Eckstein Weekly News
January 31, 2025
Upcoming Dates
- Feb. 5: Eckstein Talent Show (7 pm)
- Feb. 10-14: SPIRIT WEEK
- Feb. 10 & 11: Eckstein Musical Auditions (3:55-5:30 pm)
- Feb. 11: Multicultural Night (6-8 pm)
- Feb. 11: Election Day - Two School Levies on the Ballot
- Feb. 14: Pep Assembly (PM Assembly Schedule)
- Feb. 17-21: Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
- Mar. 4: EIM Side-by-Side (7 pm)
- Mar. 6: Concert Band Festival (7:30 pm)
- Mar. 13: Orchestra Concert (7 pm)
- Mar. 20: Jazz Band Festival (7:30 pm)
- Mar. 27: Student Led Conferences (NO SCHOOL FOR EMS STUDENTS ONLY)
- Mar. 29: Band Solo & Ensemble & Orchestra Day
Eckstein Talent Show - February 5
Coming up on Wednesday, February 5th from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM is the Eckstein Talent Show! Both students and staff will present their acts ranging from comedy to singing and even some kung fu. Admission is free for this event. Doors open at 6:45 PM.
Eckstein Musical Auditions - February 10 & 11
This year we're thrilled to be doing AS YOU LIKE IT by Shaina Taub and Laurie Woolery. Yes, it's based on the Shakespeare play, but set in a contemporary modern world with a fantastic story and terrific songs (the cast album is available on YouTube, Spotify, and Bandcamp for those who want a preview of the music!)
We're also happy to introduce this year's Directing Team! Jon and Andi are returning from last year, and we're also welcoming two new talented folks to the team, Karin Terry and CJ Lorentz. We're all working theatre professionals in the Seattle area, and we share a joy in working with helping younger performers reach their potential and learn new skills.
Audition Packets are in the Main Office
Multi-Cultural Night - February 11
Please join us in celebrating the many cultures at Eckstein Middle School! Come and share about your culture and learn about others through food and music.
Tuesday, February 11th, 6-8pm, Eckstein cafeteria. (Enter by the garden)
Please bring a dish to share at this potluck event with a note detailing ingredients. RSVP here. We look forward to seeing you!
Feb 11 - SPS Levy Renewals
Why do schools need levies? State, local, and federal dollars fund school districts. There continues to be a disparity between what the state funds for education and what it costs Seattle Public Schools (SPS) to serve our students. So, every three years, the district asks voters to consider renewing expiring levies.
The district is asking voters to consider renewing two levies in the Feb. 11 election.
- Prop. 1 – The Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy continues funding for areas like student transportation, support staff, meals, special education, and student opportunities like athletics, music and art.
- Prop. 2 – The Building Excellence VI (BEX VI) Levy focuses on maintaining and improving school facilities. It funds renovation, repair and replacement of schools, as well as repairs to roofs, HVAC systems, and playgrounds. The capital levy also funds 90 percent of the district’s technology budget.
Ballots for the levy renewals will be mailed around Jan. 22 and are due to King County Elections by 8 p.m. on Feb. 11. Visit the SPS website to learn more about what the levies fund.
Spirit Week - February 10-14
Are You Taking Your Student Out for Extra Days Around Mid-Winter Break?
If you know that your student will be missing school around mid-winter break, please have them complete a Preplanned Absence form. Your student can pick one up in the Attendance Office. Parents/guardians need to complete the top and bottom portions. Students will then take the form around to each of their teachers. When the form is complete, students will turn it into the Attendance office to have the absence excused.
Student-Led Conferences Update
Hello Eckstein Families! Homeroom teachers will soon be reaching out to you to schedule a Student Led Conference on March 27, 2025.This is a NON-SCHOOL day for Eckstein students ONLY, so that we can hold these conferences. Your student will have the opportunity to share with you in a formal setting, their goals, accomplishments, and areas of growth. Please look for a message from homeroom teachers and sign up for a time on that day for you and your student to come to school for the conference. Remember, these are STUDENT Led, and teachers are only hosts this day. We look forward to seeing you March 27!
