GALA Literacy Learning Series #10
Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates (GALA)
Writing Workouts: Building Strong and Skilled Writers
Dr. Rebecca G. Harper
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 from 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Good writers don’t wing it—they have a plethora of skills. Like ace athletes, they are highly trained and well-versed in the techniques found in this session. Slinky paragraphs, pop-up poems, paint chip plotting and many other activities get the serious business of teaching critical and creative writing done. Help students learn to hone skills in persuasive writing, argument, fiction, poetry, memoir, and more.
Dr. Rebecca G. Harper is an Associate Professor of Language and Literacy in the College of Education and Human Development at Augusta University, where she teaches courses in literacy, qualitative research, and curriculum, and serves as the EdD program director. Her research focuses on writing and critical literacy, and the ways in which authentic literacy can foster engagement,
agency, and empathy in students.
She is the Director of the Augusta University Writing Project and the author of Content Area Writing that Rocks (and Works)!, Write Now and Write On: 37 Strategies for Authentic Daily Writing in Every Content Area, and Writing Workouts: Strategies to Build Students’ Writing Skills, Stamina, and Success.
***Please RSVP by completing the FORM below. The Webinar Zoom link will be sent to the email address listed on the form 2-3 days before the scheduled webinar.
Writing Workouts, Grades 6-12: Strategies to Build Students’ Writing Skills, Stamina, and Success (2023)
Write Now and Write On: 37 Strategies for Authentic Daily Writing in Every Content Area (2021)
Content Area Writing That Rocks: Creative Writing Activities, Grades 3-12 (2017)
Please Join Our Webinar!
Tuesday, January 16th, 2024
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Please RSVP By Completing the FORM Below
Georgia Association of Literacy Advocates (GALA)
GALA Leadership Team
- Bethany L. Scullin, Chair
- Robert A. Griffin, Vice Chair
- Al Dodge, Treasurer
- Helena Foster, Secretary
- Megan Schumacher, Membership Working Committee Chair/Member-At-Large
- Carolyn Cutts, Social Media Working Committee Chair/Member-At-Large Chair
- Oluremi Wright, Grants/Scholarships/Awards Working Committee Chair/Member-At-Large Chair
- Crystal Beach, Chair of Professional Development Committee/Member-At-Large
X: @GeorgiaLiteracy