High Desert School Hawk Happenings
Week of December 16, 2024
Good evening High Desert Hawks and Families,
This school year at High Desert School, we are "Anchored in Achievement!" Set sail on a smooth school year by anchoring strong routines early—review your planner each night and keep your supplies shipshape. Steer clear of rough waters by asking for help when you need it; teamwork keeps the crew afloat!
Wrapping Up the Semester - Student Success Reminders:
As we approach the end of the semester, let’s stay Anchored in Achievement by supporting our students in finishing strong! Here are some tips:
- Check Aeries: Please review your student’s grades and ensure any missing assignments are completed before December 13th.
- Attend Daily: Daily attendance is critical to avoid missing assignments that can’t be made up.
- Maintain Positive Behavior: Encourage your student to focus on good choices and staying on task.
This season of giving is a wonderful time to express gratitude to teachers, staff, and family for their support. Let’s celebrate a successful completion of the semester—we are halfway through the school year!
Students will reflect on their progress and set goals for next semester. They’ll also take the i-Ready Diagnostic in Reading and Math to measure their growth. It’s important for students to always do their best on assessments so results accurately reflect what they know and can do. This helps us provide the necessary support, whether it’s acceleration or remediation. Encourage your student to take these assessments seriously, as semester awards will recognize those with significant growth.
For 7th and 8th graders (except ASB), elective selection for the second semester started last week. Options include:
- CTE Lab
- Study Skills
- Computer Apps and Coding
- Intro to VAPA
- Music Appreciation
- Life Skills
Important Dates:
- Final Semester 1 Grades: December 20th
- Winter Break: December 23rd - January 13th
- Semester 2 Begins: January 14th
Thank you for partnering with us to support your student’s success!
Season of Giving:
High Desert is supporting families in need during this holiday season. Here are some opportunities to donate and support:
- Class of 2026 - Gently used shoe donation. Donate by January 26th.
- Toy Drive - Donate new and unwrapped toys by December 19th.
- Check out the Counseling Corner for more information about opportunities to give, receive, and support mental health during the holidays!
- Varsity Flag Football plays in their Championship Game this Tuesday, Dec. 17th at 3pm. Join us to cheer on our athletes!
- Reminder to all parents: Please be mindful of practice end times and pick up your athletes promptly.
- Reminder to all athletes: Please remember that you are a member of the team on and off the field. Keep up your grades and good behavior to remain eligible all season!
- Sports Currently in Season
- JV Boys Basketball
- JV Girls Soccer
- Varsity Flag Football
- Spirit Squad
- 100-Mile Club
- Varsity Girls Soccer Tryouts 1/14/25 and 1/16/25 from 2:30-4:30pm
- Varsity Boys Soccer Tryouts 1/15/25 from 1:30-3:30pm and 1/17/25 from 2:30-4:30pm
Weekly Flight Plan
Week of December 9, 2024
Monday, December 16
- 6th Grade Handbells 2:30-3:15pm
- Dance Force Practice 2:30-4:00pm
- 100-Mile Club 2:20-3:00pm
- Varsity Flag Football Practice 2:30-4:30pm
Tuesday, December 17
- ASB Meeting 1:30pm
- 7/8th Handbells 2:30-3:15pm
- JV Boys Basketball Practice 2:30-3:30pm @ HDS MPR
- Varsity Flag Football Championship Game 3:00pm @ HDS Lower Field
Wednesday, December 18
- Early Release Dismissal at 1:10pm
- 100-Mile Club 1:15-2:00pm
- JV Girls Soccer Practice 1:30-3:00pm @ HDS Lower Field
Thursday, December 19
- 6th Grade Aquarium of the Pacific Fieldtrip 8:30am-5:30pm
- ASMO Winter Concert 6:30pm @ VHS Gym - 5:00pm Tacos, 6:00 Students Arrive
Friday, December 20
- Show your Hawks Pride and Wear Green, Black, and White on Friday!
- End of Semester 1
- PJ Day - Hot Cocoa served before school, Ornament making during lunchtime movie
- Holiday Movie in MPR during Lunch, Snoopy Snacks $3 during movie
- Minimum Day - Dismissal 12:05pm
Have a great week and Go Hawks!