Attendance Matters
Health Guidance for Going to School
Showing up to school every day is critical for children’s well-being, engagement, and learning.
Make sure to send children to school if:
They are generally healthy and well and can participate in usual day-to-day activities, even if they:
- Have a mild cold, which may include a runny nose and/or mild cough that they can cover.
- Have eye drainage without fever, eye pain or eyelid redness.
- Have a mild stomachache.
- Have a mild rash with no other symptoms.
- Have head lice. Though they are annoying and should be treated, lice are not a reason to exclude a child from school.
- Have been fever-free for 24 hours without taking fever-reducing medicine such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen during that time.
Avoid keeping children at home unless they are too sick to participate in school. For questions, please contact our nurse, Amelia Kaune – 206.252.5017 or aakaune@seattleschools.org
School Avoidance
Children may avoid school due to anxiety (symptoms may include decreased appetite, feeling tired, stomachache, headache etc). If you are worried that your child may be suffering from anxiety, talk with the school nurse, social worker, or Wellness Center to discuss the challenge and identify what can help your child stay in school.
Needs and Leads with Ms. Davenport, School Social Worker
Amazon Wishlist: Eckstein Community Cupboard Wishlist
Thank you for all of your generous donations! We were fully stocked for this month's distribution. Currently, we are getting a demand for beanies and 2XL sweatpants. I know some people have told me there was an issue with the shipping address. I apologize for any inconvenience. The delivery address will always be
Erica Davenport
Eckstein Middle School
3003 NE 75th St Seattle, WA 98115
Eye Exams
Eyeglass vouchers are no longer being offered to school nurses for free. We have at least 20 students that need eye exams. If you happen to work as an optometrist or know of an establishment that would see our students for free, or a discounted rate, please let me know: esdavenport@seattleschools.org
Do You Have a Working Refrigerator You Can Donate?
Ms. Amsel, one of our Art Teachers, is in need of a clean, working refrigerator that you can deliver to Eckstein. She needs this for supply storage. If you have one, please email Ms. Detering at jrdetering@seattleschools.org
Save the Dates
Save the Dates
- Student-Led Conferences - March 27, 2025 - NO SCHOOL FOR ECKSTEIN STUDENTS ONLY
Learn more: https://ecksteinms.seattleschools.org/news/student-led-conferences-march-21-2024/ - Eighth Grade Promotion Celebration - June 17, 2025; 5-6:30 pm
Eighth Grade Cruise - June 18, 2025.
High School Open Houses
We will list the open house for high schools as we learn about them.
Nathan Hale High School Family Information Nights
We invite and encourage families who will be assigned to NHHS next year to attend our information evening in order to get a head start on transition to high school. We also welcome families who are assigned to another school but are interested in NHHS and are considering going through the Open Enrollment process.
Future and prospective parents/guardians and students are invited to join us for the following informational evenings:
Thursday, February 6th, 2025
6:00PM – 7:00PM Information Tables and Tours in Commons (last tour leaves Commons at 6:40)
7:00PM – 8:00PM Presentation and Questions in Performing Arts Center
Center School
The Center School in Seattle is a unique public high school that focuses on fostering creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration among its students. Located in the heart of the city, it offers a diverse curriculum that emphasizes arts, project-based learning, and student leadership. The school aims to create a supportive community where students can explore their passions, develop their talents, and prepare for future challenges in a rapidly changing world. With a commitment to inclusivity, The Center School provides an engaging environment for learners who prefer a smaller learning community.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Interested students and parents can RSVP using the QR code in the flyer or the link here: https://forms.office.com/r/YC1wdjaKUb
For more information on The Center School, we invite you to take a virtual school tour linked here: https://vimeo.com/703976333/ad1b681004
For inquiries about scheduling a Shadow Day, please contact Michele Hayes, Counselor at mrhayes1@seattleschools.org.