Peek at Our Week October 7, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Wow, we are just a few days away from completing the first quarter of the school year! I'm not sure if it seems as though it has passed as quickly with our families, but it certainly has flown by for our staff.
Final grades will be collected this week, and report cards will be sent home on October 29th. K-6 students will receive report cards in their Tuesday Express, while 7th/8th grade students will have report cards mailed home. Please review grades with your students, and let our teachers know if you have any questions. Keeping track of your child's progress is also easy if you monitor Powerschool through the quarter. It is helpful for students if they know their parents are tracking their grades, and are aware of the progress they are making through the quarter. Please call our front office if you need assistance with logging into Powerschool.
We hope everyone has a wonderful Fall Vacation next week. We look forward to hitting the ground running with 2nd quarter when we return on Monday, October 21st.
Student Count Week
Congratulations to 3rd grade, who won last week's attendance challenge! The 3rd grade earned a popsicle party for the whole class! The attendance rates for each grade last week were:
K - 93.75%
1st - 88.75%
2nd - 83.5%
3rd - 98%
4th - 96.25%
5th - 86%
6th - 96%
7th - 92.5 %
8th - 91.5 %
Upcoming School Events:
Boys Basketball Interest Meeting
Monday, October 7th @ 12:00pm
There will be a few nights of open gym for boys basketball next week as well.
STUCO Highway Cleanup
Wednesday, October 9th @ 3:30pm
Student Council Members will clean up a portion of Highway 133 east of Paonia.
End of 1st Quarter
Friday, October 11th
Fall Vacation
Monday, October 14th-Friday, October 18th
Boys Basketball Practice Starts
Monday, October 21st @ 3:30
PPO Meeting
Monday, October 21st @ 3:45 in the School Library
Student Picture Retakes
Thursday, October 24th
Middle School Musical Performance
Thursday, October 24th @ 6:00pm
Come watch our 6th-8th grade drama class students perform an original performance written by our very own Mr. Bryant!
6th-8th Grade School Dance
Friday, October 25th @ 3:45 - 5:15
Halloween Themed Dance
Upcoming Field Trips - Turn in Your Permission Slips!!
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 8th-9th
Wednesday and Thursday, October 9th and 10th
1st Grade walking trip to town
Thursday, October 10th
4th Grade visits Maroon Bells
A Peek at our Weekly Activities
Cross Country Team Teammates
4th Grade Partner Work
4th Grade Partner Work
Kindergaren Author!
Kindergarten Forest Friday
Kindergarten Migration Activity
4th Grade Handwriting
4th Grade Writers
Ian and Gideon working on 3d printing
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, October 21st at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
Parents, our PPO organizes a snack for school staff every Friday. Parents sign up and bring in treats for roughly 40 staff members on Friday mornings. Please offer to help by signing up for one of the available Fridays at this link:
Support NFHS Pink Night!!
Tickets available from NFHS Miner Volleyball players or the NFHS office. 970-872-3882