Bluejay Bulletin
GACC High School Happenings - January 17, 2025
Late Start on Monday, January 20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Due to the forecasted extreme cold temperatures of -23 degrees wind chill and an actual of -8 on Monday morning, we will implement a delayed start to ensure the safety and well-being of our students and staff. School will begin at 10:00 a.m.; students may start arriving at 9:45.
This delay will allow temperatures to rise slightly, providing safer conditions for school transportation. Please plan accordingly if you drop off your child at school.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we prioritize the safety of our school community. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school office.
No AM Pre-school and Pre-Kindergarten.
If Monday is part of your regular ECEC schedule, your child may come to ECEC.
Grades 9-12; P2T and Public AG courses will run as scheduled.
All after school programs and activities will run as scheduled.
Thank you for your attention, and stay warm!
Celebrate Catholic Schools Week January 26 - 31!
Joint Musical Cast and Crew Announced
- Annie - Campbell Snodgrass
- Molly - Anna Hugo
- Pepper - Adelyn Coughron
- Duffy - Becca Jansen
- July - Julianne Ridder
- Tessie - Madeline Thiele
- Kate - Ava Karnopp
- Miss Hannigan - Kate Jansen
- Grace Farrell - Mia Hunke
- Rooster - Brayden Doggett
- Lily - Adyson Luebbert
- Oliver - Warbucks Caleb Ridder
- Drake - Isaac Wooldrik
- Mrs. Greer - Allie Kaup
- Mrs. Pugh - Austynn Batenhorst
- Cecille - Emerson Meiergerd
- Annette - Ally Wolken
- Chauffeur - Melanny Saldana
- Man Servants #1 - Elijah Steffensmeier
- Man Servant #2 - Hunter Doggett
- Man Servant - #3 Gavin Johnson
- Apple seller - Jadyn Doggett
- Officer Ward - Elijah Steffensmeier
- Bert Healy - Ryder Anderson-Ray
- Bundles McCloskey - Gavin Johnson
- Sandy - Peri Guenther
- President Franklin D. Roosevelt - Collin Stigge
- Louis Howe - Isaac Guenther
- Star-to-Be - Kara Ridder, Kimberly Pena, Jadyn Doggett, Vanessa Santana
Ensemble/Chorus: Grace Hunzeker, Candela Abellan Alloza, Jessa Luebbert, Lizbeth Gonzalez,
Claire Stutzman, Taylyn Maas, Marie Wardyn, Viviana Morales, Alaina Eames, Ellison Doyle
Crew: Elizabeth Hasemann, Brooklyn Steffen, Natalie Ruskamp, Joelle Peatrowsky,
Tessa Lund, Abi Toline, Ashley Ruskamp, Paisley Skoda, Addison Baumert, Ben Oligmueller, Sabin Bales, Amiah Dirkschneider, Brian Rodriguez
Congratulations to all the Cast and Crew!
Service Hour Opportunity - Help Needed on January 25
Help from parents and students is needed for the SPA can drive on Saturday, January 25 at 9 a.m., located at North Mill Street. Service hours will be given!
First Semester Grades Are Now Available on Sycamore
Grades are now complete for the first semester. Junior High Students will have a Semester 1 Report Card, while Freshmen through Seniors will have a transcript. On the transcript, students will find their credits, GPA and class rank.
Corrections to 1st Semester Honor Roll
Karter Kampschneider and Mackenzie Steffen should have been listed on the Highest Honor Roll - All A's. Congratulations to Karter and Mackenzie!
SPA to Discontinue Paper and Cardboard Collection
The Guardian Angels Central Catholic Supportive Parents Association (SPA) has made the difficult decision to discontinue its paper and cardboard collection efforts. The final paper and cardboard collection will take place on Saturday, January 18, at 10:00 a.m. at the usual location on North Mill Street. After this date, SPA will shift its focus to its can collection, which will continue at the same site.
After years of serving the community through this program, declining reimbursement along with increasing costs and challenges with transporting the materials have made it no longer sustainable for SPA’s mission of supporting the school.
“We are deeply grateful to everyone who has donated, volunteered, or supported this effort throughout the years,” said Kacie Borchers, SPA President. “This program has been an incredible testament to the generosity of our community.”
