Forest Knolls Mustang Message
October 13, 2024
Dr. Taylor-Cox, Principal
Forest Knolls Elementary School
This Week's Mustang Message Includes:
Message from Dr. Taylor-Cox
Math in the Neighborhood
Lost and Found
Converting from Air Conditioning to Heat
Holiday Giving Project
Family Resources
Message from our Forest Knolls PTA
Important Dates
Message from Dr. Taylor-Cox
Math in the Neighborhood
Our team has exciting math games for our families. We will bring these games to you at the North Four Corners Park and the McDonald Knolls Early Childhood Center. Here’s how it works: We teach the students how to play engaging math games and give them the supplies to take home. The students can teach the parents, caregivers, siblings, and other family members. This year we will have a math game for younger siblings, too. We hope you can join us!
Lost and Found
Lost items will be displayed by the main entrance on tables outside on Monday, October 14, 2024. Please feel free to stop by to recover any lost items. Encourage your children to check the tables to see if they can find any lost items. Additionally, please label your child’s items to avoid the Lost and Found. Thank you.
Converting from AC to Heat
Air conditioning will be turned off and heat will be made available at our school between October 15 and November 4, 2024, depending on weather conditions. It will take approximately three weeks to convert all MCPS facilities.
Holiday Giving Project
Holiday Giving Project forms were sent home last week. Extra copies are in the office. The Holiday Giving Project is where local non-profit agencies, faith-based organizations, service organizations and government agencies come together each year to offer food and other items around the holidays. Donations of food, gift cards, and toys come from private and public donations. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) hosts the referral database, facilitates the work of the Coalition, monitors outcomes, and provides overall Project coordination.
This project is aimed at our families who are the most in need and is an opportunity to support families over the holiday season. Families have the opportunity to sign up to receive gift cards, food, toys and other items during the holidays. Families can sign up for support during Thanksgiving, the December holidays, or both. One form should be filled out per family and returned to school (to the teacher or Ms. Schechter). The last day to submit the form back to me to receive Holiday Giving help is October 16th!
Holiday Giving Front of form Spanish
Holiday Giving Back of form Spanish
Family Resources
The next Latino Parent Coffee is November 20, 2024 at 9:00-10:00 in Room 48.
Mrs. Veronica Gonzalez, Forest Knolls Parent Community Coordinator, will share family resources throughout the year. Please contact Mrs. Gonzalez with questions, needs, or ideas at 240-740-4620 (office), 240-550-3254 (cell), veronica_gonzalez@mcpsmd.org (email).
Message from our Forest Knolls PTA
The PTA's first dine out for the year will be this Thursday, October 17, let Red Maple take care of dinner for you and support FKES PTA! Between 4 and 8 PM, 15% of all sales that mention FKES will be donated to the PTA. See flyer for more details.
FKES Spirit Wear sales close this Friday!! Be like a mustang and support your NEIGHHHHH-borhood school! Check out the great shirts, pants, hats, and more in kid and adult sizes at cutt.ly/2024spiritwear. Orders must be placed by Friday, October 18. Items will be shipped to the school and sent home with students. All sales final.
FKES PTA's Fall Movie night will be on Friday. October 25th at 6:30 pm outside on the blacktop. Join us tp watch Minions! New this year - we're selling pizza and snacks. You can order a whole pizza at cutt.ly/2024movienight or purchase by the slice at the event as long as supplies last.
Thank you to the PTA Equity Committee for a wonderful Hispanic Heritage Night. It was so fun to celebrate, eat great food, hear our guest readers, and dance the night away!
Important Dates
October 15 Math in the Neighborhood
October 17 PTA Dine Out at the Red Maple
October 18 No School
October 18 FKES Spirit Wear sales close
October 25 Fall Festivals in Classrooms
October 25 PTA Movie Night
October 29 PTA Board Meeting
November 4 No School
November 5 No School
November 6 PTA Meeting 7:00
November 11 Open House 9:00-11:00