Grinch Grams
Grinch Grams are on Sale for $2 each. Purchase in Room 320 during lunch. All proceeds go to support scholarships for students for 5th Grade Outdoor Science School. Delivery of Grams will be on Dec. 20th. Buy them today and send grinchy holiday cheer to someone you know.
Hawk Happenings
VAPA Class Brings Rhythm to the Rally
6th Grade Brings Home the Win During Cup Stacking Challenge
Booster Club Membership and Donations
The Booster Club plays a critical role in making extracurricular activities happen for our students. If every family donates $20 per student, Booster Club will be able to fund the many events and activities the Booster Club supports. In addition to financial donations, we need parent support through donations of snack bar items and help running the snack bar during home games. These fundraising efforts directly benefit our athletics programs, and this year, funds are being raised to light up our fields for evening events. Flyers are going home today with students for ways to support.
Snack Bar Donation Ideas:
- Regular Size Candy Bars or Packs
- Snack Bags of Chips
- Popcorn Bags
- Sports Drinks
- Water
Booster Club SchoolStore Fundraising
Hello Parents, I want to personally thank all the families who have already participated in our SchoolStore fundraiser! We are on our way to reaching our goal, but we need everyone's help to make sure our teachers get the essential tools they need to help our students succeed. If your family has not participated, there's still time! This safe and easy fundraiser is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, collecting money, or delivering products. Your child will receive a prize just for participating, and more prizes will be awarded when goals are reached. Please help now. It really will make a difference. Go to https://www.schoolstore.net/sid.t?0000050255 to show our valued teachers your support.
Thanks, High Desert School Booster Club
P.S. Family participation is the key to our success, and we are counting on you!
Hawk Highlights
Mrs. Monique Ortiz
"Mrs. Monique is a bright shining light to all who enter High Desert School. She supports our team with her hard work that is always done with a smile. We are grateful for her love of the students and staff and willingness to step in wherever needed. Thank you Mrs. Monique for all that you do behind the scenes and in the front office to make High Desert run smoothly!"
~ HDS Staff
Parker Ravelo
"Parker has shown remarkable growth by choosing kindness and respect in his interactions with peers; demonstrating his ability to positively transform and inspire those around him."
~ Miss Alondra
Ruby Duran
"Ruby has displayed exceptional maturity and compassion by stepping away from peer conflict, prioritizing the well-being of others, and fostering a safe and respectful environment for all."
~ Miss Alondra
Brantley Milton
"Brantley has made remarkable progress in demonstrating self-control, staying focused academically, and embracing new challenges. He has built new friendships while growing confidence. Keep up the amazing work, Brantley."
~ Ms. Zuly
HDS Academics
AVID Advisory and SEL - Weekly Focus
- AVID - This year in AVID, we will be focusing on organization, goal setting, and academic achievement with the support of WICOR strategies implemented in all classrooms. This week, the focus is on doing our best and having GRIT.
- SEL - Each week, on Wednesday, our students will be working on soft skills to support their social and emotional development during middle school.
i-Ready Classroom Math - Family Center
i-Ready Classroom Mathematics is a robust mathematics program designed to help your student become a strong, independent mathematical thinker. Through the Try-Discuss, Connect framework, students deepen their conceptual understanding and collaboratively solve problems. Check out the family center for more information on how to support your child with mathematics from home.
5th Grade Outdoor Science School
5th Grade will be returning to Outdoor Science School this year at Thousand Pines. Payment #2 is due by November 1st to secure students' spot on the trip. Make the first payment today! Your student won't want to miss this great educational opportunity.
Autry Museum - Visions of the Future Art Exhibition
The Autry Museum invites all student to submit a two-dimensional piece of artwork representing the theme: Visions of the Future.
Student application must be submitted online.
Entries due to the HDS Office by February 7, 2025
Step Up Tutoring - FREE for Grades 5-6
Step Up delivers 1-on-1 math tutoring, conducted online with a consistent tutor
Students receive tailored math support using a curriculum that is tailored to address their needs
Tutors focus on relationship-building and provide mentorship in a fun learning environment
Students receive tutoring at least twice weekly via one of three program models: at-home, during an after-school program, or during the school day
HDS Athletics and Activities
Jingle Jog - December 21st at Marie Kerr Park
Join our Cross Country Coach for the Jingle Jog. Click the link to sign-up.
