Eagle Sightings October
Holly Wehner, Principal
Dear Eagle Families and Caregivers,
It has been an amazing first month of school. I continue to rave about FHES anytime I am asked how things are going because I am so excited and proud of what is happening here at school. Students are settling into the routines/expectations of their classrooms and building relationships. All school staff greet students each day and set a positive and supportive tone for all learners. Teachers are designing lessons that are exciting and engaging, as well as planning for student success by consistently guiding, challenging, and supporting students. As I walk through the halls and visit classrooms or chat with students at lunch and recess, I continue to see such joy as children connect with long-time friends as well as get to know new ones!
Responsibility is our October character trait of the month. Each day we are working to take action and understand the impact of our choices. Later this month, our student council will lead us in a responsibility-themed assembly. Ask your child about what responsibility means to them, both at school and at home. FHES is so grateful for the partnership with all of you, and we look forward to the continued collaboration as we work together to support our learners academically and emotionally!
I am excited also to report how FHES Eagles are SOARing! They are Safe, On task, Accountable, and Respectful. Ask an FHES child in your life what they have done (or will do) to earn a SOAR award! Awards are collected throughout the week, and on Friday, there is a drawing, where one child from each grade level is chosen to come down to the office to select a prize. It is wonderful to see students' pride in their responsibilities and SOAR behaviors.
Thank you,
Holly Wehner
➡️No Electronic Devices at School⬅️
Please remind your child/ren about the following school policies:
- Personal electronic devices are not to be used at school. If a CELL PHONE or SMARTWATCH is brought to school for afterschool use it must remain in the student’s backpack until the end of the school day.
- No texting or calling during school hours from student devices.
- All communication to or from home must go through the school office.
Growing Readers and Writers
We are one month into our new school year and all FHES classrooms are well into various routines for literacy instruction. Throughout the school day, each grade level focuses on different literacy-related activities to support all students eventually becoming skilled readers. Developing into a skilled reader is not only invaluable, it can also be an indicator of overall school performance. Teachers are working hard to grow reading skills at school and, in partnership with parents, we suggest that all students are reading/being read to outside of school. Research consistently shows that reading at home significantly impacts children’s reading skills, even into later schooling years. Some benefits include: building foundational reading skills for our earliest readers, increased vocabulary acquisition, improved cognitive skills (e.g. comprehension, critical thinking, problem solving), and supporting emotional well-being by fostering positive interactions between caregivers and children.
Here are suggestions from our FHES teachers:
For our earliest readers in pre-K and Kindergarten, we encourage engagement through books/topics of interest to your reader and being read to/reading each day.
Some first and second graders will prefer to be read to, while others are ready and interested in reading on their own. There are benefits for either and we suggest that students read/are read to for at least 20 minutes each night.
As third graders continue to build their reading lives, readers can choose a “just right” book they love, find a good spot to read, and read the book as if it were GOLD. It is expected that students read for 20 minutes each weeknight and fill out a reading log; weekend reading is encouraged.
Fourth grade readers and their families are encouraged beyond time parameters to make an investment in the emotional and cognitive growth that happens when caregivers read to and with children. During these moments of reading together, a complexity of language develops as well as a love of literature and storytelling. Children also learn to treasure books and the adventures that await them as they become stronger and more independent in their reading journey.
Fifth grade readers continue to grow their reading independence by reading for a minimum of 20 minutes and completing a reading log to track their work.
The image of Scarborough’s Reading Rope (2001) provides a visual of all the language comprehension and word recognition skills that are woven into reading instruction. Let’s work together to ensure that all FHES students are maximizing opportunities to develop into skilled readers.
Kelso's Choices
Disagreement and conflict is normal and often happens when children get together. However, hurtful words, actions, or physically hurting are unacceptable ways to deal with problems at school. Our goal is to teach students several positive ways to deal with these challenging situations. To do this, we teach children to try at least two of “Kelso’s Choices” when dealing with typical interpersonal problems:
Go to another game or activity
Talk it out with the person
Walk away from the problem
Ignore the person
Tell the person to “please stop”, in a strong and respectful voice
Make a deal or compromise
Wait and cool off (take deep breaths)
Share and take turns
Kids can use Kelso’s Choices before asking for adult help. When a request for adult help is made, they can say, “My friend is teasing me about my glasses. I tried ignoring him, and I’ve told him it hurts my feelings. He’s still calling me names.” Of course, any serious or unsafe conflicts that cause a child to feel threatened or frightened should be reported to an adult right away.
By using Kelso’s Choices, our students develop effective problem-solving skills that they can use again and again - both at school and at home! Knowing what to do will help students reduce the stress and frequency of conflicts they have with their peers. We encourage you to become familiar with Kelso’s Choices and use it in your home. By working together, we can help students to develop these healthy life skills.
