Blue Ash Elementary Weekly News

Principal's Message
Dear Blue Ash Families,
We hope you had a wonderful week! Here are some important updates and reminders for the coming week:
No School on Monday
Please remember that Monday, January 22nd, there will be no school in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We look forward to seeing students again on Tuesday and we hope you are enjoying this three-day weekend.
Adjusted Play Practice Dates
Due to no school on Monday, there have been adjustments to our play practice schedule. Please the information below outlining the new dates this week for our students participating.
Upcoming Events for Students Transitioning to Greene
We are already preparing for our 4th graders to transition to Greene next school year. Please see events highlighted in our weekly newsletter and the information coming from the current principal, Greg Cole.
Wishing you all a restful long weekend!
Warm regards,
Specials Schedule: Week of January 21st
Blue Ash Calendar
Upcoming Events...
January 20th ~ MLK Holiday - No School
January 21st ~ *Added PM Rehearsals 4 pm - 5pm
January 22nd ~ *Added AM Rehearsals 8 am - 9 am
January 27th ~ AM/PM 101 Dalmation Rehearsals
February 3rd ~ AM/PM 101 Dalmation Rehearsals
February 5th ~ PTO Night Owl Meeting 7 pm
February 7th ~ PBIS T - shirt day!
February 10th ~ AM/PM 101 Dalmation Rehearsals
February 13th ~ Prof. Dev. Day - No School
February 14th ~ Prof. Dev. Day - No School
February 20th ~ Presidents Day - No School
Sign up HERE
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year will be held January 13-February 10, 2025. As a reminder, children must be 5 years old by September 30, 2025.
We are still updating our website with new information regarding the process. Please check back in early December for the latest information.
Do you have a child who will be starting preschool or kindergarten in the Fall 2025? Sign up now to receive information and updates about registration!
Illness Reminders
We are in the Cold and Flu season! Please make sure you are following our illness guidelines before sending your child to school each morning!
If your child is ill, remember to call the school absence line at 513 686-1707. It can be difficult to decide when and how long to keep an ill child home from school. The timing of the absences is often important in order to decrease the spread of disease to others.
If your child has a fever, is vomiting or has diarrhea they must stay home until they no longer have the symptom for 24 hours without the use of medication to control the symptoms.
Check our school illness guidelines at Illness Guidelines .The school district health handbook page 9 has more information and found on the district website at School Nurses
How can I prevent the spread of illness in my family?
Review and practice good hand washing and respiratory etiquette with your children especially after using the restroom and before meals
Avoid touching the “T Zone”- eyes, nose and mouth
Keep hard surfaces clean- especially door knobs, cell phones, keyboards and laptops
It’s not too late to get your flu shot….protect yourself and those you care for
Lice 101
Lice cannot jump or fly and are transmitted by direct head to head contact with another person with lice or sharing items placed in the hair. Children should be instructed against sharing hats, clothing or hair items with others. Children should use their own pillows and sleeping bags when spending the night with a friend. Household pets do not transmit lice. Consult your school nurse and the Sycamore Student Health Handbook for more great information about lice. Here is a link from the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding best practices with lice management Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know -
Call Nurse Wyrick at (513)686-1713 if you have any questions about your child’s health.
Blue Ash Absence Line is (513)686-1707 option#3
Sycamore Preschool Interest for 2025-2026
Did you know that Sycamore has it's own Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Gold-Rated Preschool Program? The Lottery for the 2025-2026 school year is open until Friday, January 24th. You can access the information on our website and enter the lottery by filling out this Lottery Link
Hello families!
It is that time of year (perhaps accelerated with all this snow on the ground?) that many folks begin to think about summer. We are frequently asked about summer fun opportunities for preschool age children. I received this email today about Summer Day camp options from Great Parks.
Important Registration Dates:
Preschool Lottery
The Sycamore Preschool Lottery for the 2025-26 school year will be held January 13th - 24th 2025. More information will be shared on our Facebook Page and our website. We look forward to welcoming new Aviator families next fall!
Added Rehearsals the week of January 20th:
Play Rehearsal Dates for upcoming week due to no school on Monday January 20:
AM CAST: January 22- 8-9am
PM CAST: January 21- 4-5pm
Monday rehearsals will resume on January 27.
101 Dalmatians Information
AM Cast: Rehearsals will start at 8am on Mondays January 13. Please drop your child off at the gym door (door 9) in the back of the building where car drop off typically occurs. The students will enter the gym through these doors where rehearsals will take place. We will dismiss them to class at 9am.
PM Cast: Rehearsals will start immediately after school at 4pm on Monday January 13 in the gym. Students are to go immediately to the gym once dismissed from class. At 5pm- You must come to the main entrance to pick up your child and we will release them to you, we will not send any children outside without a parent present. We will bring them to the main entrance after rehearsal, no need to come into the school. Please do not park in the roundabout to pick up your child, this may cause delays and back ups, we ask that you kindly park in the main lot and walk to the front door to pick up your child.
Rehearsals Dates are as followings: 1/13,1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/24
PM cast dress rehearsal is March 3rd after school 4 pm - 6pm
AM cast dress rehearsal is March 4th AFTER school from 4 pm - 6pm
3/10 Showtimes-5:30pm- 6:15pm- AM Cast, 6:45-7:30pm- PM cast
Sycamore Youth Sports
PaySchools for Online Payments
Sycamore Schools has officially transitioned to PaySchools for academic fees, fines, and school meals. You will need to create a log-in during your first visit. PaySchools will allow you to pay for items such as AP test fees, classroom fees, summer school tuition, as well as school meals. Athletic fees should be paid through Final Forms.
Our old online payment system through Parent Portal no longer exists. If you need help with your PaySchools account, check out the PaySchools user guide on our Online Payments page.
District and Activity Flyers
All district-approved flyers will be listed on Sycamore Schools' website instead of in our weekly newsletters. This will help condense our newsletters to important school information. If you are still interested in viewing community flyers about events and activities for students, please click here: LINK