Tuesday Take-Home
December 3, 2024
From the Principal, Mrs. Noe'
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. As we enter the season of Advent I wish you blessings of heartfelt anticipation for the coming of Jesus.
Report Card Conferences are this Friday, December 6. Parent/Teacher report card conferences are an important way to support your child's academic success in school. If you haven't scheduled a meeting please email your child's teacher to request a time.
The Saint Pius V School Festival of Wreaths will be held this Friday, December 6 through Sunday, December 8. The Lower Church Hall will be open during conferences, come and visit the display of beautifully decorated wreaths and enter for a chance to win one!
Volunteers needed for the a few remaining openings for Student Christmas Shopping Days . Please use the link below to sign up.
Christmas Card Fundraiser - Thank you to all families for your participation! Please refer to the instruction letter sent home.
- Stubs for the 1st round of cards sold are due by Friday, December 13th.
- If you plan to submit your money to the office, it must be received no later than this Friday December 6th. Otherwise, you can pay online between now and December 9th or it will automatically be withdrawn from your bank account on December 11th.
- For those that requested additional cards to sell, those stubs are due January 2nd, when we return back from Christmas Break. As a reminder, please return stubs with the “form of payment” letter that was sent home with the additional cards. Otherwise, your account will be billed through Autopay for the amount of cards that were sent home. Thank you in advance for your support!!
The Financial Application for the next school year 2025-2026 is now open on FACTS. Current and new families can begin their financial aid application now.
Mrs. Noe '
"Behold, I bring you tidings of Great Joy"
Welcome, Advent
Our Christmas Wish...PEACE
Saint of the Week: Saint Nicholas dedicated his life to helping others. Nicholas gave all of his wealth to help the poor and the sick and he often helped others in secret. His Feast Day is December 6 and he is the Patron Saint of Children and Sailors.
Prayer intentions: Lord, In the midst of the rush of life, help us to find inner quietness and an awareness of your presence.
This Week
Tuesday, December 3
- Band
- Robotics Club 2:30-4:00 p.m.
- Used Uniform Store open today (first Wednesday of the month) from 8:00-10:00 a.m. Bowler Street parking lot garage.
- Tin Whistle Club 2:30-3:15
Thursday, December 5
Friday, December 6
- Parent Conferences - No School for Students
- Festival of Wreaths - Lower Church Hall - 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Looking Ahead:
- December 9 All are welcome, Mass of the Immaculate Conception 1:00pm , Report Cards will be emailed home.
- December 10 Student Council Christmas Party 2:30-3:00
- December 11, All are welcome, Parent Association Social Christmas Get Together. Join us for an informal gathering with ,food, friends, and beverages 5:30-7:00 pm in the School Community Room.
- Christmas Shopping Days. December 10, 11, 12.
- December 13. CHRISTMAS PAJAMA NUT day $2.00. money raised supports Grade 8 graduation activities. Thank you!
- December 16 Grades 3-6 Christmas Concert 6:30 -7:30 upper church
- December 17 Grades K-2 Christmas Concert 10:00 am upper church
- December 17 Early Release- 11:00am