Trailside Academy
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March 2024
Our second annual Multicultural Night was an amazing event! We saw incredible performances from a local Mariachi student group and Guiding Mountain Dragon and Lion Dance Association. It was extra exciting to see one of Trailside's 7th grade students perform the Dragon and Lion dances! We are so grateful to all of our families who created booths to share information, games and food with our community. We had booths from Italy, Mexico, Greece, India, Japan, Vietnam and Croatia. We also enjoyed delicious food contributed by families and our Venezuelan neighbors. Thank you especially to all the volunteers who made this special night possible. We couldn't do it without your support! We are already looking forward to next year's event!
EL Education Partnership and Professional Learning through the Spring
This spring, teachers will engage in professional learning aligned to EL Education's Deeper Instruction Framework. This framework for daily instruction focuses on creating learning experiences that are Challenging, Engaging and Empowering. Trailside teachers are leading professional learning cycles for their colleagues with a narrow focus, application and peer observation. Thank you to Ms. Cardenas, Ms. Cerna, Ms. Cawley, Ms. Bemak and Ms. Pettinger for leading our learning! Click on the link for more information about the Deeper Instruction Framework.
Outside Food and Drink at Trailside
If your child brings a lunch from home, please ensure they bring it to school in the morning. Dropping off fast food or food delivery is disruptive to the school environment and is strongly discouraged. Additionally, students should not bring coffee or hot chocolate to school in the morning. Only water is permitted in the classrooms.
These policies help us maintain a clean and healthy school environment. Students may share fast food and unknowingly expose another student to an allergen. Coffee and hot chocolate drinks stain the furniture and carpet if spilled. Flavored drops or mixes that are added to water can make children very sick if too much is added.We have noticed an increase in the number of students with beverages other than water and an increase is fast food drop-offs. Please remember to only send water in a water bottle and a lunch packed in a lunch box. Starting this week, if fast food is dropped off, or if a student brings a coffee in the morning, we will refrigerate the item until the end of the day when it will be sent home. If you would like to bring a special lunch and eat with your child in the cafeteria, you are more than welcome.
Thank you for your help in maintaining a safe, focused and healthy school environment!
Multilingual students recently completed a project with Ms. Cardenas about their favorite foods and how to make them. They presented their posters to younger students.
Upcoming Dates
- Mar. 4 - 2nd grade Celebration of Learning at 3:00pm
- Mar. 6 - Late Start at 9:53am - No preschool (childcare open)
- Mar. 11 - No School (childcare open)
- Mar. 13 - Water Warriors with the Denver Zoo visits 3rd, 4th and 7th grades
- Mar. 14 - Trailside Science Fair
- Mar. 18 - Mar. 22 - No School for Spring Break (childcare closed)
- Mar. 27 - SAAC Meeting (open to all families)
- Apr. 2 - 8th Grade Trip to History Center Colorado
- Apr. 3 - Late Start at 9:53am - No preschool (childcare open)
- Apr. 12 - Butterfly Pavilion visits Preschool
- Apr. 8-18 - CMAS testing for students in grades 3rd-8th
- Apr. 19 - No School (childcare closed)
Order Your 2023-2024 Yearbook!
Thank you to Ms. Condon and middle school students for creating this year's Trailside Yearbook! Order yours today! Prices are $20 for a soft cover yearbook and $25 for a hard cover yearbook. Yearbooks will be delivered to the school in May. It is easy to order online at this link!
Kindergarten Music Performance on Valentines Day! Thank you Ms. Finch, for this special event. Students learned many songs and presented to their families and 1st and 2nd grade students.
CMAS Testing in April
Each year, the state of Colorado requires that students in grades 3-8 take an assessment in both ELA (English Language Arts) and Math. Students in 5th and 8th grades also take the assessment for Science. At Trailside, we will be testing the weeks of April 8th and April 15th. Teachers will share more specific schedules closer to that date. We ask for your partnership in getting students to school on time, well-rested and ready to show all that they have learned this year.
For questions about CMAS testing, please contact Mrs. Chua Vue, Assistant Director, vuec@mapleton.us or 303.853.3040. She is our School Assessment Coordinator.
Reminder - Early Dismissal
4th Graders practice the xylophones during music class.
8th Grade Families - Save the Date!
We will honor our 8th grade students with a Continuation Ceremony on Wednesday, May 29th at 1:30pm. There is still lots of learning to be done, but we hope all families of 8th grade students will be able to join us for this special event. Questions? Please contact the main office at 303.853.3040 or TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us.
2024-2025 Enrollment
Enrollment for next school year is open! This includes the Annual Update that all returning students complete each year. This is completed online through Infinite Campus. You can find easy to navigate links at www.mapleton.us. Please reach out to the Main Office (303.853.3040 or TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us) if you need help remembering your username and password.
All preschool students will need to complete the enrollment process to register for kindergarten, even if they already attend Trailside. All 8th grade students will need to choose a high school as well. For in-district families, the registration window opened on January 17th. For out-of-district families, registration opens March 1st.
Trailside Academy
Email: TrailsideOffice@mapleton.us
Director: Jessie Massey, masseyj@mapleton.us
Website: www.mapleton.us/trailsideacademy
Location: 2300 West 67th Place, Denver, CO, USA
Phone: (303)853-3040