August '24

Message from the Principal
Dear Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at the Early Learning Center @ Gregory Hill! We are thrilled to have you and your child join our preschool community. Our team has been eagerly preparing for an exciting year of learning, growth, and fun.
Open House Style Mandatory Orientation: Monday, August 12th, 3:30-5:30 PM
To ensure a smooth start, we are hosting a mandatory orientation for all families. This event is crucial for setting the stage for a successful school year. During the orientation, you will have the opportunity to:
- Drop Off Supplies: Bring your child’s school supplies and help set up their space.
- Complete Paperwork: Ensure all necessary forms and documents are filled out and submitted.
- See the Classroom: Explore your child’s learning environment and get a feel for their daily routine.
- Meet the Teacher: Spend time with your child’s teacher, ask questions, and establish a connection.
Attendance at the orientation is required for all families before the first day of school on Wednesday, August 19th. If you have any questions or need assistance prior to the orientation, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office at 303-428-1560.
We are excited to partner with you to provide a nurturing and enriching preschool experience for your child. Thank you for entrusting us with their early education. Let’s make this school year a memorable and successful one!
Warm regards,
Jennifer Keyes
Early Learning Center Principal
Add to Calendar
August 12th-Family Orientation (3:30-5:30)
August 14th-First Day of Class (8:10-2:30)
August 19th-Early Release Day (dismissed at 1:30)
Keep up with Gregory Hill
New Introductions
We wish to introduce and welcome our new staff members:
Lauren Wyse-Lead Teacher
Lilly Mattas-Floater
School supplies (bring with you the day of orientation)
1 box short markers (like pipsqueaks)
2 box of Kleenex
1 water color paints
2 rolls of paper towel
1 bottle of glue
3 glue sticks2 dry erase markers
4 pack of playdoh
1 box of Ziploc bags (snack, sandwich or gallon)
1 1” binder
1 backpack
1 small nap blanket
1 two-pocket folder
Boys-1 box of colored pencils, Girls-1 box of crayons
Early Release Days
All classrooms will participate in district-wide early release days on the first and third Monday of each month. This will allow teachers time to collaborate with colleagues, create lesson plans and analyze student data. Please plan to pick up your child on August 19th by 1:30.
Does your child neeed a physical (well child visit) for the upcoming school year?
Kids First Health Care here at Gregory Hill offers well child care including physicals, call to make an appointment at (303) 428-4384. We accept Medicaid, CHP+, most private insurances, and uninsured patients.
Parking Lot
- Please refrain from using cell phones in the parking lot.
- Please drive slowly in the parking lot.
- Please hold your children’s hands while in the parking lot.
- All people (parents, students, visitors) coming and going from school must cross the parking lot at the crosswalks.
- All children must be in car seats and buckled into seat belts before leaving the parking lot. This is a state law and is not optional. Please do not allow them to stand up in the back seat of cars or standing with their heads out the windows.
- Please be respectful of our neighbors. We ask that you please refrain from turning around in their driveways and parking in private property, places that would block any driveways or that are not marked as parking places.
- Please drive carefully and slowly while in the neighborhood.
- There are assigned handicapped parking spots are in the parking lot, these are for cars that have handicapped plates or decals only. Please observe this parking rule. You can be ticketed for parking in handicapped spots without a handicapped decal or placard.
Although some absences are unavoidable, it is important that students attend school as often as possible. Preschool is a great time to start building a habit of good attendance. Please note that we are allowing days for students to be absent for illness and do not want families to send children to school sick. Students are asked to stay home if they are experiencing any cold/flu like symptoms.