WMS Friday Forecast
September 13, 2019 - Week 5
Dear Parents
One of the challenges we often face in schools is that parents and kids struggle with the stigma of getting a counselor or therapist. (They are the same job with different names.) Our goal is to remove that stigma. Seeing a counselor is not only helpful, but often creates a sense of freedom for the student, parent, or family who is struggling. Seeing a therapist takes work, dedication, and a commitment to change. But in the end, the visits can truly help the patient realize their full potential and heal.
If your child needs support, I would strongly suggest going to see a therapist. You will hear from me more than once this year on the importance of gaining outside help when struggles occur. Here is a YouTube video that I created to help you find a therapist in our area.
The meme included really captures our thinking. Going to a counselor or therapist is simply another way to get healthy!
Happy Friday!
Can You Help Us Out?
If you know of someone, please contact Brenda Szerlong at brendaszerlong@gmail.com
RE: Handicap Parking Spaces
We understand that parking here can be challenging but those spots are clearly marked and are not for general use - even for a quick pick up or drop off.
Thank you!
If you are here for a quick moment between the hours of 8:45 AM and 3:00 PM, you are welcome to pull into the circle. PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE PARK ALONG THE YELLOW CURB AS THIS IS A FIRE LANE. You are welcome to park on the opposite side (no yellow curb) to pop in to drop off something/sign out your student.
Crossing Guard Update
Hours: 7:40-8:30 AM AND 3:15-4:00 PM
Pay Rate: $35 per day
Market Day is Back!
The #1 Market Day favorite was their perfect size, hand-trimmed, individual packed, chickNSteakes (this is their fancy name not a terrible spelling issue!). This is a pre-sale to get us quickly moving along and familiarizing our families to the site, and start quickly on our year fundraising! They have created bundles that will ship for free to your home! All bundles are free shipping. Order Today www.MarketDay.com.
SEL - Social Emotional Learning
Families play an essential role in children’s social and emotional development. By understanding the specific goals of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and showing children how we as adults use the skills effectively, children can more readily develop the social and emotional skills they need to learn and have to be successful in life. Modeling is one way these skills can be taught.
When families partner with schools to teach the skills, children receive a more consistent and easily understood message. What does it mean to model skills?
- Remember that your actions trump your words if they do not align!
- Use teachable moments as opportunities to talk about or show your social and emotional skills or even lapses. For example, if you lose patience in traffic, take a moment to express frustration in words instead of honking the horn. Take a breath, and acknowledge it.
- When showing your child how you think about something or solve a problem, break it down into a few steps and “think out loud” so your child can see your process.
- Remember that parents don’t have to have all of the answers and we aren’t right all of the time. It’s fine to say, “I don’t know,” if you don’t. And it’s always a good idea to apologize when you make a mistake or inadvertently hurt someone.
An event is only as great as our parent volunteers!
Register for this Year's Color Run!
Click the link below for more information and register for the Color Run
Wredling Families -
For your convenience, the flyer is included below!
Sign Up for Parent University
Viewing of the Documentary "LIKE"
Norris Cultural Arts Center
6:30 p.m.
October 30, 2019
Digital Citizenship
Thompson Middle School Cafeteria
6:30-8:00 p.m.
Community Events & Information
Looking for a weekend activity?
Upcoming Volleyball Clinics
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: (331)228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wredling-Middle-School-537757163011275/
Twitter: @WredlingD303