Frayne Today
News & Updates K - 12 | Term 2 Week 11 | 27/6/2024
Principal's Welcome
Our eleven-week term comes to a close this week. Our staff will conclude the term with our annual Staff Spirituality Day. This day will take us to Fremantle where we will share time together and participate in a variety of chosen workshops. Staff workshops support staff Accreditation requirements to teach in a Catholic School.
As well as business as usual in many ways it has been a semester where we have challenged the community in many aspects of the way we do things.
I am heartened by the way staff have volunteered and participated in review committees and we are at that point where the leadership team will be presented with recommendations. The three key areas of recommendation are the:
- Timetable Review
- Pastoral Organisation Review
- House Review K - 12
These three aspects of College life are integrated, and we look forward to hearing a summary of recommendations at the Professional Learning Day to start Semester Two.
Mr Richard Miles our Council Chair provided the following summary of last week's Advisory Council Meeting:
The College Advisory Council met on Tuesday 25 June 2024. It was a great pleasure to welcome Father Nicholas as a member of the Council for the first time. We started our meeting with a reflection on some of the special people across the school who may not be ‘visible’ but need to be celebrated. We also discussed and considered the things that are key to the foundations of our College.
Our great sense of community, the Mercy tradition, our shared values and a shared vision of wanting the best for all our children were all highlighted. The need to honour our history while at the same time ensuring that our children have a contemporary learning experience and environment were also discussed.
We had an impactful conversation led by Karen Dennett considering the general issue of empowering and encouraging future female leaders, having regard to the issue of improving gender equity in undertaking and succeeding in STEM subjects.
The Council was given a very well received briefing by the Principal on the many facets of the College’s improvement agenda. Of particular note at this time is the imminent completion of phase 2 of the reFresh Frayne project, including the Pastoral Care Centre.
There will be further announcements over the coming months regarding the way the College operations, including changes to structures, in the best interests of all our children.
Term 3 will see a secondary leadership trial on the Duncan Campus. The key aspects of this trial are the shifting of Pauline Bourke and Joe Sciorilli's roles to have specific focus and leadership in the Academic and Pastoral aspects of college life.
Deputy Principal (Curriculum and Learning)
Mr Sciorilli's responsibilities are to lead and manage Curriculum and Learning Matters from Years 7-12. Joe will work closely with the other Deputy Principals, Learning Areas Coordinators and relevant Directors.
Deputy Principal (Pastoral Care and Community)
Mrs Bourkes responsibility is to lead and manage all pastoral matters from Years 7 to 12. Pauline will work closely with the other Deputy Principals, Heads of Years, House Coordinators, Nurse and Psychologist to implement our pastoral program for Years 7 to 12.
I am pleased to share that we have met our deadlines with our improvement agenda for Semester One. This has included:
1. Timetable review. The College Leadership is discerning the proposals. A key aspect now are decisions on period length and allocation of periods to Learning Areas. This is not an easy task as we are required to work within so many constraints like our EBA, notional hours, SCSA constraints and CEWA requirements.
2. House Review. We are moving closer to our goal of what a K - 12 House system could look like. Once we have established the number of Houses we can look forward to the creative task of bringing the Houses to life.
3. Pastoral Structure Review. The review committee will present recommendations as how best we organise our students into pastoral care groupings. Our goal is to create a structure that to support our students pastorally and also allow our reviewed House system to flourish.
Progress and planning continue for the reFRESH Frayne project.
During the school holidays refurbishment and refreshment of the Student Services area will take place to accommodate our Pastoral Team in one dedicated service area and we will continue to enhance the cafe environment.
CEWA have given the College the green light to look at the feasibility of developing the rooftop garden area. Once we receive the results of the feasibility study, we can begin a process of how best we can use this space.
I will be taking long service leave in the first week of next term. Jess Bouwman will be Acting Principal.
All the best for the holiday break and I look forward to returning to school in week 2 next term to continue our work together.
