The J-List
January 31, 2025
Greetings JES Family!
I hope that you had an amazing week and are ready for the weekend! We have been bitten a bit by the flu bug this week. Please take a few moments to read through the note below from Nurse Denise about helping us prevent the spread of the flu and other illnesses!
Thank you to all of our dads and moms who joined us this morning for our Dad's Club Dragons & Donuts event. It was definitely well worth getting up early to come together for a little breakfast and a great presentation by our Dragon Cross Country Coach Justin Leonard! I am in awe of the sustained success of our runners, which includes 17 UIL State Championships, 27 consecutive years of qualifying for the state meet (23 of those on the podium), and 32 appearances in the Nike XC Nationals. We learned this morning that a Dragon was the first high schooler in Texas to run a sub 4-minute mile! A huge thank you to Coach Leonard for his inspiring points to success - Hard work, Never give up, and Be Kind! These all sound very familiar (hint - JES Dragon Code!).
Today we kicked off our annual Kids Heart Challenge in partnership with the American Heart Association. Your student should be bringing information home today and I've provided some information and links in the newsletter below. I hope that you are able to join me in completing Finns Mission, where we all have the opportunity to either learn or refresh our skills in life-saving Hands-Only CPR.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and please know that I am so honored to be the Principal of this amazing school! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or celebrations you would like to share with me and...GO DRAGONS!!!!!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
A Note From Your School Nurse!
We have noticed an uptick of fevers and illness within this last week. We have implemented additional disinfection measures across campus to mitigate the spread of these illnesses. To help us reduce the spread of these illnesses across the campus, please take a moment to review the district guidelines below regarding when students should remain at home or return to school due to illness.
Exclusions From School Due to Illness
Some communicable diseases or conditions may warrant exclusion from school to avoid exposing other students. If your student exhibits any of the following symptoms, please keep your student home until the child is free of the symptoms and has been satisfactorily treated.
- Temperature of 100 degrees or above
- Vomiting and/or diarrhea
- Persistent, uncontrolled cough
- Rash
- Open, itchy or draining lesions
- Red, itchy, draining eyes
- Presence of live lice or nits in the hair
- Suffering from a reportable disease, as defined by the Texas Board of Health
- Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp
If your child has a fever over 100 degrees, he/she must be free of fever for 24 hours without the assistance of medication before returning to school. Similarly, if your child is vomiting at home or was sent home from school because of vomiting, he/she must be free of vomiting for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
Please reach out to Nurse Denise if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your assistance in helping us reduce the transmission of illnesses across our campus.
Spring Pictures
Class and spring individual pictures will be taken on Thursday, February 13th. All students will be photographed and no money will be due on picture day. Proof cards and information on ordering will be sent out 2-3 weeks after picture day.
Valentine's Parties
Valentine's Day Parties will take place on Friday, February 14th according to the times listed below. Parents are welcome and encouraged to use this link to RSVP so that we can have your visitor badge printed and waiting for you!
Kinder 8:00 parade, followed by party
1st 10:00 - 10:45
2nd 10:45 - 11:30
3rd 11:00 - 11:45
4th 10:20 - 11:05
Attendance Matters
Attendance by the Numbers...
Mon Jan 27 - 93.87%
Tue Jan 28 - 93.87%
Wed Jan 29 - 94.35%
Thu Jan 30 - 92.26%
Fri Jan 31 - 89.35%
Weekly Average - 92.74%
Kids Heart Challenge
Johnson Elementary Kids Heart Challenge program is quackin'! We can't wait for you and your student to learn some of these amazing heart healthy habits and lifesaving skills! Our goal is to raise $40,000 for the American Heart Association and for all families to learn Hands-Only CPR!!!
Here's how you can get started:
- Sign up on our school's Kids Heart Challenge Page: http://www2.heart.org/goto/JackJohnsonElementary
- Download the app iOS/Android
- Get started on Finn's Lifesaving Mission!
We’re excited to share that our school has some fun ways to celebrate our impact: Any student that raises $200 will get to participate in Johnson's Color Blast Party! Also, complete Finn's Mission to wear the Red Hero's Cape on one of the Finn Fridays!
4th Grade Parents
CogAT/ITBS Scores
Scores from the October CogAT/ITBS assessments and math placement letters will be mailed home together on February 12th.
Incoming 5th Grade Parent Meeting
Please mark your calendars to attend the CISD Incoming 5th Grade Parent Meeting. Details below.
JES Family Date Night
Come dressed in animal prints or neon and enjoy a night full of activities, food, and games! Hot dogs, soft pretzels, popcorn and cotton candy will be served. Enjoy our DJ, balloon artists, face painters, 360 Photo Booth and LED Glow Games.
One ticket needed per person and an adult must attend with children.
National School Counselor Week!
Help us celebrate Mrs. Bailey for National School Counselor week by dropping off a sweet note or picture!
Dragon Wagon! Friday, February 7th!
Our first Dragon Wagon of 2025 will be on Friday, February 7th! Items range from 25¢ to $5. Small bills are always appreciated!
JES Multicultural Event!
Community Corner
Spring Break Camps at CISD
Check out our Community Camps page on the CISD website for more details on new camps held at CISD!
Around the Corner
3-7 School Counseling Week
8 - PTO Family Date Night, 5-7pm
13 - Spring Pictures (Individual & Class), 8am
14 - Valentine's Day Parties
17 - Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development
20 - PTO General Mtg, 9:15am
24 - Multicultural Event, 5:30pm