Newcomb News 8/18/24
Vol. 4 Issue 2
Dear Newcomb K-8 Families and Friends,
Things are happening at Newcomb. We are working hard in preparation for the start of the new school year. The Main Office will reopen on Tuesday, August 20th, at 8:00 am. For the week of August 20th through August 26th, our summer office hours will be from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Starting August 27th, we’ll return to our regular hours of 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Please check this week’s newsletter for updates on new events and important information. We also request that all families complete the Annual Verification Form linked below. Your prompt attention to this form helps us ensure accurate records for the upcoming school year. The information that families provide help to drive critical funding to our school. Thank you for your cooperation!
Go Spartans!!!!!
Annual Verification (Very Important!!!!!!!)
We are asking that all Newcomb Families log into their ParentVUE account to verify and/or update their information by completing the Annual Student Verification. This is something that not only helps maintain contact information and communication preferences, but it also identifies students for various services/programs and determines school needs.
To complete the verification, use the link to log into your ParentVUE account: ParentVUE link.
If you need assistance, feel free to check out the instructions we’ve provided at the link below, which will walk you through the verification process.
DIRECTIONS: How to Complete Annual Verification
For questions and further assistance, please contact your child’s school.
Important Dates
8/13- Our counselor, Mr Morinaga ( and Principal Thompson ( return to work. Both are available via e-mail prior to 8/20.
8/19- TK/Kinder Assessments- TK/Kinder families have been emailed specific information about this process. (This is for TK and New Kindergarten students only) Students who attended Newcomb last year will not be assessed until the school year starts.
8/20- Office Opens for the 2024-2025 School year and office hours will be 8:00 to 4:00 pm8/22- Please see orientation details below
8/27- First Day of School!!! This will be a minimum day with a 1:00 pm dismissal for all students (TK-8)
8/27 to 9/13- All TK-Kindergarten Students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm. This will allow teachers to meet individually or in small groups with students and for relationship building and connection with families.
Newcomb Campus Clean-Up
Hi Newcomb Friends and Families!! We have had a lot of activity on campus this summer and we need your help to make Newcomb shine on the 1st day of school. All Newcomb friends and families are welcome. Please bring brooms, dust pans, weed whackers, weeding tools, flowers, blowers or just show up and help out for as long as you can.
2024-2025 Schedules
Click this link to access Newcomb's Google Events Calendar. You should be able to add to your calendar so that you can keep up to date on all Newcomb Events. (Calendar Link)
After School Supervision
After school playground supervision will begin on the 2nd day of school. Supervision will run from the end of school until 3:00 pm M-F. All students must be picked up by 3 pm. After 3 pm we do not have any adult supervision. Any students who are not picked up will be brought to the main office.
***The only exception will be on minimum days, when supervision will go from 1 pm to 2 pm.
In Person Spirit Wear & Middle School PE Uniform Sales
If you did not get a chance to order we will be selling spirit wear on Thursday, 8/22 during Middle School and TK/Kinder Orientations. Here are the price break downs for items being sold in person. (PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL ITEMS SOLD ON CAMPUS WILL BE CASH ONLY.)
Spirit Wear
Shirts- $15
Sweatshirts/Hoodies- Youth $30 / Adult $35
Middle School PE Uniforms (Required for Middle School)
$10 Shirts
$10 Shorts
$15 Sweats
$20 Crewnecks
**We will hold another online spirit wear sale at the start of September.
Uniform Donations
If you have gently used and washed Newcomb Uniform items that you no longer need and would like to donate please drop off in the Main Office starting Tuesday, 8/20.
These uniform items are helpful in supporting students who might need to change during the day and we can utilize them to ensure that all students have what they need to be successful.
Thanks for your support.
Dress Code Guidelines
Newcomb Cell Phone Policy
Recommended Supply List Links
Newcomb Recommended Supply Lists *We are always be in need of tissue, hand sanitizer, baby wipes
6th Grade & New Middle School Student Orientation
On Thursday, 8/22 we will be hosting our incoming 6th graders and new middle school students in the gym at 9:00 am. Orientation will run from 9 to 12 noon. Students will have a chance to build relationships, play games, get a tour of campus, see where their classes will be and have a pizza lunch. Students will be released at approx. 12 pm. Pick up will be in front of school.
Family and Friends are welcome to join a presentation in the Auditorium at 9:15 to hear about our middle school and ask questions. We will also provide a brief tour too. You can purchase spirit wear items in the quad starting at 9:45 am.
6th Grade Meet Up
6th Grade Park Meet-Up at El Dorado Park (enter E Barrios St.) on Thursday, August 22nd directly after the 6th grade orientation event. The PTSA and Newcomb Academy Foundation are hosting a park meet-up for incoming 6th graders and their families. Hot dogs and popsicles will be provided by the PTSA and Newcomb Academy Foundation. Bring a chair/blanket, drinks, and additional snacks! Questions, text Karen at 562-533-6728.
TK/Kindergarten & New Elementary School Orientation
4:00 pm
Last name starting A-L- Students will line up out in front of school by class for class and school tours.
Last name starting M-Z- Families will go to the Auditorium for an orientation presentation from Principal Thompson and our counselor Mr. Morinaga.
4:40 pm
- Last name starting M-Z- Students will line up out in front of school by class for class and school
- Last name starting A-L- Families will go to the Auditorium for an orientation presentation from Principal Thompson andour counselor Mr. Morinaga.
TK/K Play Date (Open to All New Newcomb Families & Friends)
TK/K Playdate & New Newcomb Family Meet-Up on Sunday, August 25th at 11am at El Dorado Park (enter E Barrios St.). The PTSA and Newcomb Academy Foundation welcome our new families and would love to see you at this casual park meet-up. Meet fellow Newcomb families, learn more about the parent/grown-up organizations, and enjoy a fun day at the park! Questions, text Miho at 949-351-4814.
Schedules and Class Assignments
Middle School class schedules and grades 1-5 teacher assignments will be released via ParentVUE on Friday, 8/23.
PTSA & Foundation Meet & Greet Oppurtunities
The PTSA and Newcomb Academy Foundation are excited to meet with Newcomb families! Some great opportunities to learn more about our parent/caregiver organizations would be to join us for our first meeting of the year on Tuesday, September 24th at 6:30pm in the Newcomb Library (childcare provided) or at the Parent/Grown-Up Mixer on Friday, September 27th at 6:30pm (location TBD).
PTSA Contact Information-
Instagram- @newcombacademyptsa
Foundation Contact Information-
Instagram- @newcombacademyfoundation
PTSA Movie Night (Moana)
After School Golf- TGA Golf @ Newcomb
September 20 - November 1
January 17 to February 28
March 28 to May 9
Monthly Breakfast & Lunch Menu (TBA)
Staff Contact Information
Chris Thompson, Principal-
Ross Morinaga, Counselor-
Dylann Castro, Office Supervisor-
Nurse CJ-
Judy Caceres, Attendance-
Sharon Onaroti- Enrollment-
Teacher Email List (Linked once the school year starts)
Kids' Club Contact Information
Newcomb Kids' Club Director-
Lacey Rogers-
Newcomb Kids' Club Main Line- (562) 430-7104
Kids' Club District Contact Information-
Shannon McCone, Manager, at (562) 627-1022, extensions 296, 297, or 299.
Newcomb K-8 Academy
Principal Email:
Location: 3351 Val Verde Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562)430-1250
Instagram: @newcomb_k8_lbusd