HDS Varsity Flag Football
2024-2025 Athletics Physicals
All students must have a new athletic physical and online clearance each school year. To complete the online clearance go to: https://www.homecampus.com/login
- For School - Select Vasquez
- For Sport - Select the sport the applies with MS in the title (ex: MS Volleyball)
You will need to submit the following documents as part of the clearance process:
- Current health insurance card
- Physical (Medical History / Physical / Clearance)
Florida Science Trip - Spring Break 2025
Hello Students and Parents,
HDS is taking a trip to the Florida Keys on the Splash into Science program!
This trip is all-inclusive, and we’ll be going over what we’ll get to see and do on our program, such as:
- Swim with dolphins
- Snorkel the coral reef
- Kayak the mangroves
- Behind the scenes visit at The Turtle Hospital Rescue, Rehab, Release Center
- Explore Everglades National Park
Please contact me if you have any questions about itinerary highlights, information regarding WorldStrides FLAG Financial Assistance, Extended Payment Options, and other important items you need to know about Educational Travel.
HDS Parent/Guardian Involvement for Student Success
Attendance Matters
HDS Spirit Wear
HDS Yearbook 2025
Yearbooks are selling quickly. They are a great way to preserve the memories that students make during their middle school years. Purchase your yearbook today online or in the HDS Office.
HDS Counseling Corner
Teen Mental Health Toolkit - For Parents and Guardians
About half of teens in the U.S. had a mental health concern at some point in their life. Recognizing teen mental health issues and connecting to early intervention and treatment can be lifesaving. Check out this free guide to the most common teen mental health challenges and find local mental health resources.
HDS Community Opportunities
VHS Class of 2026 is Collecting Gently Used Shoes
AV Winter Storm Shelter Locations
Sycamore Community Food Bank
Mentors Inc. Baby Depot
Bartz-Altadonna Community Health Center
NLSLA Self-Help Brochure
NLSLA Self-Help Brochure
Hawk Scholar/Parent Resources
HDS 24-25 School Calendar
Stay up to date on all of the Hawk Happenings throughout the school year. Check out our Yearlong Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year.
Hawk Handbook
Our scholar handbook contains vital information regarding school policies and procedures, please review with your scholar.
HDS Dress Code
Scholar attire is important to keep the focus on learning. Please review and support your scholar in adhering to the school dress code.
HDS Bell Schedule
On-time Behavior is crucial to effective instruction in classrooms. Please support your student in arriving to school on time.
M/T/Th/F - 8:00am to 2:20pm
W - 8:00am - 1:10pm
Daily Attendance = Academic Success
On-Time Behavior
Cell Phones - Away for the Day
PBIS Rewards Family App Access
Our School is using PBIS Rewards to help us with our PBIS program! PBIS Rewards is a technology-based PBIS Management System that helps us with our behavior incentive program. You can learn about PBIS Rewards at their website (www.pbisrewards.com).
Our students can earn rewards throughout the day by meeting our behavior expectations. These rewards are in the form of electronic points. They can redeem these points for privileges, tangible items, access to events, and other similar things. Our expectation is that we will see overall behavior improve throughout the school and that the number of referrals we have will decrease.
PBIS Rewards has a Family App that will give you some insight into how your child is doing with respect to our PBIS program. The Family App will run on most smart devices, including smartphones and tablets. You can find it in the iPhone/iPad App Store, Google Play, and the Amazon App Store. Just search for "PBIS Rewards Family."
An email has been sent to families to get you set up on the PBIS Rewards Family App. Please access this email from PBIS Rewards if you wish to access your child's progress. If you did not receive an email, please contact Mrs. Van Ornum so she can help get you set up.
High Desert School
Email: mvanornum@aadusd.k12.ca.us
Website: http://aadusd.k12.ca.is/domain/9/
Location: 3620 Antelope Woods Road, Acton, CA, USA
Phone: (661) 269-0310
Facebook: facebook.com/hdsboosterclub/
Twitter: @Highdesert_aad