Terra Holmgren, School Counselor
Holly Wehner, Principal
October 2024
- Saturday, October 5: Family Garden Day 10 am-12 pm FHES Garden
- Monday, October 7: Hearing Screenings
- Tuesday, October 8: Hearing Screenings
- Monday, October 14: PTO Meeting 5:30 p.m. in the FHES Library
- Wednesday, October 16: 11:10 Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Thursday, October 17: 10:17 Great American Shakeout Earthquake Drill
- Thursday, October 17: 11:10 Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Friday, October 18: 11:10 Dismissal Parent-Teacher Conference
- Thursday, October 24: School Photo Retakes, and Class Photo
- Thursday, October 24: 11:20-12:00 pm Zoom Lunch with Mrs. Wehner
- Friday, October 25: Yearbook Cover Entries Due
- Friday, October 25: Popcorn Day!
- Thursday, October 31: 9 am Halloween Parade
Parent and Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, October 16, Thursday, October 17, and Friday, October 18 will be 11:10 a.m. dismissal days for Parent and Teacher Conferences. Sign-ups will be coming from teachers soon!
Going Home Plans
Please make sure your child knows their going-home plans before the school day starts.
We understand that going home plans may change during the day. When this happens we can write a note to be delivered to your child. Please be aware that notes are delivered at 2:15 pm, and Wednesdays at 1:10 pm. Please let us know your plans before this time, thank you!
Thank you for setting your child up for success by ensuring they know their going-home plan before the start of the school day.
Yearbook Cover Contest
All Friday Harbor Elementary students are invited to enter their own creative cover design for
this year’s yearbook.
Your cover may be:
- A photo or a photo collage of your own photos
- Artwork created by you: Any medium is acceptable
Your cover must be:
- Your own original work
- 8.5” X 11” white paper
Your cover must include the following information:
- Name of the school (Friday Harbor Elementary)
- The year of the yearbook (2024-2025)
- Please do not write your name on the entry, only include it on the paperclipped entry form
Suggested themes/designs:
- Eagles Mascot
- Island Location
- Learning & Academics
- Music, Science, Art & PE
Deadline: Friday, October 25th
Submit entries to the school office
No Dogs
Please remember No Dogs are allowed on school grounds (even if they are on a leash). This includes the fields for games and practices and before and after school.
Thank you for your support 🐾
Title I Program at FHES
Title I is a federal program designed to provide customized instruction and curricula that help students meet academic standards. We are currently serving K-5 students using two structured literacy programs, while reinforcing phonics and phonological awareness skills that are already being taught in the regular classrooms with Fundations curriculum and Heggerty curriculum. We are also able to support number sense in Kindergarten.
Most of our students are immersed in a structured literacy program created by a veteran reading specialist for beginning readers called Whole Phonics. Whole Phonics books are crafted to sequentially instill language and reading skills over consecutive levels of learning. In addition to the colorful decodable books the program provides, students are also given engaging workbooks and games that reinforce the same skills.
Most of our older students are reading action-packed phonics-based decodable books from High Noon Books, which are engaging adventure stories that allow opportunities to practice decoding in shorter, non-intimidating text. These books, along with supporting practice pages, also focus on specific decoding patterns in the context of a larger narrative. While each series focuses on a systematic phonics progression, students are also building word knowledge, blending, segmenting, comprehension, and vocabulary skills.
We look forward to partnering with you as we work with Title I students and help them grow as learners. Please look for more communication on progress and opportunities to meet and plan together as the year progresses.
Science Update from Ms. Kareken
In Science, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders have started the year doing potato Olympics. They had fun naming their teams, decorating their potatoes, and competing in the gymnastics, dancing, and diving competitions.
Kindergarteners are learning to be scientists by observing nature, learning about the weather, and making drawings about what they see. 1st graders are learning about severe weather conditions. And 2nd graders are working on how rocks turn into sand and erosion. We are off to a great start.
Music Update from Mrs. Danskine
Music has started off with a bang this year. Billy Joel is the musician of the month, and through Piano Man and his music, we've been experiencing diverse concepts such as doo-wap, acapella singing, and how dissonant chords can create a musical mood. Of course, we have to rock out to "Uptown Girl" - the kids have loved keeping the beat with racquetballs! Fourth graders are learning the history of the Star-Spangled Banner, and all grades have been reviewing note values and practicing rhythms. I'm so proud of how quickly the Kindergarteners have learned the ropes of Music class; their enthusiasm for singing and dancing is contagious.
The Mystery Musician game will begin soon; the first forms will be due to be turned in on Monday, October 8. Clues will be emailed to all parents and available to students on paper forms.
Our Treblemakers choir has a record 40 members, and we're looking forward to our first performance on November 8 at the school's Veterans Day assembly. If your FHES student has a veteran in their life they'd like to invite to the assembly, please do!
