shop for alerts and notifications. To download, search for 'schoolappsnz' from your app store. Once downloaded type in 'Onekawa School' and you will be immediately connected!
Have a fun weekend everyone!
Room 10 make an aqueduct!
School Policies and Procedures
We use a internet based provider 'School Docs' to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date set of policies and procedures. These policies and procedures follow guidelines, legislation and best practice, and have been tailored for our school. For more information about School Docs, click on the link below.
User Name: onekawa
Password: pipi
Whetu Iti (Junior School) Certificate Recipients - Congratulations Children!
Teacher only day - Friday 11 March
Our staff will be participating in professional development around 'structured literacy' - a focus the school has had for the last two years.
'Schools Out', which is based at Onekawa School. will be open should parents require child care.
Art Deco Dress Up
Important Dates
Friday 11 March - School closed for teacher only day
Contact Us
Email: admin@onekawa.school.nz
Website: https://www.onekawa.school.nz/
Location: 235 Kennedy Road, Onekawa, Napier, New Zealand
Phone: 06 843 8297
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OnekawaSchool/