Clearspring Howl
Some thoughts for the starting school year

September 15th, 2024
Our Huskies are off to a great year. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to Back to School Night. We enjoyed watching you "race" around Clearspring and engage with our teachers the way are students do on a daily basis.
This week's Husky Howl provides information for the upcoming week to help you feel organized and prepared to support your students. Have a great week!
Important Dates
This Week’s Lunch Menu
Teacher Spotlight
🥣 Community Support from The Upcounty Hub 🥕
We are partnering with the upcounty hub to provide weekend food bags for any families that are interested in a little extra support over the weekends. Please complete the form below to indicate that you are interested in your student (s) receiving a bag each Friday to bring home.
Inclement Weather Communication
The safety of our MCPS community is critical, and being able to communicate with students, staff, and families during severe weather or other emergencies is of the utmost importance. Use this link to find all the ways you can connect with MCPS to receive emergency operational information from the school system. The current operating status options for the school district appear on the MCPS website and on individual school websites. In the event of a change in operational status, this link will provide more information about the MCPS Operating Status options.
- If your student is going to be out for any kind of doctors appointment, the front office does need a DOCTOR'S NOTE for your student to receive an excused absence.
- We start preparing students for dismissal at 3:20. Because of all the movement at students at the end of the day, we do not dismiss students for an early pick up in the office after 3:00pm. If you need to pick your student up early for any reason, it must be done before 3:00pm or you will need to wait for regular dismissal.
🌟PTA 🍎
Some of the after school club offerings
PTA Upcoming Events and Fundraiser
September - Spirit Wear Sale Begins
- 16- Jimmie Cone Spirit NIght
- 17- PTA Meeting (Hybrid) 7pm-8pm
- 25 - Spiritwear Sale ends
● 2- Urban Air Fundraiser 4-8pm
● 11-17- Book Fair
● 15- Book Fair Night Hours until 7 and Food Truck Spirit NIght
● 25- Talent Show
● 27- Trunk or Treat- 2pm -3pm
Don't forget to joing the PTA this year. We look foward to working together with our amazing PTA to continue to make memorable experience throughout the year. You can reach out to your PTA Board anytime with comments, questions, suggestions Clearspring.PTA@gmail.com
Visit the website: https://ClearspringPTA.com/
Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Clearspring.PTA
Follow us Instagram: @clearspringpta