For your children | Mark Antulov | Principal
As our semester concludes we farewell staff who will conclude their contracts at the college. Thank you to the following staff:
Jean Redfern
Jean completes a wonderful 13 years at the College. Her commitment, vibrance and leadership will be greatly missed by all. She has been an exemplary staff member bringing joy to the classroom, Library and Staffroom. Jean has been involved in many programs to help bring learning to life and we will remember Jean for her collaborative nature and care for staff and students.
We wish Jean all the best for her new role at John XXIII College and give gratitude for the positive impact she has had on both staff and students at the College across both campuses.
Lauren Scott
Our Marketing and Communications Officer has resigned from her position to embark on some travel adventures. In doing so we farewell her from the College and thank her for all of her creative work with marketing, publications and ensuring our social media communications have been up to date.
Sarah Muhling (Maternity Leave)
Celeste Tay Fernandez (Long Service Leave)
Leone Murphy (Long Service Leave)
Thank you to the following staff who have completed short term contracts.
Karen Dennett
Molly Rafter
Madison Crellin
Michelle Debuf
Sana Beg
We welcome the following new and returning staff members to the College.
Bianca DeAgrela-Donnarchie
Bianca will replace Celeste in Pre Primary (R) sharing the class with Jaymie Smith.
Daniel Gordon
Daniel Gordon has been appointed to the position of Acting Director of Sport. Daniel is a current member of our Physical and Health Education Team.
Anne Armstrong
We welcome Anne back to the College next term. Anne will replace Molly as a teacher of RE. Anne is a legend of the College and was the writer of the school song and prayer which have endured the test of time and have been recited many times by thousands of students. It will be really special to have Anne return to the College.
Chef Nick Campbell
As mentioned in the previous edition of Frayne Today, the reFRESH of our food catering services on Balmoral and Duncan Street campuses includes the appointment of Chef Nick. Last Thursday, and again on Monday, Chef Nick made a cameo appearance with immediate impact. His burgers and super dogs were a massive hit with staff and students alike. We can't wait to see what else he can deliver!
Kelly Chambers
After a three-year hiatus we see the return of Kelly in the Acting Leader Community Engagement role. She will be assisting the College with various marketing, social media and other community aspects. Welcome back Kelly. Kelly has a great love and passion for Ursula Frayne, and we are blessed that she is in a position to return to this important role.
The College has placed an advertisement for LEARNING AREA COORDINATOR - PERFORMING ARTS K -12. Applications close at the end of Week 1 in Term 3. The aim is to make an appointment early Term 3 for either a Term 4 or Term1, 2025 start.
College Celebrations
The Vinnies Club is dedicated to helping those in need through various charitable activities and community service projects. Our mission is to offer support, hope, and a hand up to individuals and families in our local area who are struggling, especially during the harsh winter months.
On 17 June the Duncan Campus hosted a special fundraiser at recess called 'Duncan Donuts'. Lots of delicious donuts were sold, with a total of $282.43 in proceeds going directly to the Vinnies Winter Appeal.
Students are asked to bring items of warm clothing (e.g. jumpers, scarves, socks, track pants) and blankets into the primary school to donate to Vinnies. The students can bring the items to the classrooms or the ‘Vinnies Checkpoint’ located in the library. The Vinnies Appeal will be running until the 2 August (Term 3, Week 4)
Year 6 Liturgy Team
Held on 20 June, the Cross Campus Leadership Forum gave the students from both the Duncan and Balmoral Campus a chance to further develop their understanding of what being a leader at Frayne means. Our collaboration with the joyful SRC (Student Representative Council), allowed us to gain an idea of their views towards leadership and teamwork that can be applied throughout our school community.
