MVSD Family Engagement Newsletter
April 2022
Parent Volunteer Week
Parent and community involvement is a significant factor in the success of schools and school systems throughout the country have accepted the services of dedicated volunteers to assist professional educators. These volunteers have offered their time, encouragement, and meaningful contact with students and are providing an invaluable contribution to the education of our students. We appreciate each volunteer for countless hours of dedicated service that help make our volunteer program a success. Happy Parent Volunteer Week from April 18-22!
Parent Technology Workshops
Miramonte Beautification
Community Fair
Online Broadband Survey
SEL Strength: Affirmations
Nutrition: Bone Health
The framework of every growing child is their bones. Calcium and vitamin D work together to
protect our bones. Aim for rich natural sources of calcium foods in meals and snacks - such as
milk, cheese and yogurt. Other great options are almonds, broccoli, figs, and even cereals. On
packaged foods, verify the words “fortified” on the package. In California, the radiant sun will
provide Vitamin D, but still be cautious and apply sunscreen. Vitamin D sources from food can
be found in egg yolk, salmon, and mushrooms. In addition, some beverages provide fortified
vitamin D such as orange juice, milk and some non-dairy drinks. For a delicious recipe, try a
Potato and Spinach Omelet for the family. This recipe has Vitamin D and plenty of calcium for
growing bones.