For those looking for alternative ways to recycle paper goods, the West Point Transfer Station at 1251 E Sherman St. is an excellent option. The facility accepts paper, magazines, and cardboard, as well as plastics, tin cans, and used oil, allowing community members to recycle even more items. The transfer station is open Tuesday-Thursdays 8-5 and Saturday 8-12.
SPA remains committed to serving the Guardian Angels Central Catholic community and appreciates your ongoing support. "We ask the community to continue supporting us by recycling cans at our site as all efforts made by our committee goes directly back to the students, teachers, and school." says Borchers.
Start 2025 With a Pro-Life Calendar!
There are still 2025 GACC Pro-life calendars available! You can purchase them in the High School and Elementary offices, Flower and Gift Gallery, and St. Mary's rectory. The calendars are $20. Make checks payable to St. Mary's Pro-life calendars. Money raised from the calendars funds local Pro-life activities, speakers, supplies and our fair booth.
Upcoming Events
18 SPA Paper Trailer
21 FAFSA Completion Night, 5:30 - 7 p.m. at WP-B Multipurpose Room
24 Registration DUE for 2025 Steubenville Conference
26-31 Catholic Schools Week
26 CSW Breakfast, 7:30-11:30 a.m., GACC Cafeteria
29 Edge, 7-8:30 p.m., enter through the gym doors
31 School of Faith - NO SCHOOL
5 Life Runners T-shirt Day, students may wear their Life Runners T-shirts with uniform bottoms
13 K-12 Parent - Teacher Conferences, NO SCHOOL
14 Staff School of Faith/Professional Development, NO SCHOOL
15 SPA Paper Drive
17 Spring Break, NO SCHOOL
26 Edge, 7-8:30 p.m., enter through the gym doors
Attention! 2025 Steubenville Pre-Registration - Deadline Changed to Jan. 24
The Steubenville Conference provides students with an opportunity to focus on their Catholic faith with other teens. The conference invites teens to encounter Jesus Christ through dynamic speakers, engaging music, the Sacraments, small group discussions, and fellowship with other teens. Register NOW for:
Steubenville Conference
July 11-13, 2025
Held on the campus of Missouri State University in Springfield, MO
Current 8th-12th grade students are invited to attend
Parents, if you would like to be a chaperone or know of any young adults (18-21 years) who would like to join us, please contact Jen Kreikemeier for more information. Visit www.steubystl.com for information on this year’s theme and schedule.
$220 per Youth (includes conference fee, on campus housing, and 5 meals)
- OR -
$180 per Youth (includes conference fee, and 3 meals) + $ ADDITIONAL COST of a shared hotel room.
The above cost will be determined when we register online. If we are unable to secure housing on campus (it is limited), we will have to stay in a hotel.
+ To-go Sunday lunch for bus, and parish group t-shirt (approx $30)
+ Transportation (usually around $120 per person)
+ Extra spending cash for up to 3 additional meals, and any other food and souvenirs your child may want.
Options for fundraising:
4th of July - Neligh Park, Knights of Columbus food stand workers
Attendees and parent supervisors will have to work the stand to receive the funds. The amount that you receive will depend on how many students work that day. The Knights of Columbus have been very generous in the past, and we are extremely grateful for their support.
Scholarships - The application and further information can be found at steubystl.com.
Other - any other fundraising is left up to parents and attending students.
How to get signed up for the trip: (deadline January 28th, 2025)
Please completely fill out the pre-registration form (download the pdf below for the form).
Attach $50 (non-refundable deposit) - Checks payable to St. Mary’s
Submit the Pre-Registration Form & $50 Deposit to: (must have both to be complete)
the GACC HS Office -or- St. Mary’s Rectory Office ℅ Jen Kreikemeier
If you have any questions about Steubenville, registration, dates or payment, please contact:
Jen Kreikemeier
jen.kreikemeier@gaccbluejays.org 402-380-2010
2024 GACC Steubenville Group
GACC students, staff and parents are encouraged to participate in the American Red Cross Blood Drive on Monday, February 3, 2025, 12 - 6 p.m. at the Donald Nielsen Community Center. Please visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter: WestPoint to schedule an appointment.
Students can earn a service hour for donating blood. Sixteen-year-olds need a parent consent form signed. Consent forms are in the high school office. Seventeen-year-olds, no consent form is needed, but please inform your parents.
Yearbook Special Price Extended
The Early Bird special price of $50.00 for yearbooks has been extended until Feb. 1. Get yours now by clicking the link below to order online.