There were various activities collaboratively organised by the Middle School Council that focussed on bringing out the qualities in students required to be a good leader. Activities ranged from stacking cups with no direct contact, instead having to utilise rubber bands and strings, forcing students to solve a problem as a team to succeed, resulting in them having to draw upon teamwork. Another enjoyable activity was a challenging obstacle course that required students to work as a team to guide their blindfolded partner through good communication to ensure they didn’t touch the obstacles, and complete the course correctly. In particular, the shield activity allowed students from both campuses to collaboratively discuss and list qualities that they found important in a good leader. Accompanied by a series of reflection questions, each activity was aimed to develop and grow the leadership skills of students that can then be used effectively in their future time at Frayne and beyond.
In the end, it was a great success that left the Balmoral students with ideas on the qualities of a good leader and imparted valuable lessons to the Duncan students on improving their leadership skills. The activities, particularly the obstacle course, were thoroughly enjoyed, but the highlight was the discussion about Frayne Day while eating the delicious food provided by our school’s canteen.
By Ethan Stonell and Matthew Fisher
On Thursday 13 June, our Year 6’s and some Year 5’s participated in the Winter Lightning Carnival across three different sports: AFL, Soccer and Netball. All the students had a great day, participated with enthusiasm, and demonstrated great sportsmanship.
Thank you to our parent helpers: Jacqueline Lazum, Bianca Beston, Daveena Burke, Sue Deering and also our teachers Mr Gallanagh, Mr Chui, Mr Dalton, Miss Del Rosso and Mrs Costello for helping to prepare the students and assisting on the day.
The winter lightning carnival was very exciting and enjoyable. Our coaches were very good and made the teams fair so that everyone was able to play. All the teams showed really good sportsmanship and put up a good match every time. Some special year 5’s were invited to fill in some spots into some teams. They played very well also showing respect and sportsmanship.
By Julius Lin & Edrick Tan
AFL Football
The day started with a nail-biting game which ended with a tie. Next, we went on to win all our games except for our fifth one and showed great sportsmanship along the way. At the end of the day, we had a big smile on our faces and enjoyed playing with all of our friends. If we had the opportunity to do it again we’d take it nine times out of ten!
By James Holzheimer & Austin Eszenyi
The day started off with some announcements and a prayer. Following this, we got straight into our teams and began our first match of the day. We got off to a strong start with our talented participants working their hardest to achieve a win. After four games was a half an hour lunch break allowing our players to rest, hydrate and eat. When lunch came to an end, three more games were played to wrap up the tournament. The Frayne representatives showed our college values and displayed brilliant sportsmanship. We would like to thank all of the parents and teachers for helping us throughout the day. Overall, the day was highly enjoyable and a fun experience.
By Lily Sciortino and Sage Parnell
Congratulations to the following recipients of the Year Level Runner Up and Champions Awards from the recent Interhouse Athletics Carnival:
Girls: Champion - Alia Williams | Runner up - Matilda Miles
Boys: Champion - Chase Thomas | Runner up - Matthew Lau Yuen Hung
Girls: Champion - Kate South | Runner up - Ella Fair
Boys: Champion - Chase Brunt | Runner up - Ryan Elson Vadakkel
Girls: Champion - Zeeahra Anderson | Runner up - Lilly Chapman
Boys: Champion - Thomas Webb | Runner up - Mitchell Kinsman
Girls: Champion - Leandra Mbewe | Runner up - Alexandra Temby
Boys: Champion - Mark Sunkar | Runner up - Adrian Carles
Girls: Champion - Maya Knowlden | Runner up - Amelie Adamczyk
Boys: Champion - Andrew Cook | Runner up - Deaven Kadarusman
Girls: Champion - Maddi Doulis | Runner up - Gemma Melvin
Boys: Champion - Noah Statham | Runner up - Travis Lee
The ACC Girls Hockey Challenge was held at Perth Hockey Stadium on Tuesday 18 June. Congratulations to our girls on their incredible performance, finishing 3rd overall in Division 1.
News & Updates
Please note that College Psychologist, Kim Thuijs, is on Long Service Leave in Term 3 from Week 1 to Week 5. She will return to the College in Week 6. Please continue to communicate any wellbeing concerns to your son or daughter's Head of Year.
