GMS Weekly News and Notes
Weekly Updates
It was wonderful to welcome so many of our families to the building on Thursday night! Our hope is that the information and the conversations were helpful in establishing good lines of communication. We are absolutely committed to working in partnership with families to support the learning and the well-being of all of our students. Please don't hesitate to reach out any time we can be of help.
Any parent or guardian who is interested in a deeper level of involvement at the school is welcome to apply to be a member of our School Council. Per Massachusetts law:
"Councils are to assist principals by reviewing the school building budget and developing the school improvement plan. Councils may also take on other responsibilities, including policymaking, as granted by the local school committee. Councils' school improvement plans are submitted to the local school committee for review and approval."We currently have four open seats for guardians on the GMS council. If you are interested in membership, please complete the form linked below by Friday, September 27th.
GMS School Council Interest Form
Late bus service will begin tomorrow, Monday September 16th. Students who stay after school for athletics, clubs, or other activities may take the late bus home. Service will be available every Monday, Wednesday (except for half days), and Thursday through May. Students who take the late bus must report to the library by 3:20PM.
Finally, a note about school-issued chrome books. We have seen a number of damaged chrome books since the start of the year. While we do have a repair system in place, we do not have a very deep pool of loaner devices. It's important for students to remember that school-issued chrome books are an essential tool for students to be able to fully access the curriculum. They should be treated with care at all times, and used primarily for school-related purposes. Please review this expectation at home during the weekend.
Campus Highlight: 8th Grade Self-Portraits
From Ms. Robinson:
8th graders are drawing self portraits from selfies that they took using their chromebooks.
They are learning the traditional mechanical drawing process to map-out and draw their facial features. This is the start to the first unit of the school year.
Campus Highlight: Students New to Canton Breakfast
On Friday morning, our counseling team organized a special breakfast for all of our students who are new to the town of Canton this year. The students enjoyed donuts and other treats while hearing from members of our admin and support teams. We also enjoyed some fun games and a special appearance by the GMS Bulldog. A great time was had by all!
Marathon Monday!
We are excited to kick off year two of the GMS Marathon Reading Challenge! The Marathon Reading Challenge is a literacy initiative with two goals:
To create a school-wide culture of literacy.
To support students in increasing their reading stamina and fluency, while improving their comprehension.
The challenge encourages students to read twenty-six books in the school year. Specific details about the challenge can be found here. Just like last year, there will be prizes and events affiliated with this challenge, including a school-wide team competition.
Parents and guardians should be aware that, unlike classroom texts, independent reading books will NOT be vetted by English teachers. Please talk to your student(s) about the books they are reading to ensure their book selection aligns with your values and expectations. Thanks for your partnership on this fun new initiative!
PowerSchool Update
Dear Families,
We are pleased to inform you that the PowerSchool Parent/Guardian Portal is now open for you to review and update your demographic information, as well as manage media, handbook and device permissions for your student. This process will help ensure that your contact information is current and that you’ve provided the necessary permissions for the use of media and technology in our educational programs. To assist you with this process, we have created a series of helpful slides and a video that guide you step-by-step through updating your information in PowerSchool. These resources are available to help make the process as simple and straightforward as possible.
Please take a moment to complete these updates as soon as you are able. Should you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out—we are here to support you. If you have any problems logging into the PowerSchool Parent Portal system, adding another student to your PowerSchool account, or you’d like your student(s)’ Access ID and Password re-sent, please submit your issue on THIS GOOGLE FORM. A member of our tech team will respond back within 48 hours. Thank you, as always, for your cooperation and commitment to our school community.
GMS Cross Country
The sign up window for cross country is now closed. If you are someone who has already begun the registration process and/or been in contact with the coaches/athletic director, you still have an opportunity to complete the signup process. However, we will no longer be taking new students. The season is in full swing and we have a program record of 150(!!!) kids who have signed up or are in the process of signing up.
On that note we have our first race of the season this Thursday, September 19th. This is a home meet so we will be running here at the Galvin, and we are scheduled to start at 3:45. Whether you have a child in the program or not we'd love to welcome you to come cheer the team on!
