9th Grade Newsletter
October 4th, 2024
As the quarter comes to an end next week on October 10th, there are few important dates coming up to mark in your calendars.
October 11th - No School
October 14th - No School
October 17th & 18th - Parent Teacher Conferences
World History:
In history we have just begun to talk about the colonization of the new world and will begin to look more into the causes and effects that colonization has had throughout history. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out!
Mr. Bottom
Physical Education:
All is well in PE! Mr. Amon/Mrs. Dreiling’s classes have finished playing Ultimate Frisbee. Mr. Turner’s classes have finished volleyball. This next week, we will begin a flag football unit. Students in Sports Conditioning have been doing great with their workouts. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have for your student!
*We will look to go outside as much as possible for PE (weather permitting). Please help us in reminding our students to bring water bottles and tennis shoes every day they have PE.
Contact Information:
Coach Amon
Phone 913-651-7371. Ext 4111 Email pamon@usd207.org
Coach Dreiling
Phone: 913-651-7371 Ext. 4110 Email: tdreiling@usd207.org
Coach Turner
Phone: 913-651-7371 Ext. 4138 Email: cturner@usd207.org
Avid 9:
Our first mock tutorial will be on Tuesday October 1st! Students will have time in class on Friday the 27th to start to complete their TRF. This should be done for homework and will need to be completed before class on that Tuesday.
We also have been working on Goal Setting and creating action steps to achieve our goals!
Just a reminder that students can check Google classroom for the Weekly Learning Plan, Vocabulary, Lesson Recordings, and Completed Notes. Please continue to check Skyward regularly to check that students are completing assignments.
Algebra students took a quiz on Monday and completed Module 2 “Equations in One Variable”. The Module Review assignment, p. 130-132: 1-23 is due Monday. The Module 2 Vocabulary Quiz will be Monday and the Test Tuesday.
Pre-Algebra students took a quiz Wednesday and continue to work in Module 3 “Integers and Rational Numbers” The assignment due Monday is p. 179-180: 7-12.
Geometry students took the Module 2 “Angles and Geometric Figures” Vocab quiz Tuesday and Test Wednesday. We started Mod 3 “Logical Arguments and Line Relationships” Thursday and will continue working in Mod 3 with a quiz on Wednesday, Oct. 3.
Thank you and have a great weekend! Mrs. Blount
6th grade artists are finishing their Crazy Hair Day projects, where they have been exploring wet-on-wet watercolor techniques, line, pattern and space. 7th grade artists completed Busy Background drawings, where they placed more emphasis on the negative space than the object they drew in the foreground. 8th and 9th grade artists have completed an observational drawing unit. They focused on drawing objects from multiple viewpoints in a realistic manner. Next week, 7th - 9th graders will begin their fall ceramics unit, where they will be designing and building masks.
Culinary Essentials:
Students are working on the Flow of Food. This follows food from the time it is received at the restaurant until it is served to the customer. This allows students to practice skills to keep foods safe at all stages of the process. Students should expect to have their Unit 1 on Friday, September 20th. Students have access to notes and slides provided in class to begin studying. ALL students will be required to earn a minimum of an 80 on the Safety test before cooking in class. **Reminder that all assignments from Unit 1 can be submitted up until test day to receive credit. All remaining assignments will remain a 0.
If you have any questions, please contact me at kcox@usd207.org
Foods and Nutrition:
Students are wrapping up their first Unit in F&N. Wednesday, September 18th will be the Unit 1: Safety Test. ALL students will be required to earn a minimum of an 80 on the Safety test before cooking in class. PLEASE encourage your student to study using the notes and slides supplied in class. **Reminder that all assignments from Unit 1 can be submitted up until test day to receive credit. All remaining assignments will remain a 0.
If you have any questions, please contact me at kcox@usd207.org
Principles of Biomedical Science:
Students extracted their own DNA from saliva (cheek cells) this week in a lab. The DNA was stringy and slimy but super cool to see! Next week, we will dive into the structure of DNA and how it is used to solve crimes. Have a super weekend!
Spanish 1:
9th Grade: Spanish 1 is working through 1B in Savvas. We are learning the grammatical structures of the Spanish language, concentrating on gustar, ser, definite and indefinite articles and adjectives along with sentence structures.
Speaking tests on the alphabet and Dicho #4 will be next week. We will also have a written quiz over colors. As usual, study guides are posted in GC.
Our current SW assignment is FEO with nuggets 1-10 due on 10 7 with a deadline of 10/10.
For Hispanic Heritage Month, students are doing an in-class presentation on a person who has influenced culture in the USA and perhaps throughout the world. Presentations begin on October 3rd.
Monday - Chapter 2 Mini Assessment #1, Continue discussion of 2.2, Assign Chapter 2.3 Notes for note quiz on Wednesday
Tuesday - Finish discussion of 2.2, Assign Chapter 2.1,2 homework that will be due on Thursday
Wednesday - Note quiz over 2.3 begin discussion of 2.3 Assign Atom Calculation #2 Due Friday
Thursday - Continue discussion of 2.3. Assign notes over 2.4 Note quiz will be on Monday.
Friday - Chapter 2 Mini Assessment #2 ( it will have a written part and computer part)
We had a great week in 9th grade ELA. Students worked on a webquest researching the march on Washington, and read through/listened to MLK’s “I have a Dream” speech. They had to thoroughly annotate four parts of the speech (wrote out their reactions, questions, summaries, and analysis). This coming week students will create and present blog posts on the speech, and we will start on “Hidden Figures.” Please reach out if you have any questions!
–Trace Gibson (tgibson@usd207.org)
Drama 8/9:
As our show draws closer, all of the pieces of tech (sound, lights, stage managers) have been added. In addition, the sets are coming together and the students are gathering their props. I’m excited for you to see our performance on October 8th.
Ms. Paradies pparadies@usd207.org
Students will have new news team production roles next week. They have wrapped up an interview lesson and will begin a longer project, Some Good News. This is based around the popular “Some Good News”, the news show dedicated entirely to good news, hosted by John Krasinski. This will be due on 10/9.
Engineering Essentials:
Students are working in small groups on designing an emergency supply package for natural disaster response. We did our first section of testing materials this past week. To culminate, students will deliver a 3 minute elevator pitch for their product on 10/10.
Students are working on writing essays using templates to help them write a five-paragraph essay with an introduction paragraph, three detail paragraphs, and a closing paragraph.
Nina Hewitt ESOL Teacher
Patton Jr. High: 913-651-7371
Have a great weekend!
- 9th Grade Team