ORES Newsletter
May 10, 2024
Dear Oak Ridge R6 Families,
WOW! We have 5 days of school left! This year has flown by! We are already planning for the 24-25 school year.
Student enrollment is now available for the 24-25 school year. Please take a moment and complete your child's enrollment online through the student portal. Documents can be uploaded via phone screen shot or brought in to the office by May 17th.
We are trying to determine Early Childhood numbers for next year. Please use the link below to let us know if you plan to send your child to Early Childhood next year. Online enrollment will be open the first week of August for Early Childhood students.
Please remember that ALL early childhood through 5th grade students are to be dropped of at the early childhood entrance between the hours of 7:00am and 7:30. Please do not drop off students at the cafeteria HS entrance before 7:30 as there isn't adequate supervision for them there until 7:30am.
Classroom newsletters are included below so parents have access to classroom information.
By law, K-12 students must physically be at school in order for the school to count them as in attendance. So, when students are absent with a doctor's note/excuse, the district still must count the time they were out of the district as an absence. We do document that it is verified with a doctor's note or a parent contact so we know why they were absent versus being truant where they are missing school with no known reason. We still must count those hours absent however to be in compliance with the law. There is one exception to this; field trips. Students are counted present when they are on a district approved field trip even though they may not be on campus.
Perfect attendance is determined by a student actually, physically being present at school 100% of the time school is in session. Field trips do not count against perfect attendance. If students miss school for a doctor visit, even if it is "excused" by the doctor, we still have to count the student absent during that time and this absence will count against perfect attendance.
If your student is sick, on vacation, has a homework request, has an appt, is being picked up early or coming in late, needs a dismissal change, etc. Please contact the elementary office at 573-266-3232, option 1. Teachers do not always have time to check messages throughout the day. If you have questions about assignments/homework you may message the classroom teacher but they may not get back to you until the next day depending on when you reach out.
Parents that need to visit the nurse or office need to drive around the front and sign in at the front office. Drop off medications for students in the original container. Do not send medication to school with students.
If you need help with resources or your family, please let me know. We have access to many resources to help families in need. Students learn best when their essential needs are being met. As always, contact me if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help!
Enjoy a restful weekend with family and friends!
Dr. Sonia Wood
Elementary Principal
2024-2025 K-12 Student Enrollment Is Now Open
Kindergarten Graduation Is Coming!
Play Day Information
Order Your 2024 Yearbook!
Free MDC Publications For Kids/Adults
Oak Ridge Weekly Community Soup Dinner
Iphone Safety Update
Parent Mobile Payments Update
Close The Gap Grant
Click The Bus Below To Watch A One Minute Safe Driving Around School Buses Video
May Breakfast And Lunch Menus
Annual Meal Fees
$1 Charity Hat Days For Students-1st Semester
Upcoming Elementary Events
May 13-Kona Ice
May 15-4th quarter celebration and Play Day
May 17-Kindergarten graduation at 10:30am
May 17-Last day of school-students dismiss at 12:30
May 17-HS Graduation
Upcoming Junior High Activities
Upcoming High School Activities