For those of you involved who are still missing any part of the registration, you should know that we have decided on a firm deadline of this coming Thursday to get everything submitted. If you need the link to the athletics registration payment again, you'll find it here: PAYMENT LINK
Please reach out to athletic director Ryan Quinn with any questions or concerns regarding this.
We thank you all for your support, with a team this big it's going to be a huge undertaking but we're excited for the ride! Those who have been attending practice this week did a tremendous job; the reason we take so many kids is because they consistently prove themselves to be high character student athletes. We love seeing such strong enthusiasm for long distance running here at GMS!
-Coach Kulas, Coach Dineen, Coach Gonzalez, and Mr. Quinn
Unified Sports
"GMS has again been invited to participate in the Special Olympics Middle School Unified Sports League. The league will utilize Special Olympics MA and Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA) rules and will be composed of students with and without intellectual disabilities. The
League strives to promote a climate of dignity, respect and inclusion for students beyond the classroom. The Unified League will involve winning and losing, but the primary focus is on gaining new skills, meeting personal goals and participating with a team. We will be participating in Unified Bocce this fall, Unified Basketball this winter, and Unified Cornhole in the spring. Keep an eye out for information on how to join!" Coach Michelle Jackson, and Coach Julie Fogel
Hispanic-American Heritage Month Invitation
Today, September 15th, marks the beginning of National Hispanic Heritage month. Hispanic Heritage Month provides an additional opportunity to explore the incredible impact Latinas and Latinos have had on the United States for generations. The Latino presence in America spans centuries, predating Spain’s colonization of what is now part of the United States, and they have been an integral part of shaping our nation since the Revolutionary War.
At GMS, we will recognize and celebrate these important contributions throughout the month. Plenty of highlights to come in future newsletters!
GMS Step Team
Looking for an opportunity to make new friends and build socially. Do you have a passion for dancing/movement? Step or “stepping”, is a complex synchronized dancelike performance that blends African folk traditions with popular culture. Step involves clapping, body slapping, vocalizations, and dramatic movements.
As a member of the GMS Step Team, you will have the opportunity to perform with other GMS students at various GMS and community events in front of students and staff, and at Canton events. Regardless of race, heritage, gender, grade or experience, as long as you are serious about it, you are welcome to join! Please keep an eye out for when clubs are posted. LOOKING TO GET STUDENTS NEW TO CANTON AND 6TH GRADERS INVOLVED!
Please note, there will be a firm 2-day-per-week commitment expected for all team members.
Bulldog Nurses' Blip
Hello from the health office! We are up and running and starting off the new year fresh. Here are some messages for the coming school year.
Emergence of West Nile and EEE
West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) have been confirmed in Massachusetts this summer. These are mosquito borne illnesses that have serious side effects. To prevent mosquito borne illnesses, make sure you’re wearing insect repellant anytime you go outside (especially during dusk to dawn), and remove any standing water at home where mosquitos like to hang out. You can receive mosquito alerts through the board of health by following the link
https://www.town.canton.ma.us/List.aspx (enter email, scroll down to Alert Center and select Board of Health). Most people do not show symptoms of either illness but if they do, they can experience a fever, body aches, or other neurological symptoms that may lead to hospitalization. Reach out to your child’s pediatrician or your physician if you are concerned about illness in your family.
Seasonal Boosters
The Board of Health in Canton is hosting a vaccine clinic for the flu shot! The fair is 10/19 from 10am-1pm in the high school cafeteria. If you cannot make it at that time you can contact them and set up an appointment at 781-821-2942. They also have updated covid vaccines by appointment. The covid and flu shot are widely available at most doctor’s offices and local pharmacies.
We are ready for the cold and flu season, let's all keep each other healthy! We have a diverse community of people in our school that have various health needs. A small cold for one person can be a major illness for another. Please stay home if you have a fever, new onset of flu like symptoms, vomiting or diarrhea.