Art Update from Mr. LoBue
To start the year in art our students are working on:
2nd graders are working with line variety, creating a line lighthouse drawing.
3rd graders are composing with colors and geometric shapes
4th graders are constructing mosaics out of torn paper
5th graders are identifying and designing with warm and cool colors in a leaf watercolor painting.
PE Update from Mrs. Levasheff
As the PE teacher, I’m focusing on teaching students important values like sportsmanship, cooperation, and working toward shared goals through team-building games. By encouraging students to take ownership of how they handle themselves during team play, they’re learning how to collaborate and support each other. These skills are not only valuable in the gym but also out on the playground and in various activities throughout the day.
Health Room Updates from Erin Donaldson, RN, BSN
Medication at School: A "Permission To Administer Medication At School" form must be on file for ANY medication taken at school, even if it is over the counter. The form must be completed by a physician, and a parent or legal guardian, before the student may take medication at school. The form is located on the district website under Departments, then Health Services or a printed copy can be picked up from the school office during office hours.
Flu and Covid Shot Clinic for Students: On Tuesday, October 15th our local health department will be hosting a flu/covid school-based vaccine clinic for those interested in having their students vaccinated for one or both. The clinic will run after school from 3-6 pm at the High School Commons. Registration is up and running on the county website. Please note, registration is for completion of paperwork only. You may come anytime between 3 and 6 pm despite the registration process asking you to choose a time.
Vision and Hearing Screenings: State-mandated vision and hearing screenings will be happening throughout the month of October. This helps us determine if any child demonstrates auditory or visual problems that may negatively impact their learning. If your student does not pass their initial screening and subsequent re-screening, a referral will be sent to you via mail. Any opt-outs must be communicated to me via email at erindonaldson@sjisd.org.
Zoom Lunch with Holly Wehner
Join FHES principal over Zoom for a chat or a listen.
- Thursday, October, 24 11:20-12:00 pm
Meeting ID: 834 8500 2911
Bring your questions, concerns, gratitude, and thoughts.
Halloween Parade
FHES will be putting on the annual Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31st at 9am.
Permission slips will be coming home shortly, and all students must have a signed slip to be able to walk in the parade. Please remember that no weapons, masks, or costumes with blood/gore are allowed at school or in the parade. Volunteers are welcome to walk with the group.
San Juan Public Schools Foundation needs your support!
SJPSF raises funds for district-wide classroom
and educational programs, including textbooks, curriculum, classroom libraries and a variety of STEAM and other enrichment opportunities. Each year as students and teachers head back to the classroom, they depend on SJPSF to fill budget gaps and support academic needs that would not be met otherwise.
Please visit San Juan Public Schools Foundation (sjpsf.org) to learn more about the incredible
opportunities that SJPSF makes possible for our island’s students and teachers, and how your donation will make an immediate and positive impact in our local schools. SJPSF is always looking for more board members to fundraise and help meet school district goals. Thank you for your support!
Please remember that all visitors must check in with the office and wear a visitor badge while on school grounds during school hours.
FHES Parent Teacher Organization
Click on the links below to connect with PTO:
The next PTO meeting will be Monday, October 14, at 5:30 p.m. in the FHES Library.
It's ok to bring your students to the meeting.
Thanks for dropping off KING'S MARKET receipts to the School Office.
Touch-a-Truck All Ages!
School’s out early, so grab your pals and come explore rigs of all shapes and sizes. Big-time fun - free raffle for a ride to school with our local Sheriff!
FHES playground 11:20 am-12:30 pm, Oct 18 Fri
Veterans Day Assembly
FHES families do you have a family member you would like to honor at our upcoming Veterans Day Assembly? We welcome them to join us on November 8th at 8:45 am as we celebrate our Veterans.
If your child has to miss a day of class please remember to excuse the absence by emailing jeannarheinberger@sjisd.org or calling 360-370-7302.
Thank you!
Community Connections
Wondering about local groups and businesses that offer youth activities and/or support? San Juan Island School District has them posted on our Community Partners page.
Friday Harbor Elementary School
Email: roslynbutcher@sjisd.org
Website: sjisd.wednet.edu
Location: 95 Grover Street, Friday Harbor, WA, USA
Phone: 360.378.5209
San Juan Island School District Commitment to Non-discrimination
San Juan Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The San Juan Island School District offers classes in many career and technical education program areas such as Culinary Arts, Career Prep, STEM, and Computer Science under its open admissions policy. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact CTE Directors, Liz Varvaro, elizabethvarvaro@sjisd.org, PO Box 458, FH, WA, (360) 378-4133. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Faith Knight, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Title IX Officer
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Fred Woods, Superintendent, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-7905