Supporting Your Well-being
During Times of Difficulty — May 5th, 2020 Edition
Dear community,
In times of challenge, many find solace in beauty, whether by crafting something beautiful, or by appreciating the beauty that already exists in the world around us. This week, we hope you are able to find something beautiful, no matter how small, each day and notice the joy it brings. To give you a head start, we're featuring ways to engage with nature's wonders, moving musical performances from our Cornell community, and opportunities to unleash your own creativity.
Wishing you wellness,
The Skorton Center for Health Initiatives at Cornell Health
Time in Nature to Support Your Well-being
Flowering Trees Delight at the Botanic Gardens and Embody Symbolism Across Cultures
"With May upon us, Cornell Botanic Gardens’ flowering trees are beginning their annual show. Ornamental apples, magnolias, and cherries are bursting forth in the F. R. Newman Arboretum and along walkways to the Nevin Welcome Center. Over centuries, humans across cultures have cherished and shared these striking blooms, imbuing them symbolic meanings. We invite you to learn more about the connections between people and these flowering trees and to reflect on what they mean to you.
Take a virtual stroll under the arching branches of Cornell Botanic Gardens’ flowering trees by exploring the collections online. If you visit in person, please review this important information on steps we have taken to make the F. R. Newman Arboretum a wonderful place to safely enjoy spring, and your role in helping us keep our grounds and natural areas open during COVID-19 containment."
Zion National Park, Utah
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii
Acadia National Park, Maine
The Most Beautiful Photo of Every U.S. National Park
In addition to the many mental and physical benefits of spending time outside in nature, research shows that simply looking at scenes of nature can also help support your overall wellbeing. If you're feeling trapped inside or itching to travel, click here to enjoy a compilation of some of the most stunning photos of U.S. national parks from A to Z. The Grand Canyon is just the beginning!
Cornell Vocal Groups Sing the Alma Mater
April 27th marked 155 years since Cornell's founding. To celebrate, several of Cornell's vocal groups put together a special performance. Enjoy and maybe even join in yourself!
Enjoy Cornell Music Department's "Quarantunes"
Despite being unable to present performances in person, Cornell's Music Department faculty and students have been hard at work on a variety of projects to share with you. Check back here often as new material gets added!
New York State Coloring Pages
New York Metropolitan Museum of Art Coloring Pages
Bright Spot:
Lockdown Life Imitates Art
While museums and galleries are closed, LA's Getty Museum has launched a social media challenge to help people connect with historical artwork by re-creating some of their favorite works using household items. The results have ranged from shockingly spot-on to hilariously outlandish. Click here to see a few highlights from the challenge so far or reply to the original Tweet and join in the fun yourself! And remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
Talk/Text Resources
If you find yourself struggling or in need of someone to talk to, know that you are not alone.
The following resources are here to support you:
Cornell Resources
Cornell Health phone consultation (24/7): 607-255-5155
Ithaca Resources (24/7)
Ithaca Crisisline: 800-273-8255
Advocacy Center (sexual/domestic violence): 607-277-5000
National Talk-Lines (24/7)
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255
Trevor Project hotline (LGBTQ+): 866-488-7386
LGBT+ National Hotline: 888-843-4564
TransLifeline: 877-565-8860
National Text/Chat Services
National Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741741
Steve Fund crisis text line: Text STEVE to 741741 (connects you to a crisis counselor of color)
Trevor Project text line (LGBTQ+): Text START to 678678
National Suicide Prevention "Lifeline CHAT" service:
Get in Touch
Contact Catherine Thrasher-Carroll, Mental Health Promotion Program Director, at
Contact Amber Pasha, Public Health Fellow, at
All Cornell students, regardless of location, can access medical and mental health services through FREE telehealth appointments with Cornell Health. Please CALL US (607-255-5155) to schedule all visits and appointments. Our in-person services are currently limited to pre-screened COVID-19 testing and care. As always, please refer to the Cornell Health website for the most up-to-date information regarding our services.
Location: Cornell Health At Cornell University, Ho Plaza, Ithaca, NY, USA
Phone: 607-255-5155
Twitter: @CornellHealth