FIT-4-FUND$ is GMS CAPT’S ONLY fundraiser of the year! Fit4fund$ is a joint effort bringing together our school, community, parents, students and faculty in a fitness-based day of events.
FIT4FUND$ is held at the Galvin Middle School, and asks each student to choose a fitness-based event: WALKING - ROLLERBLADING - ZUMBA _ SKATEBOARDING - CAPTURE THE FLAG - BASKETBALL - DODGEBALL VOLLEYBALL, and more.
Students then collect donations and participate in a day of fitness based activities.
Our goal is to have every student participate!
GMS C.A.P.T. 's GOAL is 100% participation, with all students raising at least $75 through flat rate pledge donations students collect from family, friends and neighbors. Students can also raise funds through bake sales, yard sales, and change jars. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Please help us reach our goal!
Our FIT4FUND$ Kickoff Pep Rally will be Friday, September 27th. Each student will bring home an information packet on the 27th.
100% of funds raised as part of this campaign go to supporting special programming and activities that enrich the experience of our GMS students.
Examples of costs covered in prior years include: Agenda Books for each student, Special Presentations, Facing History, Amazing Hero Artist Rob Surette, Rhode Island Black Storytellers, The Fresh Ink Literary Magazine, Anne Frank Theatrical Performance, Field Trip Buses & expenses for trips to Maplewood, Gillette Stadium, and the Blue Hills; Teacher Classroom Requests; Technology for Students; and 8th Grade End-of-Year Events.
Important Dates:
9/27: Grade Level Fit4Fund$ Kick-Off/Pep Rally: Students get fundraising packets to take home.
10/10: Pledge sheet and donation envelope due back for Tug of War eligibility (X Block Room with highest participation will square off against teachers)
10/11: Fit4Fund$ Event Date - All donations submitted
10/16: Fit4Fund$ Rain Date (if needed)
Week of 10/21: Prize and Raffle Drawings announced during lunch!!
Via www.myschoolbucks.com Link will be included in the weekly GMS Principal's Corner emails.
NOTE FOR ONLINE PAYMENTS: If you pay online with a credit card number you will be charged a fee of 3.95% of the transaction amount. Whereas, if you pay online with an e-check (bank account info) you will be charged a flat fee of $0.25.
Most money raised: PRIZES for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place
Top X Block room PARTICIPATION by team : Tug of War with teachers.
Each student who submits a donation receives a homework pass!!
Top Team Participation rate wins a Team Prize!
50% of funds raised by 8th grade will be put towards year-end 8th Grade activities.
*Students must confirm with the teacher which assignments are eligible for homework pass *
The Canton Association of Parents and Teachers, CAPT, is a non-profit parent/teacher organization at the Galvin Middle School. Galvin CAPT strives to provide an enriched educational experience for Galvin students by supplementing their daily curriculum with related equipment, supplies, and programs/field trips not funded by the school district. This is accomplished through our yearly Fit4Fund$ wellness fundraiser.
This year we would love to add a Social Media Coordinator, Recording Secretary, and Fundraising chair to our board.
We welcome any and all help and look forward to another great year! If you would like to get involved, please complete this brief interest form.
Important dates to note
Wednesday, September 18th: Early dismissal day for students, school dismissed at 11:05AM
Friday, September 27th: School council application deadline
Thursday, October 3rd: All CPS schools closed in observance of Rosh Hashanah
Monday, October 7th: First GMS School Council meeting, 5PM, GMS Library
Monday, October 7th: GMS CAPT meeting, 6:10PM, location TBD
Wednesday, October 9th: School Picture Day
Friday, October 11th: Fit 4 Funds Day at GMS
Reference Links
William H. Galvin Middle School
Courtney Gaboury, Administrative Assistant
Jim Spillane, Assistant Principal
Karim Gibson, Dean of Students
Ginny Martin, Student Services Team Chair
Email: mulhernj@cantonma.org
Website: https://www.cantonma.org/gms/index
Location: 55 Pecunit Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 781-821-5070