Coy Weekly Update
Thank you for the school supply donation, Mercy St. Charles!
Welcome to Chance, Coy's Newest Family Member!
Third Grade Ohio State Testing in October
Third grade students will be taking the online Ohio State Reading Test on October 22-23. Please plan ahead and avoid scheduling appointments or time away from school on these days. Each testing session will be 90 minutes. You will want to make sure that your third grade student is well rested, well fed and prompt to school on October 22nd and 23rd in order to perform their best on the test. Should your child be late on either testing day, he/she will have to wait in the office until after the testing session is complete and take a make-up test at a later time. You may want to check out the 3rd grade sample test questions through the following ODE link- Each third grader must pass the Ohio State Reading Test in order to be promoted to fourth grade. Students will take the test again in April. Please encourage your child to do his/her best on the test!
Fall Festival Help Wanted ~ Friday, November 1st
The Fall Festival is coming quick! Our Fall Festival is a day filled with a variety of fall related activities. We are in need of volunteers to help run some of our events. If interested in helping with this day, please sign-up through the Sign-Up Genius link:
Nest News...
Our word of the month is Discipline!
Has your child turned in the Fridge Friendly Activity to earn their egg?
Ram Runners Grades 2-4
Attention Fourth Grade Students....
Happy Friday!!
Chance is officially here at Coy and it is so exciting to see how happy the kids are with his presence! Please ask your students about Chance so that you too can see their excitement! He will have a number of different handlers during his school day so that he will be exposed to all of our students.
Also, we have a member of the Knights of Columbus who is interested in purchasing winter coats for anyone in need. This is a great organization who comes back to help year after year. If this is something you are interested in, please send me an email ( and let me know male/female, adult/youth, and size!! We also will be able to soon use our Old Newsboys vouchers for boots, shoes, and coats but that has yet to open! More information to come on that! Have a great weekend!
-Mrs. Wilson
The nurse's office this week has been full of belly aches and sore throats/coughs. With the cold and flu season upon us, please familiarize yourself with our District Elementary School Handbook page 20. If you'd like to send in medication to help relieve symptoms throughout the school day, please fill out proper paperwork and a parent/guardian needs to bring medication into the school. Medication should NOT be sent to school with your student. This includes cough drops.
Be on the lookout for vision and hearing screening results coming home. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to me.
Nurse Nichole
Do you want to recognize an OCS Employee? Please complete the form below...
Lost & Found Items....Do I Belong to You?
Coy Collects...
Important Upcoming Dates:
6-11 National Fire Prevention Week
16 End of 1st Nine Weeks
22-23 3rd Grade Ohio State Reading Test
23 Coy PGA Meeting @ 6:30 - Coy Library
24 Practice School Evacuation
25 Nest Time - Wear Nest Shirts Today!
25 Grade Cards Come Home
28-Nov 1 Right to Read Week
30 Right to Read Family Night
Nov 1 - Fall Festival (more info to come)
Location: 3604 Pickle Road, Oregon, Ohio 43616
Phone: 419-693-0624
Twitter: @Coy_Rams