Cosmos Community Connections

In celebration of National School Lunch Week and Child Nutrition Services Appreciation Week, Camacho Elementary is grateful to our out of this world cafeteria staff! They consistently put kids first, going above and beyond in serving as the center of our galaxy with a heart of service and commitment to our students and staff. Our cosmos are always in good hands with Ms. Lorraine, Ms. Janel, Ms. Karen, and Ms. Mariana, whose hard work and dedication help us SHINE BRIGHT in the cafeteria and beyond.
We deeply appreciate all that they do to nourish and support our Camacho family!
Mrs. Gonzaba, Camacho Faculty & Staff, Students and Community
Book Reconsideration Process
Leander ISD is seeking parents and teachers interested in participating on a committee to review current LISD instructional resources that have been formally challenged. Please complete the attached form by Monday, Oct. 30, if you would like to be considered for the 2024–25 Reconsideration Committee. Committee participants will read the challenged resource in its entirety and meet to determine whether it conforms to the principles of selection set out by Board Policies EFA (Local) and EFB (Local). Those who fill out the forms below will be selected at random to participate in the process.
Did you know that missing 2 days of school a month means a child misses 2% of the school year? Which means that is 10% of learning that your child is missing. This year, LISD is working hard to get all students to school on time so that we continue to grow our learners. The LISD attendance policy has been changed and updated for the 24-25 school year. Please take the time to look at the LISD Attendance Flyer to educate yourself more on attendance.
This year, LISD will be holding students and parents/guardians accountable for excessive and/or unexcused absences. After 7 unexcused absences, Camacho Administration will be reaching out to create a plan of action to help families become successful with attendance and increase educational opportunities. Please note that after 10 excessive unexcused absences, LISD has the right to file truancy.
If your child is going to be absent because he/she is sick, has an appt etc., please send in a doctors note to camattendance@leanderisd.org in order for the absence to be excused.
Classes will be setting weekly/monthly attendance goals soon. We encourage you to set a personal attendance goal with your child at home as well. We look forward to partnering with families this year so that our students continue to grow.
Kassie Doherty
Assistant Principal
Camacho Elementary
Have a picture(s) taken at any of our Camacho events? Check this spot in our weekly updates to upload throughout the year so we can share with our Yearbook team.
Free & Reduced Lunch
Free and Reduced lunch applications are a vital part in ensuring Leander ISD is identifying all students that are economically disadvantaged and in need of free or reduced breakfast/lunch. Federal and State funding are also impacted by the number of economically disadvantaged students that LISD identifies. Please ensure that parents have the information they need to access the application and fill it out prior to PEIMS snapshot on October 25, 2024. Online application link. The paper application and printable instructions can be found on the CNS website.
Update: 7/22/24 ~ All approved volunteers from the 2023-24 school year have been uploaded to the new volunteer management system, Raptor Technologies. If returning volunteers did not receive an email (check SPAM) with your credentials, they may log in here using their email address as the Username and select “Forget password” to reset it.
Note: Most Raptor emails are initially being sent to SPAM, please whitelist <donotreply@raptortech.com>
The purpose of the Leander ISD volunteer program is to enrich the quality of education for the district’s students by providing opportunities for parents and community members to become actively involved in Leander ISD schools.
Anyone NEW to Leander ISD wishing to volunteer must complete a volunteer application and submit all required information to run a background check.
Returning Volunteer Log In to the Raptor Volunteer Portal
We encourage our Cosmos families to begin your usual mode of transportation starting the first day of school; however we recognize that this might be the first time you and your child have been on campus and we will work with families to make allowances for the first day of school. When there is a need to change transportation for your student(s) please call the front office at 512.570.7800 by 1:30pm to make all transportation changes for the day or week.
Time to fill up the library's pumpkin patch
Below you will find helpful tips for reading with your child...
We are looking for Literacy Partners
Join the movement today to help reduce school drop-out rates
and to make an impact in the life of a child.
Education Connection is recruiting now for volunteers to help students practice reading and engage in conversation about the books being read. Education Connection volunteers (Literacy Partners) serve with consistency and humility while keeping it simple. The program involves a WEEKLY 1x1 reading session with TWO children for 15 MINUTES EACH for the school year from approximately SEPTEMBER through MAY during school hours.
Register to be a volunteer with Education Connection at: www.education-connection.org
Register for a background check with your school district at: www.education-connection.org
Complete the required online training (that will be emailed separately to the volunteer)
For more information or questions:
education-connection.org | 512.813.5918 | info@education-connection.org
Art with Meyers- see the flyers below
No food delivery services for student lunches or birthdays please
However, parents can bring their students’ a lunch from home or a store/restaurant lunch, and follow check-in procedures at the front office to get those special lunches to your students. Thank you for your understanding.
If you are using our food services on campus, you can add money to your child’s account. For more information please click on this link.
Front Office Info:
Remember to plan appointments accordingly 2:15 cut off time for the last student pick up.
Transportation changes must be called in by 1:30pm to ensure your student receives the message.
