News You Can Use
Friday, November 17, 2023
November is a time we traditionally “count our blessings.” There are so many that come to mind when I think of our school community. We have great students who are eager and committed to learning, a dedicated staff that is passionate about children and helping them reach their full potential, and outstanding family support. Eagle Lake is a very special place. So thankful for the privilege of being part of this school community!
Mrs. Raab's students had a special guest in recognition of being the class at Eagle Lake that collected the highest number of items for the Food Drive!
P.E. Corner
Multiage Striking Unit and 3rd Grade Track and Field
This week, multiage continued to learn how to hit off a tee stand. They played games such as Rapid Fire and Clean Up Your Yard to practice their hitting and throwing skills.
This week, 3rd graders learned how to perform a shot put throw. They played Clean Up Your Yard to practice this skill. They also learned how to do a long jump and a discus throw with a frisbee.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Wallick
Third grade students are continuing to work on their shipwreck research. Second grade and multiage students are learning vocabulary related to coding. This week we practiced with conditionals by reading a book called If/Then by Vicky Fang and playing a game.
Happy reading and researching!
Miss Thunell
Breakfast and lunch are available daily at the Eagle Lake School.
Meal Magic Family Portal is the place to go to set up a lunch account for your child, add money to an established account, or apply for free/reduced meals. Edwardsburg Public Schools is asking families to please complete an application for free/reduced meals as some areas of school funding are dependent on the outcome of these applications.
EPS Mission
Edwardsburg Public Schools will maximize all EDDIES’ potential to be successful in life.
23889 Avenue C
Edwardsburg, MI 49112
Principal: Deborah Becraft