Counselor's Corner
Assistance with Southeast Community College Scholarships
At 1:45 p.m. on Wednesday, February 19, Abby Ross from Southeast Community College will come and work on scholarships for students who will be attending Southeast. Parents are welcome.
Girls or Boys State Applications Due Jan. 27
If you are interested in applying for Girls or Boys State, get Mrs. K. your resume and a paragraph stating why you would like to be selected to attend. Resume and paragraph are due to Mrs. K by Monday, January 27.
Attention State Employees - Tuition Opportunity
Did you know children whose parents are State Employees may qualify for 100% of their tuition to be paid at Northeast, Southeast, Metro and other Nebraska Community Colleges? More information can be found by downloading the PDF below:
We invite you to register for our upcoming spring events at SCC. Space is limited - Register today!
Careers in Technology Day
Lincoln Campus - February 12, 2025
Click the link below to Register:
Careers in Transportation Day
Milford Campus - February 18, 2025
Click the link below to Register:
Careers in Healthcare Day
Lincoln Campus - March 20, 2025
Click the link below to Register:
Join us for Discovery Day!
Discovery Day will give you the opportunity to experience SCC firsthand. Gain information about SCC's Programs of Study, how to pay for college, SCC support services, housing, activities, and more! A campus tour and lunch are provided. There is no cost to attend.
Discover your Path to Possible!
Beatrice Campus:
Monday, February 10 | Wednesday, March 19
Lincoln Campus:
Friday, February 28 | Friday, April 4
Milford Campus:
Friday, March 7 | Monday, April 14
Event times: 9:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Click the Link Below to Register
Dates for 9-12th Grade Students: Feb. 12, Apr. 23
Dates for 7-8th Grade Students: Mar. 12, Apr. 16
Students are invited to join a camp at the University of Nebraska at Kearney from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. to learn about health sciences, professions in healthcare, UNK scholarships, and other opportunities. There is no cost to attend. Students may come with their school or health science club. Camps will have no more than 50 students.
Why Should Students Attend?
Learn About Careers
It’s an exciting day for students to learn about health sciences and careers in healthcare.
First-hand Look
Participate in hands-on activities and interactive sessions all designed to help students learn about healthcare professions.
UNK Opportunities
Students learn how UNK is helping them to become successful through scholarships and other opportunities.
Click the link below to register
For questions, reach out to Sara Bruner at 308-865-8144 or bruners@unk.edu.
Share your idea for making a difference and earn a $1,000 scholarship. This is your chance to tackle a challenge and make your mark! Submit your 2-minute video to share your idea - big or small - and earn a $1,000 scholarship.
This competition is open to students in grades 6-11.
Eight winners will be selected to:
- Recieve a "Change Maker" $1,000 Scholarship to be applied when you come to UNL
- Personalized campus visit (in-person or remote)
- Lunch with the Dean of CASNR
- CASNR Team will visit your classroom (in-person or remote) to regonize the Change Maker Winner
- CASNR media feature of the Change Maker
The video needs to address one or more of the following Grand Challenges:
- Feeding the World
- Water for the Future
- New Energy
- Climate and the Future
- Biodiversity, Sustainability and Environment
- Health
- Engaging Diverse Communities
- Developing Tomorrow's Leaders
Contest opens December 1, 2024 -- Deadline is noon on February 1, 2025.
Hawk Visit Days
Northeast Community College is hosting Hawk Visit Days once a month this year! This year's dates include morning sessions only (9:30 am - 11:15 am/11:45 am if eating in the cafeteria).
• Tuesday, February 20, 2025
• Wednesday, March 5, 2025
• Thursday, April 1, 2025
Each session will include a tour of campus and our residence halls, a student panel, a Next Steps presentation, and lunch in our Hawks Point dining hall!
Registration is limited to 150 students per day on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Walter Scott, Jr. Career Pathway Scholarship
The Walter Scott, Jr. Pathway Scholarship supports students pursuing up to a two-year degree in approved skilled and technical fields of study. This scholarship covers full tuition and fees, plus room and board for up to four consecutive semesters. Download the .pdf below for more information.
GACC High School
Email: justin.wardyn@gaccbluejays.org
Website: www.gaccbluejays.org
Location: 419 East Decatur St., West Point, NE 68788