Cosmos Cafe Lunch Visitors
To enjoy lunch with your student(s) you may either bring in lunch for you and your Cosmos or buy lunch from our cafeteria for a charge of $4.25, cash or check only please. You may eat with your student(s) in the cafeteria in the Cosmos Cafe area (round tables). Please make sure you sign in and out at the front office and that your visitors badge is visible at all times. Enjoy this special time with your Cosmos!
**Ice cream and other snacks are back and available for purchase at lunch! It is very exciting, however, purchasing these items creates an additional charge to your child's lunch account. Parents have the ability to set monetary limits or turn off "snack options" from your student's lunch account online. Please log into your students' Titan account to make these changes. Child Nutrition Services Page
Photo ID
Please Remember Your Photo ID
To ensure the safety of our students, staff and visitors, we will need to see a photo ID each time you enter the campus. Please remember to bring your photo ID into the building when visiting. We appreciate your understanding!
Absence→ Parent notes can be submitted, via email, from the parent/guardian’s email address that is on file, camattandance@leanderisd.org , or hand delivered to the front office include dates and Student ID number. Phone calls are not accepted. Absent notes should be received within 2 days after the student returns to school.
Support Needed- Sniffle season is here and PE could use more
Kleenex-Antibacterial Hand Sanitizer-Band-Aids
PE with Coach G
On PE days, wear closed-toe, tennis shoes! No sandals, flip flops, crocs.
Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on their PE days (see schedule for when their class has PE).
Tennis shoes need to be able to stay on the foot at all times preferably with Velcro or shoe laces.
Boots and dress shoes are not recommended.
YMCA Information
For Session 2 will run through the weeks of November 4th to December 19th , we will not be operating during the Thanksgiving Break! We also will not be in session Monday November 4th and Tuesday November 5th and we will be providing longer classes on the following dates to make up for the day missed!
Make Up Days:
Monday - November 11th - 3pm to 4:30pm
Monday - November 18th - 3pm to 4:30pm
For your campus here is what we are offering and on what days -
Mondays - Master Chef - Space needed: Cafeteria
Wednesdays - Art Explorers - Space needed: Cafeteria
Our registration is open and running and will close Sunday, October 27th - Enrollment emails will be expected to be sent out on Tuesday, October 29th in case of any late registrations.
Please let me know if you have any questions for me at this time!
Thank you,
Ashley Silva
Senior Program Director | Licensed Child Care
YMCA of Central Texas
Phone: 512-246-YMCA
ymcactx.org | The Y.™ For a better us.
Student Handbook
We are pleased to announce that the 2024-2025 Student Handbook is now finalized and ready for distribution on our website for all stakeholders. Additionally, we will be sending the Student Handbook to all primary contacts listed in eschool to acknowledge receipt after September 3, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Chessire Foster.
District Gifted and Talented Advisory Team Call for Applications - Due September 27, 2024
The application for the 24-25 GT District Advisory is open. Parents of gifted learners, gifted students, teachers, counselors, and administrators interested in serving in this important role should complete the GT Advisory Interest Form by Friday, September 27, 2024. Those selected for service on the committee will be notified by October 2, 2024. Share this call for applications with your community. Reach out to Shirley Bachus with questions.
Stay in Touch with Camacho Elementary
Website: Camacho.Leanderisd.org
Location: 501 Municipal Drive, Leander, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-7800
Twitter: @Camacho_Elem
Camacho Communication
At Camacho, we strive to provide multiple ways to inform students and parents about upcoming events and announcements. Here are a few ways to stay connected:
Website: www.camacho.leanderisd.org
Cosmo Weekly Updates: We typically send out weekly newsletters every Friday through the Remind system. Please make sure that we have an up-to-date email in our system by registering in our Student Information System or emailing our Registrar Brendak.edwards@leanderisd.org also send your absence notes to camattendance@leanderisd.org
Twitter: @Camacho_Elem
Facebook: Christine Camacho Elementary
Remind: @lisdcam
NO SCHOOL! Parent Teacher Conference Day
Oct. 24 - Camacho Fall Festival
Oct. 28-Nov 1- Red Ribbon Week * See flyer
Oct. 31 - Storybook Character Dress-Up Day
Nov. 4-5 - No School/ Staff Development
Nov. 14- Fall Family Fitness Night/ PTA General Meeting
Nov. 18-22 - Book Fair
Nov. 19- Thanksgiving Luncheon * more information to come
Nov. 25-29- Fall Break
Dec. 19 - Winter Wonderland (All School Celebration)
Dec. 20- Early Release
Dec. 23- Jan. 3 - Winter Break
Looking Out Into The Cosmos ~ 2025
Jan. 6- No School/ Staff Development
Jan. TBD- Watch Dogs Intro Meeting
Jan. 20- Student/ Staff Holiday
Feb. 13- Boots and Bling PTA member dance
Feb. 14- Christine Camacho Fun Run
Feb. 17- No School/ Staff Development
Mar. 5- Read Across America Week
Mar. 17-21- Spring Break
Mar. 24- No School/ Staff Development
Apr. 10- PTA Elections/ Mad Scientist Night
Apr. 18- Student/ Staff Holiday
Apr. 21- No School/ Staff Development
May 8- Spelling Bee
May 16- Field Day
May 22- Fifth Grade Celebration
May 23- Early Release Day