Students can continue to access a range of wellbeing resources on the Student Portal. A helpful resource for parents can be found here: https://parents.au.reachout.com/. Please also be advised that Headspace are currently offering a webinar for parents and carers:
Kapture Photography will be on campus on the following dates for school photography:
Wednesday 17 July - Senior School Individual, Homeroom and Year 12 Group Photo
Friday 19 July - Middle School Individual and Homeroom Photos.
Thursday 25 & Friday 26 July - Balmoral Individual and Class Photos
Uniform expectations:
All students should be dressed neatly, in full winter uniform. If it is your child's sports day they will still need to wear winter uniform for their photo, not sports uniform, and have a change of clothes.
You should have already received your child's photo order form, these were sent home with students earlier this week.
Specialty Group Photos will be taken on dates to be advised later in July and August.
Please be advised that the Uniform Shop will not open over the school holidays. Should you require any uniform for Term 3 please purchase through the Online Shop on the website.
Commencing Tuesday 4 June, the changes include:
- Route 38- Will now depart five minutes earlier at 3.33pm from Stop 14448 (Harper St Ursula Frayne Catholic College).
- Route 930- Will operate a new school days only trip, departing at 3.35pm from Stop 14448 (Harper St Ursula Frayne Catholic College).
Transperth hopes this will alleviate some of the congestion at the boarding area on Shepperton Rd. They will continue to monitor the boarding area following the changes as further interventions may still be required.
The information of the service changes will be available on the Transperth website.
Routes 38 and 930 Service Change (transperth.wa.gov.au)
The Home Economics Department at the Duncan Street Campus will be making to move to BYO containers in Semester 2.
Students will be provided with one container at the beginning of the Semester.
Alternatively, students are encouraged to purchase a suitable reusable container to bring to class.
Last Day to Claim - Friday 28 June
All Kindy-Year 12 students enrolled and with a valid WA Student Number (WASN) are eligible to claim this payment. Please read the attached Letter from the Premier and Minister for Education for more information, which also includes details on how to find your child's WASN.
Nominations for the 2024 National Excellence in Teaching Awards (NEiTA) are now open!
Anyone in the College community is invited to nominate a teacher or school leader for a NEiTA Award.
For more information, or to submit a nomination, visit https://www.neita.com/
Arts Spotlight
The Frayne "Into the Spotlight" performance event was held on Tuesday 25 June at Peron Place (VisAbility Centre). It was a fantastic opportunity for select Duncan Street Campus students to perform their Catholic Performing Arts items before an audience of family, friends and teachers. Congratulations to the performers and thank you to all the supporters who attended.
TryBooking ticket sales for the 2024 Performing Arts Festival are now open (previously published as being available from 5 July).
Full performance schedules have been shared with students on the Duncan Campus and they can view the schedule via SEQTA notices. For Balmoral Campus students, all queries should be directed to Mr Tang, Mr Baker or your child's music tutor.
Tickets can be accessed through the website https://www.spiritofthearts.com.au/. Try Booking links are available under each section heading. To avoid disappointment please book early, some venues have limited seating.
Tickets for Dance at PCEC will be available from Wednesday 31 July.
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Daniel on his selection to the School Sport Western Australia AFL U12's Boys team. He will be competing in the School Sport Australia AFL National Championships in Geelong in August.
Hannah recently represented Australia at the U19 Floorball World Championships in Lahti in Finland from 8-12 May.
Before Hannah went to Finland for floorball, she represented Hockey WA at the U16 Hockey Australia National Championships in Hobart from 4-11 April.
Xavier recently competed in the 2024 Australian Little Leagues Baseball Championships, held in Blacktown NSW from 5-10 June, with his team the "Central Firebirds" making it to the Division 1 Grand Final. They might not have come away with the win this time but were very pleased to receive the Silver Medal for coming second. Congratulations Xavier!
