The Franconia Falcon Flyer
Stay Informed, Get Involved, & Check in Every Wednesday...
March 13, 2024
Franconia Falcons SOAR to success!
Using expected behaviors both in and out of the classroom so everyone feels comfortable and supported at school.
Taking responsibility for choices and actions at school and showing pride in yourself and your work.
Treating peers and others with respect and kindness while embracing our differences.
Caring how your actions impact others and yourself.
Important Dates
☘️ March ☘️
3/13 - Home and School Meeting 7 pm
3/14 - Reading Olympics Meeting 8 am
Youth Art Month Artists' Reception at Indian Valley Public Library 6pm - 7:30pm
3/16 - Elementary Honors Band Rehearsal 9am-11:30am Indian Crest MS
3/18 - Youth Art Month Exhibit at Indian Valley Public Library
(Exhibit runs every day through March 31st)
3/21 - Reading Olympics Evening Competition 6pm-8:15pm Souderton Area HS
3/23 - Elementary Honors Band Rehearsal 9am-11:30am Indian Crest MS
Elementary Honors Band Concert 12pm Indian Crest MS
3/25 - Youth Art Month Exhibit at Indian Valley Public Library
(Exhibit runs every day through March 31st)
SNOW DATE - Elementary Honors Band Concert 7pm Indian Crest MS
3/27 - 4/1 - Spring Break No School
Third Grade Goes to the Aquarium!
Franconia third graders enjoyed a day at Adventure Aquarium observing animals up close. Having learned about adaptations in their Environments and Living Things Unit, they were excited to see many different environments, have hands on interactions with the animals, and learn about how adaptations help animals survive. It was a great day!
🎵 Lip Sync Update 🎵
We've heard a lot of folks who want to participate but have not yet signed up. If you are interested in putting an act together, please sign up at this link NO LATER THAN FRIDAY MARCH 15th! Spread the word and ask your friends if they have signed up yet!
5TH GRADERS ONLY - if you are interested in participating in the 5th grade act, we need you to do so at this link also no later than FRIDAY, MARCH 15th. All 5th grade act rehearsals will happen during the school day!
PARENTS - if you are interested in participating in the parent act, we need you to sign up ASAP at this link. We will send around an email with rehearsal dates soon. Rehearsals will be in the evenings.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Monica Jalboot (thejalboots@gmail.com) or Matt Wahl (mrwahl22@yahoo.com). Can't wait to see you on stage!
📕 Reading Olympics 📕
For all 4th and 5th grade students who are participating in Reading Olympics, our next meeting will be held Thursday, February 1st in the gym. Please use the side entrance (car rider drop off) to drop your child off. Please have your child wait in the car until we open the doors.
Thursday, March 21st, Franconia Elementary will be competing in our Reading Olympics competition at Souderton High School. Our 4th and 5th graders have been working very hard to read all the books on the list in preparing for the big event as well as meeting before school for the last several weeks.
Thank you to Mrs. Green, Mrs. Czajkowski, Mrs. Harsanyi, Mrs. Shannon, Mrs. Sinkinson, Mrs. Diachynsky, Ms. Reice, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Hunsicker, Mrs. Planinshek, and Ms. McLaughlin for all of their support and help! Good luck to our readers!
Read Across America Week 2024
Last week, we celebrated Read Across America Week. Each day of the week we had a theme to celebrate our love of literacy. We sure are "wild about reading" at Franconia.
🏫 Home & School Meeting 🏫
Come join us for our next H&S meeting, Wednesday, March 13th at 7pm in the cafeteria!
Come and get to know other parents as well as staff dedicated to making this school year the best one yet.
Our principal, Dr. Heineck, keeps us in the loop with what is happening in the school at each meeting.
Looking to get involved? If anyone is interested in any of these positions, please reach out to Mandy Wendell aewendell@yahoo.com
Bingo Night - Chair
- Help coordinate and run our fall family Bingo Night
Fundraising - Co - Chair
- To organize and run one or two small fundraisers for this school year
Yearbook - Co-Chair
- Help gather pictures and design the yearbook
These are just some of the ways you can get involved. Come to our meetings to find out more!
Falcons Helping Falcons
Throughout the year, opportunities arise to help a fellow Franconia Falcon (and sometimes their family too). The needs are normally unpredictable and anonymous, but in many times they are needs that fellow Falcons can help meet!
If you are interested in hearing about these needs and possibly helping out, join our Facebook page: Falcons Helping Falcons
Franconia Home & School
The Franconia Home and School has a Facebook page. To join, click this link .
Note: You must answer all of the questions to be added.
This is a great way to get reminders throughout the school year and get to know other parents!
Follow us on Instagram!
Follow Franconia Home & School on Instagram!