Eagle Mail (HSACP)
Week of February 10, 2025
February Character Trait - Cooperation
PTO - Teacher Valentine Breakfast
Interim STAAR Testing - began this week
We will be administering our Interim STAAR Testing: Feb. 13th and Feb. 18th. Parents & Volunteers are not allowed on campus until the testing is complete. Please call ahead to ensure the testing is completed.
5th Grade Parents Only
Parent of the Year Nomination form
Parent/Guardian Survey - We need your input!!!
Everyone has a voice in Harmony Public Schools’ ongoing pursuit of educational excellence, and we are asking for candid feedback about your campus. We want to hear your thoughts on critical issues, including academics, student support, family engagement, diversity, school operations, and the accessibility of school leaders.
If you haven't already done so, please take a moment to complete the attached survey below.
PTO Fundraiser - Wednesday, Feb. 26th
Purchase your Yearbook TODAY!
- Yearbooks will be delivered the last week of School. They are purchased directly from the publisher and NOT through RevTrak. All yearbooks MUST BE PRE-ORDERED. We will not have extra ones to purchase at the end of the year. Please order your yearbook today if you want one.
MEET the new stem teacher
Color Run Registration
UT STEM Girl Day - FREE Family Event - Feb. 22
Enter through Anderson MILL ONLY!!
If you use the back entrance, you are cutting through the businesses in the back, and we want to be good neighbors. As you can imagine, our dismissal line effects those businesses, and we do not want to add to this challenge. Cutting into the line from the back entrance also upsets (rightfully so) other drivers who are properly entering from Anderson Mill. We also want to be good neighbors to our fellow carline drivers. We ALL want to safely pick up our students in a timely manner.
Dismissal begins at 3:20, and we are done by 3:50/3:55 on most days - That is a 30/35 minute dismissal of 745 students!!! WoooHoooo!!!
Is your Student interested in Robotics? - Try Snapology
Snapology is one of our Wednesday Clubs, and they are offering classes for grades K- 2nd & 3rd - 5th. Last semester two of our very own Harmony Students: Elias V. & Ayaan K. placed 2nd in the robotics competition.
Harmony NIKE Duffle Giveaway
Share your story before February 13, 2025.
To improve the overall safety of our campus and to meet Texas guidelines, the Main Gate(closest to the playground) and the Exit Gate (closest to Anderson Mill Rd.) will be closed during regular school hours.
Main & Exit Gates will be closed from:
8:15am to 3 pm - Monday - Thursday
8:15 am to 12:45 pm on Friday.
There will be two points of access to the campus: #1 - Through the top driveline gate (blue/green/ yellow lane entrance) or #2 - Parking outside of the main gate(by the playground) and walking through the pedestrian gate.
During arrival, the gates will be open 7 am to 8:15 am.
The Top Driveline Gate will not be closed during the day.
If you need to pick-up your student for appointments prior to these times, you'll need to use the Top driveline gate or park outside of the main gate and walk through pedestrian gate
Being on-time to School is Important!!
Instruction begins promptly at 7:45. Students arriving late to school will receive one Reinforcement Point (RP) for each tardy they receive. You will receive an email notification regarding this RP. The purpose is to notify you of the importance of being at school on-time.
Did you know?
5 minutes late every day of the week adds up to approximately 3 days of lost school time.
JOIN the PTO!!
We need more volunteers to continue to have amazing events on our campus. Sign-Up TODAY!!!
Friday Dress Code REMINDER!!
Student's Birthday at School
Being Mindful of Highly Allergic Foods
Good Afternoon,
As a school, we have changed to peanut-free lunches serving students sunflower butter instead of peanut butter.
- Please be mindful of your children's lunches to avoid highly allergic foods with students.
- Remind your children to clean and wash thoroughly after lunch in order to decrease the spread of germs and potential allergic reactions to other students.
- If a student knows they are allergic to an item that another student might have close by, please have them tell a staff member so we can sit them somewhere else.
- Also, remind your children to never share their food with another student.
Have an afternoon appointment??
Monday - Thursday: students must be picked up BEFORE 2:45 and on Fridays BEFORE 12:45 pm
This policy allows students to be picked up prior to the beginning of dismissal and ensures you are able to leave the campus in a timely manner.
Did you know? We use Facebook to post happenings at our school......
We post reminders, events, pictures of what is happening at the school and kudos on our Facebook page. Eagle Mail gives you the overview, but Facebook fills in the details. Check it out!! Click below to join our Facebook page.....
Volunteers Wanted! Background Check Needed
We would LOVE to see you at our school - Come for Lunch - STAY and Volunteer! Please complete the background check today using the link below!
- Teacher Workroom helper
- Field Trip Chaperone
- Homeroom Parent
- Read your favorite book to the Class
- Library Book Organizer - Student are visiting the library; assistance with re-shelving is greatly appreciated.
- Reach out to teacher to ask how to help
Email your teacher and ask how you can help!!
Cafeteria News:
Hello Harmony Cedar Park Mrs. Bernal here!
- You are encouraged to submit free and reduced-price meal applications for your student.
- The state and federal governments use this information to help distribute grants and other forms of funding. If you don’t complete it, your student’s campus could miss some of this funding.
- In addition, your student could get fee waivers for college applications and exams, access to scholarship opportunities, academic enrichment programs, and increased health and wellness services.
- Let's work together to get additional funding for our students!
- If you would like to set-up a student lunch account so that your student can eat in the Cafeteria, you can click on the red bar below and scroll down to the the School Café link.
- School Menus/ Halal Info
Visit the Harmony Cedar Park Website to find the following information:
- Outside Vendor Clubs: https://hsacp.harmonytx.org/students/after-school-academy
- School Menus/ Halal Info
- https://hsacp.harmonytx.org/parents/child-nutrition/menu-breakfast-lunch
- Counselor Information: https://hsacp.harmonytx.org/parents/healthy-minds
- Handbook/Dress Code: https://hsacp.harmonytx.org/
Harmony Science Academy - Cedar Park Administration Team
Dean of Academics: Lauren Wilkins lwilkins@harmonytx.org
Dean of Student Culture: Scott Stetson sstetson@harmonytx.org
Harmony Science Academy - Cedar Park Front Office Staff
Health Aide: Sandra Uhrig suhrig@harmonytx.org
Business Manager: Derence Russell drussell@harmonytx.org
Child Nutrition Assistant: Maria Bernal mbernal@harmonytx.org
Registrar: Andrea Hamelin ahamelin@harmonytx.org
Shelly O'Mara - Engagement Coordinator
Email: somara@harmonytx.org
Website: hsacp.harmonytx.org
Location: 12200 Anderson Mill Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-494-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/HSACedarPark