Student Awards
Merit - Luca Ienco | Anh Huyen Le | Amani Nicholson | Martin Ling
Environment - Anaiya Wood
Merit - Jasmine Christoforou | Eden Yan | Leni Gough | Alfred Curtis
Environment - Amelia Kiu
Merit - Kaira Gautam | Michael Andu | Nolan Ting | Leon Winarko
Environment - Zara Bernhardt
Merit - Aston Scurria | Elena Walsgott | Nora Reynolds | Preston Ballantyne
Uniform - Clio Galvin / Environment - Hanna Asgedom
Merit - Roise O'Neil | Logan Lee | Lincoln Vivanco Thacker | Georgia Mannl
Uniform - Madeline Sasongko / Environment - Bailey Corbett de Winnar
Merit - Arnav Oak | William Boden
Uniform - Isaac Bridge / Environment - Madison Orwin
Merit - Jordan Kim | Sofia Howard | Zoe Perisic
Uniform - Stella D’Alonzo / Environment - Declan Merredew
Merit - Zara Bhatia | Marcus Crew
Uniform - Maisie Waghorn / Environment - Xin Kui
Merit - Amelia Desta | Isabel Gee | Megan Phan | Mia Thomas
Merit - Emily Fraser | Matilda Sharkey | Benedict Soong | Jake Thomas
Japanese - Benedict Soong
Italian - Joanna Antony
Merit - Neve Cardy | James Moore | Caitlyn Tapley
Merit - Charlie Birch | Siheli Galappaththy | Portia Workman
Japanese - Isla Knight
Italian - Leah Volgger
Merit - Eva Lai | Orlando Milne | Grace O'Kane
Merit - Emily Delane | Hannah Raymond | Hunter Reiger-Ross | James Walsgott
Japanese - Hannah Raymond
Italian - Stella Pieri
Merit - Rachael Deering | Anthony Kaye | Charlie Nutt | Jasper Swain
Merit - Chloe Duncan | Macayla Lai | Edrick Tan | Julia Teope-Cuccovia
Japanese - Joseph Sims
Italian - Georgia Kintanar
Reuben has a warm, caring nature and an even kinder heart. He is empathetic and is a compassionate friend to all. Reuben willingly offers a helping hand to those in need, genuinely showing his consideration and support of others. He displays respect for the environment by picking up litter around the school and keeping our classroom tidy. Reuben is a valued member of Year One and is a deserving recipient of this Award.
Everly consistently shows kindness and respect, displaying a positive attitude both in the classroom and playground. She always has a smile on her face and eagerly helps her friends by willingly sharing and comforting them when they are sad. Everly makes evident her keenness to learn when approaching all set tasks. She listens attentively, follows given instructions and readily contributes her ideas to group discussions. Thank you Everly for your perseverance and efforts that set a good example for your peers to follow. You are a deserving recipient of the Aussie of the Month for June.
Friends of Frayne
Duncan Campus Interhouse Athletics Carnival Sausage Sizzle
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work! What a wonderful effort by the many parent volunteers involved in coordinating and running the Interhouse Athletics Carnival Sausage Sizzle for Duncan Campus students and staff, last Friday 21 June. Not only did the event run smoothly providing food and drinks, it was a great opportunity to meet some fellow high school parents and have fun along the way.
Thank you so much to Patricia Gabb, Bianca Beston, Amber Douglas, Natalie O'Brien, Schuzelda Vaz, Rebecca McAdam, Julie-Anne Simmons, Petra Clogher,
Nicole Beresford, Carla Martella, Mie Mie Aung, Christine Osnain, Virginia Catto, Sarita Escalante, Sue Deering, Surika Fitzpatrick, Christobel Tan, Nikki Middleton.
Year 2 Dad's Night Out
It was time for the dad's to have their turn out on the town on Saturday 22 June, when they headed to Fox Friday to catch up. Looks like everyone had a great night out!
Year 6 Parent's Dinner at Colaba Social
What a great turn out for a Year 6 Parents Dinner at a popular local restaurant, Colaba Social. Well done Class Coordinators Sarah and Tania for arranging the first of a few parent catch ups in this final primary school year for the 2024 Year 6 students, Kindy parents get togethers only seem like they were yesterday!
