Duval Dispatch
Growing a Garden!
Week of Dec. 9th
Hello Duval Community!
We really enjoyed hearing the stories of how all of our students spent their time off from school! And having the first snow day this last week made for a happy, chilly shift to Winter!
We have begun a few different drives at school to give back to our community. The first is the mitten tree. Students can bring in donations for hats, gloves, and/or scarfs and leave them on the tree in the foyer for donation. Students can also bring in food for the Food Pantry that we will be donating next week! Lastly, students are busy making holiday cards for different community members! We are excited to be giving back to a community that provides us with so much support!
This week is a busy week of learning! We will also be hosting the PTO meeting in the library on Tuesday, December 10 at 7:00pm for all of those who can attend. We hope to see you there!
Have a great week!
Dr. Marcus and Ms. Craig
Important Info
Winter Recess
Kids need fresh air and the ability to run and play. To that end, we go outside for recess as much as we can. Unless it is raining or is less than 20 degrees, we go out. We also let kids play in the snow, primarily if they have boots on. Now that it is legit cold out, students should come prepared for outdoor recess which includes a coat, hat, gloves/mittens, and boots for snow. If you need help getting any of these, please reach out to Dr. Marcus, Ms. Craig, or Mrs. Sewall.
We need YOU!
We need a Lunch/Recess Support Person from 10:45-1:45 each day for the rest of the year. This is a PERMANENT PAID position, and we would love to have a Duval community member take the position. Please email Dr. M asap if this might work for you.
Clothing (pants) for Nurse's Office
As the weather gets colder and clothes can get wet in the snow, Nurse Andersen is looking for some gently used pants of different sizes. She has plenty of shirts and sweatshirts at this point. Thanks everyone!
Food Drive LAST WEEK! Please send in food items!
Safety Notes
1- We STILL have kids going onto the playground too early before school. Students arriving early in the mornings may not come into the playground area until 8:55am. If we can't get this in check, we may be ending any before school time on the playground.
2- Students may NOT return to school on regular days until AFTER 3:30pm. There's enough going on that kids biking back before dismissal's over is just not the safest we can be.
3- No early dismissals after 3:10pm. If folks arrive at 3:10 or later, students will be called to come to the office when the bell rings at 3:15pm.
4. Please remember to bring a photo ID with you if are dismissing your student early.
Lost and Found
ONLY 2 weeks left!! We will be donating everything before December break! PLEASE come in and check it out, or let us know what's missing.
Also, PLEASE PUT NAMES ON EVERYTHING! It's the best way for us to get things back to you.
Last Week at Duval
Snow Day!!!
Upcoming Events
Dec. 10- PTO Meeting and Papa Gino's Night
Dec. 11- Duval Student Council Dolphin TV "Special Episode" at School Committee
Dec. 12- Second Round Raise Right Gift Card orders due.
Dec. 13- Annual Food Drive Assembly
Dec. 13- Principal and Asst Principal of the Day "take over!"
Dec. 16-20 SPIRIT Week, Annual Holiday Shop (during Library classes)
Dec. 19- Winter Concert by 1st and 3rd Grade. 9:45 for classes, 2:00 for 1st/3rd families.
Dec. 20- Early Release Day
Calendar Items for the Year. Click HERE.
For families of 1st and 3rd graders. Video on Youtube for rest of community.
We have two fun-filled weeks before a well-earned break for all. Please continue to send in your donations for Friday's food drive pickup. See the flyer below for a reminder of items requested by grade.
Our final meeting of 2024 is this Tuesday at 7:00 PM in the library. Free childcare provided by the National Honors Society. We will be talking Boosterthon, book fairs, and more. We will be playing a human version of Hungry Hungry Hippos, with the winner taking home a $50 gift card to Target!
The final deadline to order gift cards through the RaiseRight program is Thursday December 12th. Please order by then to ensure we can get you your gift cards in time for the holiday season.
Our elves will be setting up the Holiday Shop this Friday in anticipation of the shop opening on Monday the 16th. We are in need of volunteers that week to help the students do their shopping. Please see the Sign-Ups here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090849A8AC2EA5FA7-53600488-holiday#/
Thank you and have a great week,
Marshall Ottina
President, Duval PTO
Dolphin TV
Community Corner
Helpful Links
Infinite Campus Log In for classroom information. Need an Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account? Please contact Technology at 781-618-8100
The WHRSD and Duval School PTO Facebook pages.
About Us
John H. Duval Elementary provides a safe, supportive environment where children are able to reach for the stars!
Email: john.marcus@whrsd.org
Website: https://whd.whrsd.org
Location: 60 Regal Street, Whitman, MA 02382
Phone: 781-618-7055
Twitter: @DuvalElementary