Graves Sailor Newsletter
September 24, 2021
*Para español por favor haga clic en "Translate” en la esquina superior al lado derecho.
Parents and students in grades Kindergarten - 4th Grade,
We know that this is not an easy time for everyone but we thank you all for your continued patience as we continue following CDC Guidelines and COVID-19 protocols. As well as, getting used to our new routines.
Please see the following newsletter for important information.
School Hours
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays
Entrance 7:50a.m.Dismissal 2:50p.m.
Wednesdays (Late Start)
Entrance 8:50a.m.
Dismissal 2:50p.m.
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade: Door #2
3rd and 4th Grade: Door #3
*Please remember to be on time. All students should be inside the building by
7:50am(M,T, TH, F)/8:50am (Wednesdays). We've had a growing number of students who are arriving tardy. We will be looking at students with chronic tardiness and be reaching out to parents in the next couple of days.
Upcoming Events/Important Dates
Monday, October 11: No School - Columbus Day
Homework Help
Don't Forget your Face Mask
Breakfast will be available every morning for students who wish to come in and eat before school starts. Door #7
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 7:30a.m.-7:45a.m.
Wednesdays 8:30a.m.-8:45a.m.
Please make sure to be on time so students have plenty of time to eat their breakfast since they have to be in the classroom by 7:50a.m.(M, T, TH, F) and 8:50a.m. (Wednesdays)
Thank you for your cooperation.
Technology Devices
As stated in the student handbook at the bottom of page 36, students will be charged if these devices get damaged or lost.
- Sleeve/Cover ($10)
- Charger ($25)
- Touch Screen ($115)
- Device:
- $200 for a device that is 2 years old
- $150 for a device that is 3 years old
- $100 for a device that is 4 years old
Keeping everyone safe
Please remember that if your child has any of the following symptoms they should NOT attend school until you have spoken to the school nurse. If your child attends school with any of the following symptoms you will be called to pick up your child and siblings immediately. Even though siblings aren't showing any symptoms they must be taken home as well.
· Fever (100.4 or higher)
· New onset of moderate to severe headache
· Shortness of breath
· New cough
· Sore throat
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
· New loss of sense of taste or smell
· Fatigue from an unknown cause
· Muscle, or body aches from and unknown cause.
If a student has had contact with a Covid positive person, they must be kept home, and the building nurse notified.
Please see the following chart for more information...
Social Work Corner
The Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) System will be known at Graves Elementary School as “The Super Sailor System” which has three basic expectations:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
It is our goal to make the understanding of The Super Sailor System clear and easy for all our students. Classroom teachers, with their students, will create behavior expectations for his/her classroom. We ask that you support our efforts by being a good role model for your child(ren) and reminding them of our expectations on a daily basis. We will continually be teaching and reinforcing these expectation throughout the year !
Graves School Social Workers
Celebrating Mexican Independence Day
Did you know?
Staying Connected!
Download our District App
Please download our free district app to stay up to date with district information. Search Summit School District 104 in your App Store.
School Webpage
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Summit School District 104
Please remember that the previous information is for students in grades Kindergarten-4th only.
For more information about our Preschool program please contact the
Pre-School Director, Kathleen Dunn at 708-546-7151 or at
Graves Dual Language School
Guillermina Arteaga