Year 6 Dad's Drinks at Brew Garage
Thank you Class Coordinators Sarah Conway and Tania Steber for coordinating a get together for Year 6 Dads. A casual and fun evening of drinks, chats and pizza at Brew Garage in East Victoria Park. The pizzas and beers were highly rated and a good time was had by all.
Year 5 Mum's Paint and Sip evening
Check out these masterpieces! There are some creative Mums in Year 5! Thank you to the Class Coordinators Caroline Sonego and Dee Monaldi for organising a fun night out for the Year 5 Mums.
Year 1 Parent's Night at Boston Brewing Co.
Next Friends of Frayne Meeting: 17 July 2024
Our next meeting is the first Wednesday of Term 3, 17 July 7pm, in-person at our Balmoral Street Campus.
If you are interested in joining in, but unable to attend in person, we can arrange for you to join online providing we have your request by Tuesday 16 July.
To register your online attendance please email Friendsoffrayne@ufcc.wa.edu.au by COB Tuesday 16 July 2024.
Act. Belong. Commit.
This section contains items of interest for you or your family where you can Act, Belong or Commit.
Please see below upcoming events and programs for families and children:
AFL Auskick and Superkick Holiday Programs
- Dates: Monday 1 July & Tuesday 2 July
- Ages: Auskick Program (5-7yrs) / Superkick Program (8-12yrs)
- Pricing: $50 per participant (participants will also receive a football)
- Location: Ernest Johnson Reserve, South Perth.
- Time: 9am-12pm both days
Register below:
Auskick Program - https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/6677bf
Superkick Program - https://www.playhq.com/afl/register/6b3944
Victoria Park Library Upcoming Events
See attached Posters for the Library's Upcoming programs that may be of interest, including Storytime with Dad, July School Holiday program and a Career Confidence workshop.
Bringing Up Great Kids Parenting Workshops
Wanslea's Children and Parenting Support program is running a 6-week workshop for parents raising children aged 0-12 years. These will be run on Wednesdays 9.30am-12.30pm for 6 weeks from 31st July with the final session being held on 4th September.
Bringing Up Great Kids is an evidence based reflective parenting program developed by the Australian Childhood Foundation. Bringing Up Great Kids is run in a group environment to support you to:
- Understand your child's behaviour and how to best support them
- Identify and communicate important messages to your child effectively
ECU School of Engineering STEM Holiday Program July 2024
For Years 9, 10, 11 & 12
ECU are inviting students interested in Engineering, Physics, or Mathematics to come and explore engineering and applied science concepts through a series of hands-on and engaging workshops during the school holidays.
Register here: https://www.trybooking.com/CRNFB
Thirdspace- headspace Cannington
A group program for neurodivergent young people 16-25 to hang out, make new friends, study, and get creative. They will run a 20-minute presentation on a different, relevant topic each week, leaving plenty of time for fun!
The program is running every Thursday night from 5-6:30pm from 13 June to 1 August 2024 at headspace Cannington (Shops 1 and 2, 1468 Albany Highway, Cannington).
Art Classes with Michelle Culnane
Acrylic painting, drawing and watercolour
$140 for 8 weeks in Term 3 at the Victoria Park Centre for the Arts
Book now- 0404 926 381
Career Conversations Events
The Department of Education will once again deliver the Career Conversations events for families and schools throughout the state in 2024.
Join the conversation about post-school options at our free family events in your local area to hear about:
- where to find accurate, up-to-date career pathway information
- exploring university and training pathways
- career pathway information for young people with disabilities
- where the jobs are
- what employers and industry are looking for.
The invitation is open to all secondary and primary school families.
Booking link - https://www.education.wa.edu.au/en/careerconversationevents
See the flyer below for more information.
BRICKS 4 KIDZ Winter School Holiday Workshops
Workshops with LEGO® and Coding with Robotics.
Designed for kids aged 5-12.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY | We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, the traditional owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.