K-12 Literacy Leader Network
Calling all Literacy Leaders in Grades K-12, including building principals, literacy coaches, teacher leaders, and curriculum personnel. During this four-part series, participants will utilize Implementing Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement: A Guide for School Leaders to partake in collaborative conversations, connect with other literacy leaders, and guide the SST6 team in future support for our region. The focus of these sessions is implementing structured literacy practices that align to the Science of Reading. Each session will focus on various topics that impact implementation, including a Multi-Tiered System of Support, Family Engagement, Collaborative problem-solving, and shared leadership. Literacy leaders will leave with valuable resources, implementation strategies that align with Ohio's Plan for Literacy Achievement, and a renewed commitment to work collaboratively in future network opportunities. Districts are encouraged to send a team to the networks, including a building or district leader, Intervention or reading specialist, instructional coach, and/or classroom teacher. To conclude the year, participants within the network will demonstrate and reflect on how shared leadership and the collaborative problem-solving process were used to integrate the science of reading within an MTSS framework by sharing successes, barriers, and pivots.
Network Schedule
Cheryl Byrne
Urban Literacy Specialist
Christine Schlater
Regional Literacy Specialist