Stowe November Newsletter #2
Thanksgiving Break - Next Week!
There will be NO SCHOOL on Wednesday Nov 27, Thursday Nov 28, and Friday Nov 29 next week for staff development + Thanksgiving break.
Winter Wear
District Policy: Outside Until -17 Degrees
As temperatures drop and snow is approaching, it is EXTREMELY important to dress your child appropriately for weather.
We are a Northern Minnesota school district - and district policy is that kids will continue to go outside for recess until it reaches -17 degrees Fahrenheit!
Additionally, Stowe is proud to have an emphasis on Environmental Education, and we prioritize getting outside even when it's cold!
We have extra winter clothing available at Stowe, please send an email to our school social worker Chloe Danielson ( if your student is in need of a coat.
The Duluth Kid's Closet is also a fantastic resource if you are in need of winter gear. Ms. Chloe also takes care of those referrals, just let her know you are interested via email.
PTA Movie Night - This Thursday
PTA Popcorn Fundraiser
Order forms and information on PTA's Kettle Kravings fundraiser will go home with students this week. Questions? Contact PTA at
What We've Been Up To...
Veteran's Day Program
Every year, we send home Hero Stars with students to recognize members of their families who have served. We put the Hero Stars up in the gym for display leading up to the Veteran's Day Program. Our fifth graders did an excellent job holding the flags.
Thank you Dave Blazevic for continuing to present our program every year, and THANK YOU VETERANS!
5th Grade Spelling Bee
Students with the top six spelling test scores in 5th grade competed in Stowe's spelling bee. Our finalists (in alphabetical order) were: Ava H, Greta G, Grace L, Talyn M, Sophia S, and Kiyan W.
Sophia S was our winner and will advance to the next round at Ordean East Middle Schooll! She won with the words "phantom" and "newfangled." Great job to all of our finalists, and good luck in the next round Sophia!
Important Dates!
November 27-29 (Weds-Fri): NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Recess
December 23 - January 1: NO SCHOOL - Winter Recess
Community Activities....
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About Us
Nathan Anderson, Principal
Kallie Riker, Administrative Assistant
Location: 715 101st Avenue West, Duluth, MN, USA
Phone: 218.336.8965